Alien Knights

Chapter 39 Hard Fight

The pirate leader Sakru walked at the forefront of the team, and the fifteen warriors of the tribe were distributed behind him in a fan shape.

Following the forest path, stepping into the unfrozen soil, the boots stepped on the ice slag and gravel, making a cracking sound of "click, click".

Sakrue suddenly raised his right hand, signaling his team to stop. He knelt down on one knee, half squatted on the ground, looked at the puddles on the road that were sunken but not yet frozen, and fell into deep thought.

A sudden feathered arrow flew from the bushes in the forest, and slantedly stuck in the trunk less than three meters away from him.

"Enemy attack!"

Accompanied by deep roars, the pirates took off the round shields on their backs one after another, and drew out their long swords and axes. They lowered their bodies, lowered their center of gravity, and raised their shields to their chests. The fighters in the rear stepped forward, and the fighters on both wings spread out sideways. In just a few seconds, an iron triangle "shield wall" was formed.

Huggins punched the dirt under his body hard, and looked behind him angrily.

A minor soldier in the militia regiment stared blankly at the bowstring that was still shaking in his hand, feeling uneasy.

Inexperienced troops, tension and confusion, once ignited by one person, are like a drop of ink falling into a glass of clear water, and the entire team will lose control in an instant.

One after another, the sound of the bowstring being released exploded in the militia group; one after another, the arrows flew chaotically towards the formation of the pirates.

The arrow drew a circular arc in the air, and part of it collided with the shield, making an irregular bang bang sound, like water droplets falling on the umbrella surface in a rainy day, but more of them missed the direction and fell to other places.

After half a minute.

After firing several rounds of bows and arrows, the only damage left to the pirates was the small holes on the surface of the shield.

The sixteen pirate fighters were not injured at all.

The first domino has been toppled.

The group of believers with halberds jumped out second. Under the leadership of the leader, they rushed out of the bushes, formed a nondescript "line array", and launched a second round of attacks on the pirates.

At the same time, seeing the melee between the believer group and the pirates, the militia group, worried that they would accidentally injure the friendly army, stopped their bow and arrow attacks and looked at each other, but they didn't know what to do.

Todd was a little dumbfounded. This battle was completely different from what he had imagined. Looking sideways at Huggins, he asked uncertainly, "Isn't this a tactic that was discussed at the combat meeting?"

"I made a mistake." Huggins lifted the long sword in his hand and pushed aside the bushes in front of him: "A huge mistake!"

The halberd hit the shield, and sawdust flew across, making a loud noise.

Inspired by the Heavenly Father, these believers who voluntarily join the church and undertake the guarding work are a group of devout believers, but they are definitely not a group of soldiers who are good at fighting.

On the surface, the triangular formation formed by pirate fighters retreated steadily after being attacked by the group of believers.

But the gaps between the shield walls are getting smaller and smaller, the positions of the soldiers are getting closer and closer, and the formation of the pirates is getting closer and closer. On the other hand, the believers, the halberds who have been dazzled by the battle, stand scattered and disorderly, and their attacks become weaker and weaker.

Sakru put his left foot on the ground, and observed the situation outside the shield wall through the gap. Suddenly there was a loud roar, and the double-edged ax in his right hand struck hard on the shield.

Fifteen soldiers shouted in unison.

The sixteen shields were turned from bottom to top, and the members of the believer group who were closest were knocked to the ground in an instant, and then were disemboweled and separated by the long sword and ax blade that fell from the air.


There was another roar.

The shield wall moved forward by one meter, another shield strike plus chopping, limbs and blood splashed again.

The morale of the believers began to drop, some people were still holding on, and some chose to retreat.

Realizing that the halberd array in front of him became sparse, the pirate leader raised the huge double-edged axe in his hand, and slashed horizontally with all his strength, an enemy standing in front of him was split in half from the waist.

The morale of the believer group collapsed completely, and everyone dropped their weapons and fled for their lives into the depths of the forest. This move triggered the militia group to join the fleeing team.


Thakroo moved his shield to his side, the blade of his ax pointed straight ahead.

Fifteen fighters wiped the blood off their faces, removed the shield wall, stood in a row, and began to charge forward.

The roles of attack and defense were immediately reversed. The attacker a few minutes ago became the target of massacre. The battlefield was like Shura's purgatory, a mess.

The group of believers holding halberds was broken up by the well-trained and fearless Bei Dao fighters with a charge.

Sakru, the leader of the Beidao fighters, looked to the back of the battlefield, stared at the edge of the forest, and shouted loudly in Beidao: "Leave these guys alone! Kill their leader!"

Quickly passing through the chaotic group of believers, the sixteen Bei Dao soldiers were like a sharp sword, directly inserting into the rear of the Church Legion.

The militiamen, who only had bows, arrows and daggers in their hands, had no power to parry when they faced the Bei Dao soldiers with strong individual combat capabilities.

People dropped their bows and arrows, and fled in all directions like a group of rabbits encountering a beast.

The Bei Dao fighters without any resistance, after breaking through the formation of the militia, faced their final opponent - the Knights of the Holy See.

A knight in plate armor put down the visor on his helmet, held a heraldry shield in one hand, and a one-handed hammer in the other, and faced the pirate.

He first resisted the opponent's long sword attack with the shield, and then kicked forward violently. The steel greaves hit the pirate's unprotected knee, causing the opponent to scream and fall to the ground.

