Alien paradise

Chapter 203 Netizens meet

At 22:35 p.m., China Eastern Airlines Flight 297, which Gao Wei, Zhang Zhiyuan and Cui Zhenen took, landed smoothly at Serekova Airport.

They did not leave the plane with other passengers, but waited until everyone left before they stepped off the plane from a passenger stair car and stepped directly onto the airport grounds.

It was already freezing cold in M ​​City at this time. Standing beside the runway shrouded in darkness, Cui Zhenen couldn't help but shudder. She pulled the collar of her coat tighter, but it still couldn't stop the cold. Due to the tight schedule, she hardly brought any belongings, let alone warm clothes. At this moment, she was dressed almost the same as when she was at the prevention and control center. Under her jacket, she wore a white T-shirt and underwear, and her pants were baggy, wide-mouthed pants that filled her when the wind blew.

Zhang Zhiyuan took two steps toward the windward side, blocking her in front of her intentionally or unintentionally. Although this move did not immediately raise the temperature, it made Cui Zhenen feel a warmth welling up in her heart.

If Director Gao wasn't here, she would have to take two steps closer to the other person's back.

At this time, Zhang Zhiyuan's mobile phone screen lit up.

It was a text message from Paradise: "He's coming."

As soon as he read these words, a black limousine slowly approached. After the car stopped, the driver got out of the car first, reached the carriage and bent down to open the door. A man with gray temples stepped out of the car slowly.

He looked to be at least fifty years old, with a bulging belly and wrinkles on his face. There is no doubt that aging is eating away at his health. Even for a simple walk, he has to hold on to a short silver staff.

"Welcome to Russia." The man extended his right hand to them, his finger covered with gemstone rings, "I am Antony Chekov."

"Ah? Are you Anthony?" Cui Zhenen couldn't help but asked in surprise.

The Russian in the other world is not like this - he is strong, has a bad temper, and runs like a bull. Although his appearance is different every time he enters the paradise, he basically remains at the age of thirty or forty years old, with no signs of aging at all.

Zhang Zhiyuan was also a little surprised. He was not a participant in the first round of the game and missed the opportunity to see the other players in person. Even though Zhou Zhi had heard that the other players' images were quite different, he was not impressed by seeing them in person.

When he shook hands with the other party, Anthony laughed, "As expected of Mr. Messenger of Justice, he looks no different from the other side."

"Then you should be Miss Cui." Then he looked at Cui Zhenen, "Yes, you are much younger and more beautiful than in the game."

"Thank you." The latter shook hands with him generously.

"The remaining one..."

"Gao Wei, the leader of this operation."

"Oh, I understand." Anthony said while shaking hands, "It should be the pass formalities he handled for you two. After all, I received the notice from the park at one o'clock in the afternoon, and you can fly from Beifu to M City that night. It won't work without some special means. By the way, where is Mr. Xue? He's not here?"

"Well, he has his own things to be busy with." Zhang Zhiyuan said.

"What a pity. I originally wanted to invite him to go hunting for bears in Siberia." He made an invitation gesture to everyone, "Get in the car, my private plane is at the other end of the runway."

Half an hour later, a Gulfstream G700 passenger plane turned onto the runway. After a brief acceleration, the plane began to lift off the ground and soon flew into the cold night sky.

"Take it." Anthony dug out a few packages from the overhead locker and distributed them to the three of them. "There is a set of cold-weather clothes and a woolen scarf in it. You will need it when you go back."

"Thank you." Cui Zhenen said happily, "This is really a big help."

"Haha... I've seen a lot of guests who arrived in a hurry and ignored the temperature difference." Anthony turned his chair in a circle and sat down facing them. "If you don't have a mission, I still have high-quality vodka here. Drink it. One drink will make sure you forget the cold."

"If you have a lot, it's okay for me to take a bottle back and try it."

"Cui Zhenen..." Zhang Zhiyuan coughed softly.

"Hahahaha, why not? I like to speak directly." Anthony laughed, "Of course you can. If good wine is kept in the wine cabinet, it would be a waste."

"So you are quite generous in reality." Cui Zhenen raised her eyebrows.

"What, am I stingy in paradise?"

"You borrowed our points and never paid them back."

"This...are two different things." Anthony said without changing his expression.

"But to be honest," Cui Zhenen looked at his cane and said, "if you only see your bad temper in the paradise, it is really difficult to connect with you now."

"My current condition is much better than before. And who hasn't been young? When I was your age, I used a gun to roam the Siberian ice fields. Even bears would have to retreat when they saw me." Anthony said disapprovingly, "So this is why I like makes me feel that my heart is still beating."

Having said this, he took out a bottle of red wine from the seat drawer and poured it for himself, "Let's get down to business. I only know that our destination this time is Novaya Zemlya, and we have to go back and forth twice. Why should we go there? I mean... there's nothing there but craters and granite formations."

Gao Wei pondered, "Didn't the Paradise tell you any more news?"

"No, the text message from the park only mentioned that it needs a plane that can be used freely. The flight range must be able to travel to and from Novaya Zemlya twice. You will tell me the specific mission content."

Zhang Zhiyuan and Cui Zhenen couldn't help but look at each other.

Just such a sentence made the Russians prepare their own private jets that day and wait at the airport on time. The influence of the park is evident.

"Since you are also a participant in the paradise game, it doesn't hurt to tell you." Gao Wei slowly said the plan discussed by the decision-making department, "...Since the opening distance of the mysterious artifact cannot be too far, it must first be over Xindi Island. Use this item and let Cui Zhenen enter the game. The first flight tonight is a rehearsal, and it will be officially implemented at noon tomorrow - before that, both the pilot and Cui Zhenen must be fully prepared."

After speaking, he handed the other party a note.

After Anthony took it, he found that it contained a set of coordinate data, accurate to centimeters. He didn't have a map in his mind, but he had already guessed that this set of coordinates was located above Novaya Zemlya.

"Really or not..." the Russian murmured, his calm eyes showing emotions for the first time, "Is that something that can be used?"

"It's hard to believe, but we have verified it," Choi Jung-eun said.

When the replica Ouroboros was transported to the Comprehensive Prevention and Control Center, the package was covered in bloodstains - it was obvious that it had been fed flesh and blood before it was delivered. Cui Zhenen also conducted a simulation test in front of a group of experts: they first used gas and empty bottles to create a small explosion in an iron barrel, and then Cui Zhenen activated the Ouroboros three minutes later.

The whole process was quite quiet, as if nothing happened.

But when the inspector opened the iron bucket, all the research experts fell into strong doubts about the knowledge they had learned. They saw that the iron bucket with chipped paint became brand new, as if the empty bottle broken inside was It's like it was placed there on purpose.

The Ouroboros not only "sucks" the energy of the explosion, but also "eliminates" the consequences of the explosion.

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