Alien paradise

Chapter 191 Hidden Target

When the sky was misty and bright, people felt for the first time that the sun was so beautiful.

The morning light slowly swept across this harbor city, forcing the shadows of night back bit by bit until they disappeared completely. Bathed in this reassuring light, many people even cried in their arms.

Although those monster-like cultists are not affected at all during the day, and they will not escape death if they bump into them rashly, but humans are such creatures, and they would rather die clearly than die inexplicably in the dark night with great panic.

Light gives civilization the strength to struggle.

As Reske passed by Farford Street, he felt a sense of fulfillment that he had never felt before. For the first time, someone no longer regarded ordinary civilians as dispensable. For the first time, someone stood up spontaneously and provided shelter for those poor refugees. Looking at the scene in front of the Yenni Temple, the first impression that came to his mind was that it was spectacular.

Yes, spectacular.

It is not the spectacular sight of mountains and ridges filled with clouds, nor is it the wonder of the world like the church sanctuary built by tens of thousands of people throughout their lives.

It is just tens of thousands of people gathered together, and the surging heads are like a colorful wave.

They include homeless people and poor people from the Nancheng District, ordinary citizens from the East District, and even a small group of well-dressed rich people who should have escaped from the inner city. But now, they are all the same people protected by Paradise. These people huddled in crude tents, discussing the latest news of the attacks and complaining about their unfortunate fate. In the past, they would never have a chance to meet, let alone talk.

Resker found inconceivably that the cultist riot was obviously a huge disaster, but with the joint efforts of the Holy Church and the Gate of Destiny, the orderly barriers in the city were dissolved. Maybe after the attack is over, these people will return to the past framework and never interact with each other again, but who knows whether the paradise will bring new changes?

While he felt fulfilled, the horn in his heart became heavier.

Unless he had to, he really didn't want the fog to bury it all.

After leaving Favre Street and walking another four hundred meters, Reske crossed a stone road and arrived at the Quarter Fort two blocks away. This was a gathering place for freedmen, with many single-story huts lined up next to each other. The ring shape spreads outward, hence the name of the castle. His home is among them.

The scene here is completely opposite to that of Yeni Church. The road is so quiet that not a single person can be seen. The doors and windows of every house are closed for fear of being intruded by refugees. Reske is not surprised by this situation, or in other words, the current appearance of Fort Four Points is the norm in the city.

He took out the key and opened the door of the rented cabin. As soon as he crossed the threshold, a familiar cry came immediately.

"Hidden, hidden!"

"Forget, forget!"

"I know, you don't have to remind me every day." Reske came to the window sill, picked up a melon seed, peeled it open, and brought it to the other person's mouth.

"Bribery, bribe!"

It was a plump parrot. I remember it was agile and agile back then, not at all as slow as it is now. Resker didn't know if it had stayed in the city for a long time and had acquired the aristocratic habits.

Every believer chosen by the God of Hidden Mist will be helped by a flying bird. Because birds can travel through foggy areas without being disturbed by fog walls, they are both messengers of gods and good helpers for believers. For example, this parrot he named "Grey Gray" brought him a fog horn.

But as a helper... He had only read this statement from the scriptures. In fact, he didn't understand how a parrot could help him.

And Huihui doesn’t seem to like going out to look for food on his own.

If he was not fed for two days, he would even poop on his head.

Reske peeled a few more melon seeds and placed them at the window, then began to pack his luggage.

"Defect! Defect!" Hui Hui screamed.

"I have not forgotten my responsibilities!" He glared at the parrot, "I just don't want to hide and watch anymore. This city is different from other places. It shouldn't be hastily engulfed by the fog. I want to move to the church. , live with Mr. Chao and the others, and I will go with them for the next battle!"

Yes, the decisive battle of this war is coming - both the priestess Gawei and the paradise envoy Mr. Chao all agree that the enemy's purpose of going to the Gaotian Mine is not to escape, and all the answers may be revealed there.

To this end, the remaining 735 people of the city guard were ready to go. Sandra planned to commandeer an ore train, load it with cannons, and then cover the army to surround the mining site. Moreover, they have no worries about fighting in the countryside. If the cultists dare to resist, they will be loaded with gunpowder and blasted.

Gewei took the vanguard position without hesitation. She believed that the red halo encountered on the ship should come from some kind of evil god, rather than the power of the envoy itself. A solution should be found in actual combat.

In order to achieve their own goals, both parties will do their best.

This time, he didn't want to be just a bystander.

"Warning, warning!"

"I've made my decision. No matter how much you talk about it, it's useless." Reske picked up the birdcage and patted the dust on it. "Come in quickly."

"Enemy, enemy!"

The parrot's feathers all stood up. It flapped its wings as if it wanted to fly into the air, but failed to do so twice.

At this time, Reske also realized something was wrong. He turned around and suddenly saw the door being knocked open and a man wearing a mask walking in. The distance of five or six meters seemed to be only one step away for him. In just a blink of an eye, he was already approaching Reske. The latter turned around and wanted to sneak away, but was grabbed by the shoulder and forced to come over!

Then his other hand was like a sharp sword, stabbing into Reske's chest!

After the lungs were punctured, blood poured into the trachea crazily. The boy opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but what came out was a ball of blood.

The corners of the man's mouth raised, as if he was quite satisfied with Reske's dying struggle. That hand kept stirring inside his body, and the broken organs were squeezed out along with the blood.

But this pride only lasted less than half a minute. After taking out Reske's chest, the man's expression changed.

He pulled out his bright red hand, grabbed Reske's collar and pulled it in front of him, "Where's the horn! Where did you hide the horn!"

The smile disappeared from the corners of his mouth, replaced by anger and urgency.

Reske was dying at this moment, and he opened his lips covered with blood foam, as if he wanted to say something.

The man had to pull him in front of him and listen carefully.

"Just... above your head... Lord Earl..."

His expression changed drastically, and he looked like retreating away from Reske!

But Elodie is one step faster!

Only a muffled sound was heard, the strong wind carried the broken bricks and wooden beams straight to the ground, and the bright stream of light drowned half of his body!

The man cried out in pain and fell to the ground. One arm was missing. The deep sword marks extended from his shoulders to the diaphragm of his chest. Through the bright red flesh and blood, you could even see his heart beating.

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