Alien God System

Chapter 994: Scum


After groaning for a while, Yang Feng couldn't help coughing, and smiled proudly: I am the son-in-law of God, come to see my husband and take my wife home, hehe hehe. "

what? son in law? "

She shook her body, and the girl's cheeks reddened slightly, and her eyes were filled with anger: Who is your wife? Don't spread rumors about making troubles or ruining people's reputation. You are a prodigal son. "

Destroy the reputation? How to ruin Qing reputation?

After blinking his big innocent eyes, Yang Feng explained again: Girl, what I said is true, God is really my husband, and his daughter is my wife. We have been married for more than ten years. "

Do you dare to talk nonsense? Find a fight! "

The anger was even worse in the heart, and the woman shook her palms together.

In an instant, countless cyan winds hit like a flying knife, like Yang Feng. The sharp voice pierced people's eardrums.

First-grade elementary wind martial arts, Qingfeng Slash! "

Yang Feng raised his eyes and saw that this girl was a level 52 cultivator, far behind those of the Tribulation Dao, and there is no earth-level elemental energy bonus, but this technique with immortal power is compared to the lower bound. Those five must-dos are still inexhaustible.

However, compared with Yang Feng, he was almost.

Even at this moment, Yang Feng ascends to the spirit world, after the system is upgraded, he has already automatically broken through, becoming a level 51 master, one level behind the little girl, but after all, there are so many methods on his body that he will not take this little girl. Looking ahead.

Wind is a wood element, Jin Kemu!

With a loud shout in my heart, the golden wings behind Yang Feng suddenly spread out, and with a sudden wave, all those wind gangs were blocked.

The girl was surprised, and said: Earth-level gold magic weapon? Did you soar from the lower realm? "

Yes! "

Nodded faintly, Yang Feng smiled and said: Little girl, you are my old wife who finds a maid for my wife. Go back to report and say that my son-in-law is here to see the old wife and see my wife, hahaha. "


Hearing what he said, the girl was suspicious again: Do you treat me as a maid? "

Is not it? "

Staring at her tightly, Yang Feng guessed again: Could it be that you are my wife's sister? Is that my sister-in-law? Disrespectful! "

Yang Feng smiled all over his face, with a sunny look on his face. He didn't seem to be a wretched person. He was deliberately trivial to her. After a little thought, the girl asked: What is your name? Why did you run to my house to recognize your son-in-law? "

Under Yangfeng, my wife's name is Yang Yuchan. Ten years ago, Lao Zhangren took my wife to ascend to the spiritual world. He seemed to be called the heaven, I forgot. But in our lower realm, for two thousand years, before me, he has ascended. And after I came here, I heard people say that the goddess also ascended ten years ago, and there is a beautiful daughter. It must be my husband and wife who didn’t run away, so I came to visit him and invited him People forgive. "


She couldn't help but snickered. The woman finally understood now that everything was a misunderstanding. She couldn't help but sneered: She can't even remember the old man's name, she deserves to take your wife away. "

Hey, this old man suddenly appeared from a crack in the stone. I can't remember it, it's normal, and it's a trivial matter. The point is, I beat him at the time, so I was afraid that he would hold grudges and would not let me see his wife again. "

what? You actually beat your old husband? You scumbag, do you have the morals of respecting the old and loving the young? "

No, I was drunk then? So confused, he beat him down. Thinking about it now, I have always regretted it. "

After spitting out a long breath, Yang Feng raised his eyes and looked at the gate of the courtyard, with a look of expectation: That girl, you help me to inform me that my son-in-law has come to admit my mistake with the old man and let him see him I. "

No need! "

No need? why? You haven't notified yet, why..."

I mean, you don't have to..."

Rolling her eyes, the woman laughed as she was about to explain, but only heard an angry shout, and suddenly sounded: Linglong, is this man your new love? "

Brother extraordinary? "

Her body trembled, the woman listened to this familiar voice and looked up, only to see that a handsome and energetic man stood in front of her for some unknown time, but his face was a little cold.

The woman was full of surprise, and immediately rushed over: Brother Fanfa, you are finally back. "


Apart from anything else, the man slapped the woman directly, slapped the woman with a big ear, and instantly slapped the woman stupid.

It's not just her, even Yang Feng was stunned to see from the side.

What's the matter, the two of them look like a pair, but what about one is as passionate as fire and the other is as cold as ice?

Are you the new man Linglong is looking for? "

Without seeing the woman's idiotic eyes full of tears, that Brother Feihua stared at Yang Feng indifferently.

Yang Feng is full of black question marks: Who is Linglong? Her? We just met, buddy, don't get me wrong. "

I did not misunderstand, I just ask you, are you talking to people outside, are you the son-in-law of God? "

Of course, I am God’s son-in-law, but I just told the bun seller..."

Is it the kind of cooked rice made from raw rice? "

Of course, I can't be more familiar with each other, and his daughter and I are old and old. "Yang Feng stood out, very firm.

Na Linglong wanted to cry without tears, shaking her head constantly.

Brother, don't talk nonsense, you made a mistake, you found the wrong person.

Brother Fanfa, don't listen to his nonsense, it's all a misunderstanding, listen to my explanation, he is..."

Okay, no need to explain. I, Zheng Feifei, is also a person of identity in Wujiapu anyhow. How can I marry a woman like you again? Linglong, don't come to me in the future, we are over. "

With a cold smile, Zheng Feifan didn't even glance at Linglong, turned his head and left, unspeakably unfeeling.

Linglong's body stagnated, instantly dumbfounded.

She never expected that this childhood sweetheart who grew up did not listen to her explanation at all, and left so heartlessly, why didn't she believe her?

This is really a misunderstanding.


Yang Feng seemed to have noticed the strangeness here too, grabbing Zheng Feifei's shoulder, and shouting: Wait a minute, brother, I think you have misunderstood something? The three of us stroke this matter again and figure it out, don't let Lao Tzu be back, you also save a green hat, don't you? "

No need, now this woman has nothing to do with me, no matter how heavy the hat is, it doesn't matter to me, huh! "

With a sneer, Zheng Feifei strode forward again, but suddenly discovered that he couldn't move anymore.

His shoulders seemed to be pressed by a high mountain, making it difficult for him to move.

how is this possible? I, the Lieutenant of Wujiabao Soldier Ma Si, a senior officer in charge of nearly a hundred people, a strong second-tier samurai, and now even if I meet the gods, I can’t help but be in such a shabby place as Silent Town. The wild boy who emerged from nowhere can't move his shoulders? Simply outrageous!

The brows trembled, Zheng Feifan's face was both surprised and strange...

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