Alien paradise

Chapter 188 Dreaming and Waking Dream (Part 2)

Sandra closed her eyes and pondered for a long time, then gave up the plan to send out the city guards, "Listen to you... I should have attended more noble gatherings over the years. I originally thought that group of people only wanted to steal money. The bastard!"

After she finished complaining, she lay back on the chair, "Then do you have any clues?"

"We have a direction, but we lack evidence." Chaoyang deliberately let it slip, "Maybe there is a place where we can find what we want."


He pointed at Sandra, "It's right here."

"No, no, no, it's impossible!" Woody was so excited that he stuttered. In the past, he would have yelled and cursed, "I dare to guarantee with my life that Lady Sandra will never be associated with the cult!"

"Quiet, he is referring to my head." The commander himself was very calm, "Mr. Chao, you mean that the evidence is in my head?"

“I’m amazed at your reaction.”

"Can you tell me what kind of evidence you are looking for? Who is the suspect?"

"If I tell you in advance, you will remember it, which will hinder the investigation." Chaoyang explained the reason he had already thought of, "Not asking anything is the best result, because you will know sooner or later."

"What to do?"

"It's very simple, just take a nap and you'll be fine. If you can't sleep, I also brought pills to help you sleep."

Sandra was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened, "Is it possible that you can search people's memories while they are asleep? No wonder you broke through Jerry Weir's defenses in such a short time after hypnotizing him last time! "

It was inevitable that she would guess it. After all, the forward motion of the dream spell was too obvious, and it was impossible to cast it without falling asleep. However, Chaoyang still raised his finger and found a layer of cover for himself - after all, his role at the moment is the general manager of Destiny Gate, and he is an ordinary person like all living beings. "This is not my ability, but a gift given to me by the Lord of Paradise." This ring can connect the mind and allow the wearer to read the images in dreams."

"Wait...will this do any harm to Lady Sandra?" Woody asked with some worry.

"Didn't Jerry experience it already? If I didn't tell you in advance, you wouldn't even know what was going on."

"Then can I let my people watch from the side this time?"

"Of course." Chaoyang said without hesitation. The reason why they were not allowed to watch before was because the enemy was unknown and only Elodie was around to protect them. Now that he has basically eliminated the suspicion of Sandra and Gawei, he naturally does not need to be as vigilant as before.

Sandra quickly made a decision, "Then give me the medicine. I'm afraid I won't be able to fall asleep easily in this situation."

"Sir..." The adjutant hesitated to speak.

"I know what you are worried about. I believe they do have risks, but compared to the cultists' plans, this risk is so small that it can be ignored." She had obviously made a decision, "This city should have been guarded by the city guards. , but I failed to do this competently. If I made the wrong choice, then I will consider it as the price of dereliction of duty."

After saying that, she stretched out her hand to Chaoyang.

The latter touched into his arms and instantly produced two quick-acting anesthetics, then handed them over to the other party's hands. "You can believe in our Lord - Paradise is willing to protect anyone who is good-hearted, including you naturally."

"Get up." The tip of the sword tapped his shoulder twice, then moved away, and a gentle voice came from above his head.

Sandela stood up and looked at the young lord she was about to serve - on the ship to the New World, she had already read about his family and life experience. Now that she saw the real person, she found it difficult to combine it with her memory. people are connected.

Count Li Qiong Aura, the only heir of the Aura family, it is said that he had just come of age when he became a lord.

Unlike his father Ola, who was brave and good at fighting, his whole body was full of bookishness, which fit perfectly with the elegant rosin incense in the study. The house is also filled with books and scrolls instead of swords and shields.

"How do you feel? Are you a little disappointed?"

Sandra was caught off guard, "Disappointed? could it be...I don't feel..."

"It doesn't matter. If I were you, I would be disappointed." Li Qiang smiled, "You have the best grades in the military academy and perform well after entering the army. If everything goes well, you will be able to join the Royal Guard one day and be directly loyal to the royal family. As a result, now But to be transferred to a desolate place across the sea to serve an earl whose territory is only the size of a palm, anyone would be disappointed."

Sandra couldn't answer a word.

Because what the other party said was indeed what she was thinking.

Just mission above all else.

Since she has chosen to become a soldier, military orders are too important for her to shirk.

"Have you ever thought about why you were transferred to Brilliant Castle?" Li Qiang asked again.

"Because I was drawn by lot above." Sandra replied, "Every commander who has obtained the master level is likely to be drawn - now opening up the new continent has become the main policy of the kingdom, and more and more All pioneering lands need troops to defend them.”

"Is it really just like this?" The other party suddenly showed a smile that she couldn't understand.

Sandra frowned, "If you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

"It's nothing. I thought just like you before. I thought that the Aura family moved from the Old World to Glory Castle because of poor management and a bad temper of my father. That's why he broke the back of his head after drinking heavily... In fact, sometimes I don't think too much. A little, but it will be much easier.”

Although she listened quietly, she could not sense the other party's intentions at all. Could it be that he wanted to tell himself that it was no accident that she was transferred to Glory Castle?

As for the Aura family, it was a well-known family two hundred years ago. Both the boss's father and grandfather had made great contributions to the kingdom, and their reputation for being brave and good at fighting was also very influential in the army. Unfortunately, after the separatist war, the family seemed to have suddenly lost its goal and quickly fell into decline.

Perhaps it was this decline that made the young earl change his family's style, from a brave warrior to an elegant scholar? It's not that she has become bad, it's just that she prefers a boss like General Fares Ben, who is bold, upright and never gives up. If the Aura family really left the New World because of being ostracized, then it would be enough to get back what they lost.

"Do you want to rebuild the glory of your family?" Sandra waited for the other party to finish speaking before replying seriously, "I think Glory Castle may not be as prosperous as the old continent, but it is still a good starting point. It is rich in rare resources and brilliant. Stone minerals, many businessmen and companies will definitely come to develop here in the future.”

"Maybe." Li Qiang didn't know if it was possible, "I shouldn't have said so much when we first met, but you reminded me of an old friend."

"May I ask who he is..."

He shook his head, as if unwilling to elaborate further, "Your talents are more suitable for use on the battlefield. That's good..." Li Qiang walked to the table and tinkered, then walked back and handed over the sword in his hand. She said, "Take it."

Shantara was stunned, obviously not expecting to receive the sword from her boss on her first day in office.

"The sword itself is not an important thing. As you can see, I don't like weapons. This sword was bought from the weapons store just because you came here today."

Then she stretched out her hands to take it.

"thank you."

"What you should be grateful for is not the sword, but the opportunity I gave you." The other party said disapprovingly.


"Yes... your talent will not always be buried in Glory Castle, and this sword will give you freedom." Li Qiang patted her arm affectionately, "When the time is right, you will understand what I mean. .”

Sandela solemnly hung the sword on her waist. When she raised her head again, she was surprised to see a black figure suddenly appear behind the other party!

She panicked and wanted to push the count away and block the black shadow herself, but her feet seemed to have roots and she couldn't move away!

She wanted to shout, but her voice also lost the ability to speak!

At this extremely urgent moment, Sandra opened her eyes suddenly, shouted loudly, and felt a stinging pain in her waist due to her movements.

wake up.

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