Alien paradise

Chapter 190 When the storm is coming

"I thought he wanted to drag you into the cult, but I didn't expect that he chose to let you go." Chaoyang threw the sword back to the adjutant, "Do you and the count have any relationship before?"

"No... I didn't even meet him before I was transferred to Brilliant Castle. I am not from a noble family, so there is no way I could have anything to do with the Earl." Sandra put down the two pieces of paper feebly. Even if she didn't say anything, she still felt sad in her heart. There has been a judgment.

The sword was given three years ago, but the signing time was deliberately written as now. This shows that Li Qiong Aura has been planning a big event at least since then, and has arranged the plan three years later. Only documents with a similar date can ensure its validity. Otherwise, even after being dismissed for three years, he would continue to stay in Brilliant Castle and command the city guards conscientiously. No one would believe him even if he took out the document.

But it is precisely because of this scheduled future time that Count Li Qiong's suspicion has been infinitely magnified, and it can even be said to be a certainty.

"Then you want to escape back to the Old Continent?" Chaoyang said bluntly, "If you leave, the city guard will be completely dispersed."

He expected that Sandra would have to wait for a while to recover. After all, his immediate boss had become a cultist. This kind of blow was by no means a big one.

However, Sandra was silent for only half a minute, and her eyes became clear again, "If I am really free, then the first thing I have to do is to ask him why he is a good lord but he has to do it. A cultist who slaughters the people under his rule! I am not a competent defense officer, but I will not hand over the power of the commander to others until the cult conspiracy is foiled!"

"In that case, we can discuss the next step." Chaoyang nodded.

"Mr. Chao... you are such an incredible person." Sandra raised her head to look at him and couldn't help but whisper.

"Have it?"

"You don't seem to be afraid of the consequences of accusing a lord at all, no..." She thought for a while and shook her head, "Not only this matter, you have never seemed to be afraid of anything, whether it was with the company or with the When dealing with the City Guards. It feels like as long as you do something that you believe is right, you will move forward regardless. To put it nicely, it is brave, but to put it poorly, it is... reckless. I am very curious about what supports your beliefs. ? Let alone the Lord of Paradise, we all know that when death comes, the gods far away cannot save you at all."

Chaoyang could tell that recklessness was what the other party had repeatedly restrained himself from.

In the eyes of the locals, his actions could not be described as jumping repeatedly on the edge of death, but as a ballet on the dead zone.

But what can be done? If the clone is used more diligently, it will be difficult for him not to jump.

Gewei was holding it in very hard on the side. She suddenly realized why the Lord of Paradise was so keen to die in person instead of watching from the distant Kingdom of God.

Because it’s great.

"Perhaps I have experienced a predicament more embarrassing than death, so I can be more open-minded." Chaoyang brought out the old character set from the past again, "In short, Count Li Qiong Aura does not necessarily really die, otherwise The document he left for you doesn't make sense - how could a person who knew that he would be killed in a big accident three years later not take some precautions? So I am more inclined to think that he wanted to hide it in order to carry out a bigger plan. conspiracy."

"Isn't it enough to attack the Brilliant Castle?" Woody's face was as solemn as water. "Since the Acropolis was engulfed by the fog, there has been no vicious incident of head-on conflict between cultists and city garrison for a long time. In less than a week, the entire Old Continent will be Know the news here."

"This is also the question I had before. Assuming that the paradise does not take action, can seven or eight potted evil creatures capture the Brilliant Castle?" Chaoyang looked at Gewei, "The answer should be no."

"Many people will die, but the city will not be taken over by the cultists. After all, killing and occupying are two different things." The latter said without thinking, "If the entire black steel security guards side with the cultists, we will indeed encounter quite a lot of Big trouble, but once Abvich died, Black Steel Company also fell apart. If I were the leader of the cult, I would definitely change my plan. Once their existence is exposed, their greatest advantage will disappear."

"I think so too." He believed deeply. "The Karma Cult shouldn't do this just for the limelight. We must find out the enemy's true intentions. First of all, all the nobles who boarded the ship must be detained. Maybe they can be removed from the boat. They asked something. Second, capture the evil god’s envoy. He is most likely the Count Li Qiong Aura we suspected. Finally, the city guards should seize the high ground of public opinion as soon as possible and declare that the upper levels of Glory Castle are involved with the cult. The fact that we are involved. I know this decision will be difficult, but if we don’t let the people know who are the enemies and who are the friends as soon as possible, it will be difficult for our subsequent actions to gain support from the locals.”

Unexpectedly, Sandra agreed, "The operating funds of the City Guards do come from corporate taxes, but that does not mean that the City Guards are vassals of the nobles. If they are confirmed to be involved in cult activities, then they will be killed and eaten directly." Same."

Chaoyang nodded happily.

The city guards finally regained their appearance as an army.

"But how to intercept the Lady of Joy?" Woody raised a new question, "There is no news about our patrol ship so far. If we lose it from the beginning, we will have no chance of finding a passenger ship in the vast sea. And. As long as the other party finds an uninhabited beach and uses a landing boat to transport people, the people on the boat can escape silently."

"We know where the divine envoy is." Elodie suddenly said.

"What?" Sandra cheered up, "Didn't the people in Paradise fail to ambush and all evacuate?"

"Yes, there are no more of us on the ship, but that doesn't mean we don't have the means to track them."

"Is this true?" She looked towards the morning sun.

The latter gave her an affirmative look.

Of course, he also heard this news from Elodie - just when the angel was restrained by the enemy at close range, she spat into the enemy's head. When the divine envoy reorganized from the fragmented state back into human form, Elodie unexpectedly discovered that the saliva had not been eliminated, which allowed her to sense the location of the breath through her abilities, just like she tracked chewing gum.

Theoretically, this breath won't last long, because the cerebrospinal fluid will be updated every day, which means that she can locate it for up to one day.

"Then where is this ship now?" Sandra asked.

"It's in the sea south of Brilliant Castle, and it's still moving eastward." Elodie said after closing her eyes for a moment.

She immediately looked at the map - the southeast was the real countryside, and even farmers would not settle in that area where pirates were frequent. From a certain angle, the cultists have completely left the boundaries of Glory Castle, and they seem to have fled out of fear of crime; but if you glance to the northeast, you will find that the mine of Gaotian Mining Company is not far from the coast, and there It has railways to many areas.

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