Alien God System

Chapter 1990: 100,000 years ago

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng felt a little nervous, but he immediately approached Di Ablo and said, "Say, tell me in detail about everything that has happened to this plane you are currently managing."

"Uh...who are you?

Why did I tell you so much? "

Huh! The whip shook in front of Di Ablo, and Yang Feng handed him a grinning smile.

Gurgle! After swallowing hard, Di Abro told Yang Feng the situation on this plane in detail.

Yang Feng stood up abruptly after hearing this, with an incredible look in his eyes.

One hundred thousand years ago?

That's right, Yang Feng now fully understands that the plane he is now in is the spiritual world that Jin Ling and Di Abro once managed.

It's just that this spiritual world is different from the spiritual world he once went to, and time and space are different.

This spiritual world was one hundred thousand years ago, and it was the spiritual world where Brother Shengzuo led the Holy Flame to behead the aborigines and replace it.

In terms of time, only 36 years have passed since this spiritual war.

It's just... how could it happen?

Why would I suddenly travel through time and space and come to this past plane?

Yang Feng paced around anxiously, thinking carefully.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

By the way, in that plane channel, when Kaba's palm was about to catch up with him, he used the law of time and space.

Is it because of the law of time and space that brought oneself to the plane of the past?

But this is impossible! When he used the law of time and space in the past, he could only act on the past and future time and space within the effective range, probably only a span of a few hours. It is impossible to span 100,000 years in one breath, although this is mortal. One hundred thousand years, but... Could it be said that the palm of Kabbah played a role in fueling the flames?

Yang Feng understands that Kabbah is a masterful master who understands the avenue of killing. Although his own laws of time and space are not enough to travel through 100,000 years, coupled with the role of Kabbah, it is very possible to open up an extremely far-reaching passage of time and space Throw it in the past.

Just like when he was in the Brahma Realm of the Big Dream, Brahma can allow himself to cross any time and space and even see his grown-up son.

He understood in his heart that the time and space that Brahma can control is completely different from the time and space of the Six God Realms, and the time and space of each human plane.

As a result, his current position is a bit embarrassing.

It stands to reason that in this time and space, he does not exist, then he is the black household of the entire universe.

Even if he could return to the God Realm, no one would know him and would only treat him as an intruder.

Then even if he is injured well, he will not be able to return to the gods.

He must return to his original time and space point again! But this also has an advantage, that is, the angry youths of the Asura Dao and the local Protoss will no longer hunt him viciously.

After all, now, those people don't even know who he is, so naturally they won't kill him.

At this moment, this is the safest environment for him, and also the most dangerous environment, because he doesn't know how the Six Dao God Realms will deal with him after discovering him as a dark household.

How should he go back?

Do you ask Kaba to slap him face to face?

Yang Feng was thinking carefully, planning his future path.

Di Ablo and Wen Liang looked at him and shook their heads for a while, frowned for a while, and then seemed to think of something. Their eyes lit up, but they soon sighed and murmured as they lowered their heads.

"Hey, mentor, what is he thinking?

Are you going to kill us? "

"No way?

If you want to kill, if you kill it early, why would you put us here? "

"But we know his identity, if he doesn't kill us, he might be exposed."

"His identity?"

Di Abro was puzzled: "What is his identity?"

"Hungry ghost road fugitive, fallen god!"

"how do you know?"

"He said it himself."

Taking a deep breath, Wen Liang will tell Yang Feng what happened to him just now, and solemnly said: "Teacher, you see, he has the exclusive equipment of the six gods of **** fire and the whip, indicating that he must be working in these two departments. Pass it.

Therefore, he definitely committed something, and the Fallen God of the Lower Realm did not run away.

And later, under my repeated questioning, he himself admitted. "

"It's no wonder that the soul is still so strong after being wounded. It turns out that his position was higher than mine before."

Nodded clearly, Di Ablo's face was bitter again: "But this is the case, the fallen gods are cruel and cruel.

We are planted in his hands today, and he will surely beat us to death and prevent us from revealing his whereabouts.

Alas, because of my hard work for a lifetime, I will be killed by the gangster before I can get a promotion and raise my salary. I am unwilling, oooooo! "

"I'm a talent, with a bright future, and a background in my family. A proper God Realm, rich and handsome, unexpectedly encountered this kind of misfortune during the internship in Hell Road. I would be slaughtered by the Fallen God, so I would be more wronged, OK?

Oh oh oh! "

With that, Wen Liang couldn't help but choked up.

For a while, the master and apprentice lay on the ground, crying like two aggrieved quails.

Yang Feng, who was thinking about it, was pulled back by the cry of these two people, and he couldn't help but wonder: "What's the matter with you?

Why are you crying?

People watched, and thought I did what to you. "

"Brother, do your best and give us a way of life. We promise not to report you to the top. I swear, swear to God!"

Di Abro wiped out two tears and looked at Yang Feng sincerely.

Raising his brows, Yang Feng took a deep look at him, but he smiled: "Once upon a time, a demon **** once said to me that you must not believe the devil's devil's words, because the devil's exclusive duties are deceptive.

Even if you swear to the Dao of Heaven, you cannot believe it, because deception is a privilege granted to them by the Dao of Heaven. "


Which demon **** is so irresponsible, saying such things?

Our devil is also a **** at any rate. How can we deceive people if we say nothing?

Ha ha! "

With a twitch of face, Di Abro couldn't help laughing.

Yang Feng smiled and looked at his stiff face, slandering.

It's you, you told me in 100,000 years, Diablo demon.

Unexpectedly, the future you will ruin your current credibility, hehe.

Wen Liang also glanced at his mentor diagonally, and said softly: "Tutor, isn't this your motto?

You did tell me that if you want to be a demon, you can't have a truth in your mouth.

The best demon **** can deceive the sky. "

"Shut up, you want to kill us?"

Di Ablo was angry and gave Wen Liang a stern look. Yang Feng laughed and pointed at Wen Liang and said, "I like you as an honest boy. To be honest, I admire you very much. You can go."


With a trembling at the corner of his mouth, Di Abro couldn't help being stunned: "Just let it be honest?

Uh, that...actually, I am also an honest teenager, a childish man. "

"I don't know if you are honest, but you are definitely not a teenager."

Shaking his head, Yang Feng's eyes were full of playful abuse: "Sorry, you have to stay, lest you turn around and report me to it, hahaha!"

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