Then, the knight turned the one-handed hammer over and hit the injured man's chin forcefully, smashing the mandible into the skull. The other party didn't even hum, and turned into a corpse.

Only Todd, who had watched war scenes on TV, had never seen such a cruel scene.

The blood and brains splashed by the deceased splashed onto his clothes. The impact of the scene in front of him and the smell of blood in the air made Todd's face lose all color, and his body began to tremble unconsciously.

A Bei Dao soldier found Todd hiding in the woods on the battlefield, and looked at the young man in a monk's robe, surrounded by all the knights. Like a hunter who has spotted his prey, the warrior picks up the ax and accelerates toward the target, shouting.

Huggins, who was struggling to fight a North Island fighter, saw the scene in front of him, and he was in a panic. He shouted in the direction of Todd: "Run! Run!"

Todd, who possessed the ability of speed, looked at the enemy who was getting closer and closer, his feet seemed to be rooted on the ground, unable to move at all.

Before going to the battlefield, Todd thought everything was too simple, thinking that with the ability, he could avoid all dangers, but when he faced the reality, he realized that without a strong will, no matter how powerful the ability is, it is just a decoration.

Watching the ax slowly fall towards the top of his head, Todd completely lost the ability to think.

At this critical moment, a large sword appeared out of thin air and hit the ax fiercely, defusing the fatal attack.

The sound of metal clashing woke Todd up, and he looked behind him.

The whole body was covered with iron armor, and the knight named Alfonso de Cavo held a giant sword in both hands, protected Todd behind him, and met the enemy.

With his right foot in front, Alfonso swung his arms vigorously. The blade of the big sword drew a deep mark along the ground, and then hit the shield of the Beidao warrior again at a tricky angle.

There was a loud bang.

Under the attack of the big sword, the sturdy shield was actually torn apart, and the chest of the Bei Dao soldier was cut open by the blade, and the sound of ribs shattering could be heard clearly. The latter looked at the wound on his chest in disbelief, fell straight back to the ground, and made no more sound.

Looking at the tall figure in front of him, Todd, who escaped from death, was still in shock. Just as he was about to say thanks, an unexpected scene happened.

Seeing the tragic death of his people, the pirate leader Sakru roared angrily.

I saw him taking off his helmet and taking off his clothes, his body covered with scars was glowing with a strange red color.

A few seconds later, something that surprised everyone happened.

The blood vessels on the surface of Sakru's body became thicker and throbbing, the muscles of his body expanded rapidly, and his limbs and feet gradually became larger. The originally tall figure actually grew bigger again, and the enlarged version of the double-edged ax seemed to shrink to an ordinary size in his hands.

The rest of the pirates backed away in fear, shouting that the evil god is coming.

Huggins turned his head and looked at Todd, both of them had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

The latter uses the ability of perspective to look at the pirate's body. Sure enough, a leech-like parasite was entrenched in his adrenal gland, just like Jerry's, except that the parasite in the pirate's body was much bigger, about 30 centimeters long, and even evolved spines and tail needles.

Sacre kicked his feet hard, and the ice on the forest floor was lifted into the air by a huge force brought by his heels.

His body was like a cannonball, locking on to a knight of the Holy See who was closest to him, and hitting the opponent's shield hard.

The latter was directly knocked into the air, and the shield was thrown out of his hand.

Sakru rushed forward and came to the fallen knight, saw that the opponent was still on the ground, and struck head-on with the huge ax in his hand.

Seeing that the knight was about to die on the battlefield, a crossbow accurately pierced Sacre's chest with the sound of piercing through the air, interrupting the fatal attack.

However, the crossbow bolt that was supposed to pass through the body was directly stuck inside because of the swelling and solid muscles.

Walton slowly put down the crossbow, looked at the berserk giant in the distance, and said to himself in surprise: " this body still a human?"

Alfonso de Cavo, wearing heavy chain armor, waved his hand to keep Todd away from the battlefield, while he himself raised his two-handed sword, jumped up from the ground, and jumped towards Sacre, his figure was like a goshawk about to pounce.

The two weapons struck together, and the sharp and ear-piercing sound of the impact spread throughout the forest, causing the resting birds to flutter their wings.

Sakru turned the handle of the ax and slashed horizontally. The wind pressure from the ax body knocked away the snow several meters away. Alfonso kicked his heels on the tree trunk, bent his body to form an impossible arc, and avoided this attack in a way that completely violated the common sense of physics.

The two fought, every time the weapons intersected, sparks flew everywhere, every time the figures crossed, the ground shook and dust was scattered.

Sacre represents the ultimate power, and Alfonso possesses perfect combat skills.

Todd opened his mouth wide, watching the battle in front of him, and only four words came to mind: "The gods fight."

Taking advantage of this gap, Huggins cooperated with several other knights to resist the attack of the remaining pirates and gradually grasped the situation. And those militia groups and believer groups that retreated saw the balance of the battle turn to their side, and returned to the battle.

Eventually, the battle was over.

It lasted an hour from start to finish.

The church side killed 27 people and seriously injured 11 people. The dead were mainly members of the Believers and Militia. Only one of the Holy See knights was seriously injured. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured after being treated.

The pirates killed six people and captured ten people. Those arrested include the pirate leader Sakru, who collapsed after the statute of limitations expired and the parasite fell asleep.

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