Alien Knights

Chapter 40 Prepare to go to sea

"Master Todd, our loss is too great!" A Holy See knight looked at dozens of corpses covered in white cloth, and said to Todd worriedly.

The latter nodded, looking at the frozen soil covered with blood under his feet, feeling lingering fear.

The knight moved closer and lowered his voice: "Going back like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Father Paul to deal with."

Knowing that the other party is kind, Todd is sincere and full of gratitude: "Thank you for your reminder, I will find a way..."

The knight patted him on the shoulder and walked away.

Winking at Huggins, Todd lowered his face and walked towards the place where the prisoners were being held.

Of the ten captured pirates, except for the unconscious Sakru who was tied into rice dumplings, the remaining nine were all tied to a tree. Blood clotted their hair together, and the cold wind blew their wounds bloodless.

According to the watchman's account, these pirates cooperated tacitly and were not afraid of death in battle. If it wasn't for the long-term hunger and fatigue that made them gradually lose strength in the later stages of the battle, the Church's troops might have suffered greater losses, and naturally there would be so many prisoners.

Todd stood in front of a young pirate and said, "What's your name?"

The other party seemed to have no intention of cooperating at all. He sucked his throat, rolled his tongue, opened his mouth, and spit a mouthful of thick phlegm on Todd's face, a series of actions were done in one go.

A stench of "canned Swedish herring" came to my face.

Almost spit out the overnight meal, Todd hastily wiped his face clean with his sleeve, and moved his body back a little.

Seeing this, the guard shouted and cursed loudly, and at the same time raised a wooden stick, stuck it in the wound of the prisoner, and stirred it vigorously, causing the pirates to scream loudly.

Stretching out his hand to stop the atrocities, Todd looked at the fluffy beard that had just grown on the opponent's chin, and said again: "Can you understand the 'Common Language'?"

The young pirate remained silent, but the rolling of his eyes made Todd realize that the communication between the two parties should be fine.

"I know you're not afraid of death." Todd's compliment made the captive raise his chin proudly, but what he said next made the pirate's heart sink like ice: "But in this world, there are too many things that people are more afraid of than death. For example, I can kill all your companions, and then send their corpses back to the "Greyskull Tribe", declaring to the public that you were ambushed because someone tipped off the news. You may wish to think about it, what would they think and do if you are the only corpse they see?"

The threat with obvious logical loopholes, in the eyes of the sophisticated and sophisticated, is just a layer of window paper that can be broken at a glance, but to the fledgling young people who only know how to be brave and eager to win, it is a difficult knot to solve.

Todd patted his sleeves, looked at the frustrated young man, and said slowly, "Let's start over again, what's your name?"



When Todd finished asking his own questions and left the captive. The guards of the militia looked at his disappearing figure and whispered.

"Have you ever heard a rumor?"


"Someone in the tavern is saying that the ancient Tyro Empire left a lot of treasures on an island in the north."

"Treasure? I think you want to get rich and go crazy."

"No, no, I didn't believe it at first. When Lord Todd was interrogating the captives, he repeatedly asked about the terrain of the northern archipelago, and I remembered this."

The militiamen looked at each other, and no one made a sound for a while.


The guards of the church escorted the captives, collected the corpses, and embarked on the journey back to the camp.

Todd declined the escort request, and when a knight asked him about his plans, he only answered two words, "go to sea".

As Todt and Alfonso de Cavo parted, the former expressed his gratitude to the latter.

But it seems that Alfonso's purpose is obviously not on Todd. After some perfunctory, the armored knight just said a simple hello, took his followers, and followed the team.

Only then did Todd understand what was the reason for Huggins' hurried look before he left.

Just as the knight in full armor turned to leave, Todd found that a piece of armor on his back had been damaged and fell off during the battle just now. Just as he was about to step forward to remind the other party, he suddenly found a wriggling figure crawling slowly under the knight's gray shirt inside the damaged armor.

Surprised, Todd used the ability of perspective to look at the body of the knight Alfonso, and was instantly frightened by the scene in front of him speechless.

A "huge parasite" about the height of a person, like a skeleton, connected the knight's limbs, protected his chest, and was firmly embedded in his body.

What the hell is this? !

Todd stood there blankly. When he came back to his senses, the team had disappeared without a trace. While thinking about the giant parasite he saw just now, he set off alone in the opposite direction of the church guards.

After some thought, Todd found nothing. In the medical world of his previous life, he couldn't find such a huge parasite at all. Thinking of the agreement with Huggins, he could only temporarily let go of the matter in his mind, and used the ability of "speed" to travel all the way west, which took less than forty minutes. I could already hear the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, and I could smell the smell of sea salt drifting through my nose. A thought popped up in my mind, the sea was coming soon.

Walking forward for a further distance, a white coastline stretching for several kilometers appeared under his feet.

The wide beach is full of crystal clear and fine sand, stepping on it is like stepping on a soft and comfortable carpet. The sea water in early spring rushed to the feet, cold but refreshing.

"This is...the Twilight West Coast." Todd sucked in the humid air forcefully, talking to himself in a relaxed and happy manner.

Huggins walked towards him from one end of the beach and greeted him with a smile: "Your appearance was much earlier than I expected."

Todd couldn't wait to ask: "How is it, did you find it?"

The man gestured that everything was fine, and led Todd to the bottom of a hidden boulder on the beach. He commanded a few helpers who had been waiting for a long time, lifted the covering tarpaulin, and a large warship about 20 meters long revealed its figure. The bow is marked by a dragon head statue, the hull is very slender, a huge mast is erected in the middle, and a square sail is hung. The displacement is about 50 tons.

The pirate's sea-crossing warship is the most important part of Todd's plan.

Seeing the battleship appearing intact in front of his eyes, Todd was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. With a relaxed tone, he asked again: "Where's the goods? Has it arrived?"

Huggins pointed to the carriage slowly approaching in the distance on the beach, and said with a smile: "Look, the timing is just right."

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