Alien God System

Chapter 993: Silent Town

Three days later, Yang Feng yawned boredly and flew leisurely in the sky.

He has been flying for three days and three nights, but he still didn't see a place where people were crowded. There were virgin forests and Gobi deserts all over the place, inaccessible places, so he couldn't even find a place to find out about the local people. .

Knowing this long ago, the robbers from Gejiazhai brought him into the group, and he agreed.

At least you can find some who can talk, so you can clarify things in the spirit world before you talk.

Suddenly, Yang Feng was regretting that he was too eager to start, but he suddenly saw a prosperous town on the edge of the forest not far away.

Looking around, I saw a sign standing in front of the small town, Silent Town.

Hey, the brand of this small town is quite unique. How to use the word silent? Could it be that the people inside are all dumb?

Hey, it doesn't matter to him, as long as it is a human, it is a dumb, hahaha!

With a burst of laughter in his heart, Yang Feng dived, speeded up, and soon came to the entrance of the small town, and immediately heard the shouts of the various businesses inside.

Selling wine, Hejia Daqu, good wine, you can buy it without losing money. "

Sugar man, sugar man, sweet sugar man. "

Selling cloth, the best silk cloth! "


The whispering voice filled Yang Feng's ear canal, Yang Feng was overjoyed and secretly said.

Isn't this shouting loudly? How is it called Silent Town?


Reluctantly shook his head, Yang Feng stepped in and swept around, but he didn't know it, and he was taken aback.

It turns out that this spirit world also has masters of the battle emperor magic spirit level, but these masters are all a sect master in the lower realm, martial arts supreme, and worshipped by aristocratic families, but they can only make a living by doing small transactions here.

Sure enough, the starting point of the spirit world is high, and even the battle emperor Shuling here is just a trafficker.

Eh, give us two steamed buns, let me taste the difference between the steamed buns here and ours. "Passing by a bun stall, Yang Feng looked at the freshly baked, steaming big meat bun, and he was immediately greedy.

Seeing a visitor came, the hawker immediately wrapped two big buns and handed them to Yang Feng.

After Yang Feng took it, he threw a piece of Xuan Jing directly over, saying very freely: No need to look for it! "

Oh, wait, gentleman, you..."

Okay, I said no need to find it! "

No, I mean, you can't be a money maker! "


Yang Feng froze for a moment and was stunned: Isn't the money in the spirit world Xuanjing? "

Sir, did you just fly up from the lower realm? "The man looked at Yang Feng's suspicious eyes, he understood everything, and smiled: The spirit world uses spirit stones, and the profound crystals of the lower world don't work well here!"

is it? Lingshi? What does Lingshi look like?

Yang Feng looked around, and saw that in front of the other vendors on the street, someone took out a crystal clear oval stone and handed it to them. It was a spirit stone if he wanted to come.

Moreover, Yang Feng could clearly feel from the stone that spiritual power was a hundred times stronger than Xuan Jing, not only in quantity, but also in quality.

I want to come to the spirit stone stored in the fairy spirit power.


Yang Feng pondered for a while, raised his hand to grab two black handprints on the two buns, and then handed them back: I just came to the spirit world, I really don't have the money here. Give these two buns back to you. "


With a twitching face, the hawker looked at the black handprints on the snow-white buns, suddenly speechless, smiled bitterly: Sir, the buns are dirty, how can I sell them? Forget it, when I was unlucky, these two buns were given to you, hurry up and go. "

Thank you, I will make up the money for the buns in the future. "

Raising his brows, Yang Feng smiled and left triumphantly.

The peddler glanced at him sideways and reminded: The one who has just ascended from the lower realm is not easy to break into the spiritual realm. You'd better report to the gods first. He takes good care of the newcomer so that you don’t rush outside and die. I don't know how to die. "

God? "

With his eyelids rolled, Yang Feng smiled dismissively: Who is he? Without him, am I going to die outside? "

God is a person who has just ascended to the spirit world more than ten years ago, the mayor of our silent town. To be honest, if God hadn't built a silent town here, and let us have a place to stay, most of us would have died. "

What, God came to the spirit world more than ten years ago? "

His body shook, and hope suddenly appeared in Yang Feng's heart.

In their lower realm, no one has ascended for more than two thousand years, and the only ascending record was when Yu Chan and her father took her away ten years ago.

Moreover, her father seems to be called Heaven, anyway, after a long time, he forgot, is this God...

With his fists tightened, Yang Feng immediately asked with excitement: Is there a daughter beside this god, who is at a young age and looks very beautiful? "

Yes, his daughter is a flower in our town, and many people pursue her. "

Sure enough, I found it, it was Yu Chan and the others. "

With joy on the face, Yang Feng danced with excitement. He never expected that Yu Chan's family could be found so soon. Is this the spiritual world too small, or is the couple too predestined?

But soon, Yang Feng's face sank again, and he muttered: What did you just say? Many people pursue her? "

Yes, God's daughter, the country is beautiful. If it were not for a bad background, it would not be a problem to marry into a family. In our silent town, there are many natural admirers, but it is a pity that none of them look down upon it. "

Nonsense, a married woman who gets together with you, isn't the red apricot out of the wall? Of course I look down on it. "

what? Married woman? "

The hawker was taken aback, and said in astonishment: You mean the goddess' daughter, there is already a man? Impossible, I have never heard of it. Where did you hear the news? "

I still use it? Lao Tzu is her man! "

What you? "

Yes, Lao Zi Yang Feng, just came to see my father-in-law, that god, who brought my wife back, hum. "A rough breath came out from his nostrils, and Yang Feng left proudly.

Finally, it's time for the couple to reunite.

Then, Yang Feng inquired all the way and found what God's residence was.

As the mayor of this silent town, he carried a handle, but his house was relatively ordinary this day, and he built a small courtyard in a bamboo forest in the northwest corner of the town.

He was about to see his father-in-law soon. Yang Feng adjusted his clothes and patted the gate of the bamboo row yard. After a while, the gate opened with a squeak, and a girl who was twenty or so came out from the inside, her eyes wide open, and she was full of water. Yes, although not charming, but extremely pure and moving.

Yang Feng didn't even notice it, and didn't know what to say.

But the girl took a deep look at Yang Feng, and said suspiciously: Who are you, why have I never seen you before, why come to our house? "

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