Alien God System

Chapter 1991: In the calculation

"No, no, I won't report on you, please trust me!"

Di Ablo shouted anxiously at Yang Feng. Yang Feng coughed a few times, but smiled and waved his hand: "Don't shout, you have no credibility with me."

After walking around in front of the two of them, Wen Liang grinned slightly, and looked at Yang Feng humbly, "That... brother, can I really go?"

"Let's go, I appreciate you, let you go!"

"Oh, thank you brother, you are so kind, ha ha ha!"

Busyly nodding his head and laughing twice, Wen Liang took a weak pace and walked towards the door step by step.

Yang Feng didn't stop him, but Di Ablo roared in disgust, "Smelly boy, you just left, don't care about your mentor me?"

"Teacher, the couple are flying separately.

I only have an internship with you for one month. It is impossible for me to have too much affection with you. Don't look at me with such ruthless and unjust reproach. "

"Bahhhhhhhhhh, you're a forgotten bastard!"

Jumping with anger, Di Ablo was dissatisfied and hurriedly said to Yang Feng: "Big brother, you can't let him go.

This kid is very cunning. If he wants to go back, he will definitely report on you, with endless troubles.

I'm not provoking, I'm totally doing it for you, don't be fooled by him! "

"is it?"

Raising his brows, Yang Feng turned his head to look at Wen Liang and smiled: "My kid, your tutor has a lot of opinions on your character.

Are you such a person?

I let you go back, you still sue me up? "

I wiped your stupid mentor. It’s rare that one of us can escape the birth report. You actually... gave Di Ablo a fiercely, and Wen Liang looked at Yang Feng again, suddenly showing a flattering look. Smile: "How is this possible?

Brother, you have to believe in my character, and the grace of dripping water should be repaid by the spring.

Today, big brother let me go, it is no different than forgiveness. How could I tell you again and harm you? "

"Cut, don't listen to his nonsense, this kid..." Hearing this, Di Ablo immediately showed a disdainful smile, but Yang Feng just turned his head to him, so Wen Liang desperately gestured to him, winking, One hand makes six gestures, swaying in the ear.

After Di Ablo stayed for a while, Dang even understood.

Yang Feng saw that he stopped talking, but continued to ask, "What's wrong with this kid?

Is the character unreliable? "

"Uh, no, no, reliable, very reliable!"

Shaking his head in a hurry, Di Abro immediately changed his words: "The greatest advantage of this child is integrity.

Even if you ask him to assassinate six senior executives, as long as he agrees, he will know that there are tigers in the mountains and will go to the mountains.

Sometimes I feel that this child has an indiscriminate integrity. How can he not hesitate to know that something is wrong?

But he doesn't care, as long as he promises something to others, even if it breaks the sky, he has to stick to it.

Shaft, stern, no way. "

"Really, I can't see that this kid is so reliable!"

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng smiled unconsciously, smiling very happily.

Di Abro also hurriedly nodded in response: "Isn't he, he is such a stubborn temper."

Besides, even if you let him go now, it's useless. He, a soul that is seriously injured, can't return to the realm of God. "

"Well, it makes sense!"

Nodding slightly, Yang Feng looked at Wen Liang again and motioned: "Why are you standing here stupidly?

Not hurry up?

Why, you still want me to take care of your meal? "

"Uh...well, I'll go right away, right away, hehehe."

At first it was slightly stagnant, but soon Wen Liang nodded his head in excitement, and Di Abro was also very happy.

call out! Immediately afterwards, Wen Liang opened the door and turned into a streamer and flew away.

Seeing him leaving, Di Abro's eyes were full of hope. Yang Feng tilted his head and looked at him, but his face suddenly became cold: "Why are you smiling?

Do you think I really let him go? "

Uh! The smile stopped abruptly, Di Abro was taken aback for a moment, but he hadn't remembered yet... Touch! With a loud noise, he was knocked out by Yang Feng's magic whip.

On the other hand, after flying out of half a mile of the ground, Wen Liang fell into a gloomy forest and collapsed to the ground weakly.

Di Abro was right. With his badly wounded spirit, it is impossible to fly back to the gods.

However, even if he can't return to the God Realm, as long as he can get rid of Yang Feng's shackles, he can get in touch with the above.

Huh! A white light flashed, and a simple mirror appeared in Wen Liang's hand, and then he carefully looked at no one behind him, and smiled slyly: "Fool, thinking I can't fly back, so I can't report him to him?

What age is it now, do you still run errands by yourself?

Jie Jie Jie... I will follow the above video to say that there are fugitives here, so that they can quickly send God Shura to help us... "Sa! But, he has not had time to send out his spiritual thoughts to connect with the high level of the gods, a handful of them. The furious whip hit his throat.

As soon as his body became stiff, Wen Liang was stunned, and then he turned his head mechanically, only to see that at this moment, Yang Feng was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Little friend, you have failed my trust in you."

"Big...Big brother, what are you doing here?"

His lips trembled twice, Wen Liang smiled awkwardly, then looked at the mirror in his hand and said: "Um...I am a person who pays great attention to appearance. I took out this mirror to tidy up my appearance. Don't worry about it. !"

"You really think of me as an ignorant old hat, don't even know the magic mirror?"


Do you really know each other? "


bump! Yang Feng went down with a whip, Wen Liang's eyes went dark, and he fainted again.

After Wen Liang woke up in a daze, only at this time, he was taken back to the ancestral hall again, and Di Ablo beside him knelt on the ground lonely and sighed.

Yang Feng sat on the chair, with Erlang's legs upright, and playing with the magical mirror that was just confiscated in his hand, saying: "Di Abro, you have one of this stuff too.

Hand it in, or you will be killed. "

"No, no, he didn't!"

Upon seeing this, Wen Liang hurriedly denied it, but Di Abro gave a wry smile and sighed: "Smelly boy, don't say it, we are in the middle."


In the calculation?

What is the plan? "

"Following a trick to lure the snake out of the hole, he deliberately let you go, just to see if there is any communication artifact on your body.

If you have it, I will definitely have it.

Now, we can't even deny it, oh! "

As he said, Di Abro also flashed a light in his hand and handed over his magical mirror.

Wen Liang's pupils suddenly suddenly became anxious: "Can't make it, mentor.

As we are now, if we even hand over the magic mirror, we will be completely unable to contact the above. "

"Nonsense, if we don't hand it in, we will lose our souls, let alone contact them.

The most urgent task is to save your life, understand? "

Di Ablo gave Wen Liang a fierce look, and Wen Liang was silent.

After Yang Feng confiscated the communication tools of the two, he smiled evilly: "Now you are generally not a threat to me, but for the sake of insurance, or..." "Why, you have to kill both of us?"

Hearing this, the two were shocked and shouted at the same time.

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