Alien paradise

Chapter 206 Cyber ​​Demon’s Escort

After Anthony finished speaking, the plane's engine roared louder and louder!

The sudden acceleration caused the other three people to cling to the armchairs involuntarily.

"Sukabulech! Please fasten your seat belts too. We may be intercepted later."

"What happened?" Cui Zhenen looked confused.

"We are being targeted by the military. Novaya Zemlya has now become a no-fly zone and we are breaking into it." Zhang Zhiyuan could understand Russian and took the initiative to translate.

"Ah?" She couldn't help but open her mouth. Breaking into a military restricted area? This is something she never dared to think about in the past. "Is it really okay to do this? Is it already violating the law?"

"If you want to put it that way, they didn't notify the no-fly zone as required! It's obviously just a randomly arranged training, why are they worried that we might run into it! It seems to me that the commander has a little power and uses this kind of nonsense to disgust people ." Anthony picked up the satellite phone angrily, "Don't worry, I'll settle this matter."

He made several phone calls, his face became increasingly uglier, and finally he threw the satellite phone directly to the ground, "Suka! How dare they prevaricate me like this!"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Zhiyuan asked.

"My friends in the military said that the Northern Fleet has a new general. He has a very stubborn temper. Calling him to say nice things may not be of any use. They advised me to do as they say! What a bastard. As long as I don't have anything urgent to do. Why don’t you fly to this corner?”

"Boss, a Su27 fighter jet was spotted at two o'clock ahead. It should be coming to intercept us!" At this time, the pilot reported again.

"You really get what you say. Sit down, everyone!" Anthony reminded loudly.

“Wait, can’t we think of a better way? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Cui Zhenen screamed mid-sentence.

The plane suddenly rolled to one side, and the people sitting inside almost lay on their sides. The sudden change in acceleration made their buttocks float slightly in the air, which was a hundred times more exciting than the rapid dive of a roller coaster.

What was even more nerve-wracking was that at the moment of the roll, the three of them saw a broad wing passing very close to them, like a giant falcon that wanted to hunt them but accidentally missed them!

"What are they doing!?" Cui Zhenen's face turned pale.

"Intimidation, what else could it be?" Anthony said disdainfully, "Flying close, blocking the route, spraying people with tail airflow... Ordinary pilots would have been scared to death."

Zhang Zhiyuan frowned, "How do you know so clearly?"

"Heh... I've done this to others before."

Suddenly, a series of dull explosions came from the rear left side of the plane, and then a few sporadic flashes of fire flashed along the edge of the wing!

"It's tracer bullets, they're firing warning shots." Gao Wei's voice became solemn.

"Boss, they said if we don't turn, they will shoot us down! This is the last warning!" The pilot also shouted at this time, "I don't think these people are kidding."

Anthony's eyes were a little gloomy. He acted recklessly in the paradise world because he would not really die, but it was different here... If the passenger plane was hit and crashed, he would definitely die. No matter how much money he spent, he would not be able to pay back this Life.


As soon as he spoke, the TV panel on the plane suddenly came down, and the Gate of Destiny logo appeared on the display.

"Go on, I'll take care of this trouble."

There was no doubt that it was the host's voice.

Almost instantly, Anthony's expression relaxed. "Why did you show up? I'm almost dying." He turned on the microphone and said to the pilot, "Don't pay attention to them even if you fire. From now on, you can turn off the radio channel and concentrate on Let’s fly the plane. Remember to follow the route you practiced last night.”

"Are you...sure?"

"Nonsense, just do your job!"

"Huh..." The pilot took a deep breath, directly blocked the interceptor's warning sound, repositioned the fuselage, and began to climb towards the predetermined coordinates.

Something incredible happened. The Su27 that had been following behind suddenly exploded the hatch cover, and the two ejection seats flew out of the cockpit one after another. They soon turned into two tiny snowflakes and were thrown far away by the aircraft. Behind him.

The fighter jet without its pilot immediately lost its stable attitude and began to spin and fall towards the ground.

It’s actually a two-seat UBK trainer aircraft?

The pilot couldn't help but whistle excitedly.

Although he didn’t know what happened, the other party bullied a passenger plane over and over again for a long time but failed to complete the eviction mission. Instead, he became the one who abandoned the plane and ejected, which made him get angry!

The four people in the cabin also witnessed this scene and were deeply shocked. They know that the Paradise Organization also has considerable power in the earth world, but knowing it and seeing it with your own eyes are two different things. With almost no warning, a fighter plane completely loses its combat capability. Even the most technologically advanced countries cannot do such a thing.

"Mr. Host...what did you do?" Cui Zhenen asked cautiously.

"It's nothing, I just triggered the ejection procedure in advance. Now the radio communications at the Novaya Zemlya base have been blocked, and you can communicate unimpeded." A voice came from the TV, "But remember, the aircraft must Evacuate Novaya Zemlya immediately, preferably at a very low altitude, lest they use surface-to-air missiles to shoot you after they restore communications."

"Boss, we will arrive at the coordinates in five minutes," the pilot reminded.

Gao Wei had also taken out the black box at this moment, sitting upright and placing it in front of him.

He turned on the button, and the red countdown was shrinking as the plane approached.

The time at this moment is 8:45 am.

This time it is no longer a drill, but the key to the success or failure of the mission.

Chaoyang asked Reske and Lovisya to sit down in front of him while paying attention to the situation on the plane.

"I just need to open the Ouroboros's absorption channel, right?" Cui Zhenen made the final confirmation.

"Yes, the most important thing about it is accuracy." Chaoyang nodded and said with the help of the TV panel's speakers, "Do you still remember all the steps of the mission? If your memory is fuzzy, I can say it again. Especially the time - if you If you remember it incorrectly, at least it will be blown to pieces, or at worst it will lead to the destruction of Glory Castle."

"Wait? Exploded into pieces?" Zhang Zhiyuan naturally knew that the players were immortal, and the park specially emphasized this point, which meant that it was probably not just the body of another world that was blown to pieces. "This was not mentioned before in the plan. !”

"It doesn't matter, I remember it all." Cui Zhenen interrupted him, "Ouroboros cannot store too much energy, so when it opens the absorption channel, it must also open the flood discharge channel on the other side, otherwise it will instantly Explode yourself. The most important thing is to accurately control the time when it opens - 11:30 minutes and 30 seconds on October 30, 1961, neither too early nor too late. In addition, Ouroboros A will stay In this world, it serves as an energy channel, while the protective barrier in the other world is provided by Ouroboros B. Believe me, I can do it."

"Yes, it seems that you are quite confident. This is a good thing for both worlds." Chaoyang praised.

Anthony on the side also showed an expression of appreciation.

Zhang Zhiyuan didn't know what to say for a moment.

He discovered that he might not understand the other party as well as he thought.

"You still have thirty seconds!" Gao Wei began to count down, "Twenty...ten seconds!"

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