Alien paradise

Chapter 204 Practice is the ladder to success

"The thing you always keep by your side is the cross you brought from paradise, right?" Anthony stared at the tightly wrapped items around Cui Zhenen, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed this emotion. "I don't know how useful this thing is actually going to be, but there's got to be someone in the world who's willing to pay a lot of money for it."

"This is a mission item provided by the park. It should disappear automatically after this matter is over." Zhang Zhiyuan deliberately used an accent on the words "park" and "disappear".

"Haha... you are too sensitive, Mr. Justice. But it also fits your nickname." Anthony smiled and shook his head, "If I had never been to the paradise, or if I were twenty years younger, I might actually have some ideas. . But now... I just want to enjoy my paradise life."

"What are you talking about?" Cui Zhenen was a little confused.

"It's nothing," the other party stood up, "I'll tell the pilot the coordinates, and he will notify us when we reach Novaya Zemlya."

After Anthony left the guest cabin, Gao Weicai whispered, "I remembered he was here. He is from the Ross family. Anthony should be a pseudonym. This family is still one of the Russian oligarchs, and its main business is natural gas and finance. .”

"Wow, no wonder you are so rich." Cui Zhenen clicked her tongue, "Among these park players, Zhang Zhiyuan and I should be the poorest."

Speaking of other players, Zhang Zhiyuan couldn't help but be curious, "After Joe James was arrested, why didn't Taylor come?"

"He might be dead."

"What, dead?"

"Yeah, don't you know that there was a big event in the hacker circle a while ago?" Cui Zhenen shrugged, "A super hacker used the lifting system of the Twin Towers Bridge to kill a rich man named Flynn. The whole process was bizarre. . And this rich man happened to be running a medical company, and Taylor never came online again."

This is the first time Zhang Zhiyuan has heard about this, "Do you think this person is Taylor?"

"British people, rich, and presidents of pharmaceutical companies, all have similar characteristics." She curled her lips, "And controlling the Twin Towers Bridge in L City is not only extremely difficult from a technical perspective, it's simply impossible - then But the intranet is isolated from the outside world! Which hacker do you think can do it?"

Can easily pass through physical barriers...just see with the camera...

The hairs on Zhang Zhiyuan's arms suddenly stood up. As a person who experienced it firsthand, he immediately thought of the answer: paradise.

He subconsciously looked at Gao Wei, only to find that the latter's expression was still calm, as if he had known about this for a long time.

He was actually the only one who was kept in the dark.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"There is no actual evidence, and the high-level officials are just guessing. Besides, you haven't asked me. Why should I tell you these ambiguous things? It will only increase my worries." Gao Wei spread his hands and said.

"I thought the paradise... wouldn't take action against players..."

"That's hard to say. Although we are cooperating smoothly now, don't forget that Paradise has never exposed itself. In addition, they have the ability to control the network, and in a sense they have the power of extrajudicial trial." Gao Wei seemed very calm when he said this, "Don't be easily blinded by peace. We must always be prepared for various responses."

Zhang Zhiyuan suddenly felt a lot heavier.

"High Bureau, please don't sound so scary." Cui Zhenen laughed and said, "Actually, this matter is quite strange. The hacker circle believes that this person is actually a spy working for the military. He crossed the line when probing for intelligence. , the kind of revenge that comes only after provoking a super hacker. Of course, this is just one of the theories. Now there has been a trend of worship in the hacker circle, with various discussion directions, and some people say that he is a god. "

At this time, the hatch opened, and Anthony's return interrupted the conversation between the three.

"My pilot said there is no problem with the coordinate information and we expect to arrive in another hour."

"How long will the fuel be enough to hover?" Gao Wei asked.

"Two or three hours, maybe. I thought about the return trip, so I didn't let them fill up the gas tank."

"It should be enough." Cui Zhenen took a deep breath, "According to the requirements of the paradise, I actually don't have to do much."

"In that case, you might as well squint for a while," Anthony thoughtfully dimmed the lights, "until the mission is completed tomorrow, we will have to spend time on this narrow and noisy plane."

An hour later, the pilot's reminder came from the loudspeaker in the cabin, "Boss, we are already above Novaya Zemlya, and we are less than a quarter of an hour away from the coordinate position and altitude. However... To reach the coordinate position, we need to lower the altitude to Below four thousand meters, there are certain risks in doing so..."

Anthony picked up the phone and interrupted directly, "Fly according to the point on the coordinates. If you deviate a little bit, I'll make you look good!"

"Yes! I understand." The other party responded quickly.

"How are you, are you ready?" He looked at the three people opposite.

At such a critical moment, no one could sleep. The moment the horn sounded, Cui Zhenen woke up. She opened the small window panel and looked below the plane. At this time, the world outside the window was still dark. She could see neither the sky nor the sea, let alone the long and narrow Novaya Zemlya. It is rumored that the Soviet Union conducted more than a hundred nuclear tests here, and deadly radioactive dust still remains in many places.

"No problem, just let the pilot just fly." Gao Wei took out a black box and turned the trigger. It immediately displayed a set of coordinate information, as well as the corresponding distance and time to the target. Obviously this is a satellite positioning device. Relying on this black box, they can roughly determine when it will coincide with key nodes.

Cui Zhenen also untied the leather cover covering the cross, revealing its silver-gray shell. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary handicraft, even a bit crude. Only those who know the secrets of arcane artifacts will know why it is called an "artifact".

She put her hands on the crossbar and whispered, "It's time for you to wake up."

As she spoke, the cross made a rattling sound, and a thin crack opened in the center. Cui Zhenen expertly inserted her fingers deeply, and the ouroboros opened slightly and connected with her arm. Compared with the initial bite that opened and closed, there was almost no unnecessary movement during the fusion process.

"It's unbelievable..." Anthony said with emotion, "I can actually see such magical things here on earth. Does the park allow me to take pictures?"

"They didn't mention this." Gao Wei replied, "But if the secret is leaked, you alone will bear the consequences."

"Don't worry, I don't intend to show off, I just want to commemorate it." Anthony took out his mobile phone and took pictures of Cui Zhenen and the mysterious artifact.

The estimated time on the black box gradually changed from minutes to seconds.

"Ready." Gao Wei counted down, "Thirty...twenty...ten seconds! Nine, eight..."

Cui Zhenen closed her eyes and felt her thoughts blending little by little with the Ouroboros. The other person couldn't speak and was not a living being in theory, but she could feel the other person's emotional feedback: it longed for flesh and blood, and also longed to be Use it; you will be happy when you achieve your goal, and you will be angry when you fail. This tacit understanding cannot be described in words, as if it is both your long-standing partner and a part of your body.


When Gao Wei finished counting down, Cui Zhenen activated his Ouroboros ability. A golden halo bloomed on the top of the plane and expanded at an extremely fast speed! It does not illuminate the surrounding clouds or the wings of the aircraft. Its light can only be seen by the naked eye. After just three seconds, it disappears into the night sky, like a fleeting bubble.

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