Alien paradise

Chapter 189 The Promise of Freedom

Sandra wiped the sweat from her forehead and realized it was a dream.

She looked towards Chaoyang and suddenly realized that the figure's figure was exactly the same as his...

"Who...are you? No...what kind of god is the Lord of Paradise?"

"Although it functions as a paradise, in the beginning, paradise was often born in dreams." Chaoyang said softly, "Your inner will is quite stable, and you may be able to sense the interference of the owner of the paradise, but in any case, it will not Any impact on you."

"I... am still dizzy now."

"That's the effect of the anesthetic."

"Then you can tell me now, who is the person you suspect? Has the evidence been found?" Sandra asked, covering her head.

Chaoyang glanced at Elodie and then at Gawei.

After the three of them nodded together, he continued, "Currently, Count Li Qiong Aura is under serious suspicion, and he is very likely to be one of the leaders of the Karma Cult."

"Who?" Sandra couldn't react for a moment.

"Count Li Qiong Aura, your boss."

"No, this is impossible!" She subconsciously retorted, "There has never been a record of a lord becoming a cultist before. Moreover, he lacks nothing and has no way to contract hysteria. How could he worship a cult!"

Woody was also shocked, "Are you crazy? Do you dare to slander the lord? If this word gets out, you will be hanged!"

"Have you seen the layout of the study?" Gewei was more concerned about this point.

"Not only are the bookshelves, murals and statues, the pattern of the wool carpet on the floor is an equilateral triangle, and his desk is also completely symmetrical. If it is obsessive-compulsive disorder, then this symptom is really a bit serious."

"Obsessive-compulsive disorder does not force others." Elodie said bluntly, "We have sufficient evidence to show that symmetry is a belief of the Cause and Effect Cult. If he has been like this since he took office as the commander of the City Guards, then it also means that this The earl has been a believer in the Cult of Karma at least three years ago."

"Just relying on symmetry?" Sandra obviously found it difficult to accept, "How about this, I will take you to meet the Lord and let him personally dispel your doubts——"

"He is dead, Sandra." Gawei interrupted her coldly, "The signal flares sent out from the station are just a cover. The Lord's Mansion is also the target of a cult attack. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this is an attack. The possibility of an elaborate scam…”

"What did you say?" Sandra and Woody were both stunned, "The lord is dead?"

"Yes, I have confirmed the body at the scene."

"There are obviously city guards stationed there!"

"The attack came very quickly, and his housekeeper was a cultist. And when the enemy came out of the castle, the outer city guards were also defeated quickly. At least the corpses I saw in the courtyard belonged to the city guards. Just about ten tools.”

Under normal circumstances, the castle is usually garrisoned with about a hundred soldiers.

The words of the priestess made Sandra's heart suddenly feel empty... For three years, she has guarded this kind of city conscientiously, hoping that Brilliant Castle can become the most dazzling star in the New World, but now everything she strives for is gone. It became a huge pit with nothing underneath.

"You have already identified the body, do you still think that the lord is a cultist!?" Woody couldn't help shouting.

"Yes, Abvich is too dead to die, but he still appears on the ship. We have to consider a special situation, that is, the Karma Cult has the ability to control life and death. As for the specific method, it remains to be seen Let’s discuss.” Chaoyang replied calmly.

"It's simply...incomprehensible!"

"What we are facing is a cult, Mr. Adjutant." Gawei whistled, "It's just unreasonable."

"Besides, I also saw another thing in my memory." Chaoyang turned to look at the stunned Sandra, "Is the sword he gave you still with you now?"

The latter came back to his senses slightly, "I have always used it as a sword."

"I want to take a look."

"Why? Is this also evidence!"

"This sword will give you freedom." Chaoyang imitated the lord's tone and said, "For a cultist, what is freedom? I guess it is when you follow the footsteps of the evil god and become a part of the evil god. Maybe in this sword, There is important evidence hidden there.”

Sandra couldn't help but clenched her fists.

"Woody, show it to them!"

After Woody left, she suppressed her anger and said, "If you are proven wrong later, I will never tolerate such slander. Don't expect me to keep your secrets then!"

Even Sandra is like this, and one can only imagine the reaction of the nobles of the Old Continent.

Chaoyang spread his hands helplessly. As Gewei said, the price of going down this road will be quite shocking.

Unless they can get conclusive evidence.

After a moment, Woody handed Shantella's sword into Chaoyang's hands.

Elodie and Gawei immediately came over and looked around for a while. Except for the fact that the hilt of the sword was a bit old, nothing else could be seen out of the ordinary. The blade part of the sword is still quite intact, and it can be seen that it has been carefully maintained.

Chaoyang activated his wish and recorded the sword, and immediately noticed something strange - there was a wooden stopper under the sword hilt, which was fastened with screws, and there was a narrow space inside, with two stacked items inside. He can judge the outline, but cannot sense the material. If he wants to find out the truth, he has to scan it himself.

Of course, he could actually immediately reproduce the internal folds, but there is no doubt that the evidence taken from the actual object is more convincing. He immediately took out a screwdriver from his pocket and drilled it into the hilt of the sword.

Woody and Sandra watched his every move with complicated expressions, and no one said anything to stop him.

After a while, the cork was removed.

As a sword, it is a normal process to cover both sides of the wooden handle with steel, but it is not normal to deliberately leave an empty slot in the middle. Even for the sake of weight reduction, it will not be reduced here. Sandra seemed to have realized something and couldn't help but hold her breath.

Chaoyang tipped the knife over, and the contents fell into his palm—it turned out to be two pieces of brown paper.

He unfolded the piece of paper. Even after three years, it was still well preserved and the writing on it was clearly legible. With just one glance, he understood the meaning of these two pieces of paper.

"What's written on it?" Sandra couldn't help but ask.

Chaoyang didn't look at it much, and handed the two pieces of paper to the other party, "Li Qiong. Aura is right, he gave you freedom."

She spread the brown paper flat in front of her and looked at it eagerly.

The two pieces of paper are the "Dismissal Letter" and the "Exemption Order".

The former was a general document for a lord to dismiss a vassal, and the earl only stamped his name and seal underneath. The latter was obviously a specially written document, stating that because Sandra was actually removed from her post, she was not responsible for anything that happened in Glory Castle and should not be sanctioned by the law.

The signing will take place in June of this year.

In other words, she is no longer the Lord's defense officer, nor is she the commander of the Brilliant Castle Guards.

Even if Count Li Qiong, whom she was responsible for protecting, had died, with these two notices, her reputation would not be actually damaged. When Sandra returns to the Old Continent, she can still return to the army and live a familiar life again.

Yes, she was free.

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