Alien paradise

Chapter 207 Confrontation with God

At this moment, Cui Zhenen suddenly stretched out a hand and placed it on the back of Zhang Zhiyuan's hand.

The latter was slightly stunned, and when he saw the other party's twinkling eyes, he immediately understood what he should do. Zhang Zhiyuan turned his palm over, intertwined his fingers with hers, and held her tightly.

Cui Zhenen also closed her eyes at this moment.

"Three, two, one!"

The moment the countdown ended, a golden halo appeared on the top of the plane again. It was like an angel's halo, expanding to a distance of hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye!

But this time, it did not wither as quickly as the epiphyllum, because at the same time, Chaoyang also activated his own ability - he locked the souls of Reske, Lovisya, Cui Zhenen and Xue Quan, and destroyed them Taken to the paradise world together!

The lock of time was also reversed at this moment.

Time in the other world began to flow again, while the earth side fell into the deepest stagnation. This lag effect was so strong that it could almost be regarded as completely static. The four people in the plane were motionless, as if frozen by magic, and the same was true for the golden halo above. Its center point was locked at an altitude of 3,950 meters above the ground, which was also the true preset detonation height of the Tsar Bomba.

After Cui Zhenen experienced a brief feeling of dizziness, she suddenly found herself sitting in an off-road vehicle. Outside the window was the yellow-green hills where the fog had dissipated, and the snake-shaped red light gradually approaching in the distance.

"Quick, the cross is on the back seat!" Elodie, who was in the driver's seat, urged.

She nodded, turned around and touched the back seat, but fell onto the passenger seat due to lack of coordination in her hands and feet.

Damn it, it’s like my body can’t control itself...

This body was nearly two heads taller than what she was used to. The palms were wide and rough, and the knuckles were clearly defined. It was obviously a man's hand.

She entered Mr. Chao's body.

Cui Zhenen has known about this for a long time - because according to the host, there were only three people in the car at that time: Miss Demon, Reske and Mr. Chao. Miss Demon is a special player and cannot share the body; Reske is the main body, and Remaining in a coma is more beneficial to the mission; the host cannot create a new body in such a short period of time, so she can only let her control Mr. Chao's body and carry out assault missions with Miss Evil.

As for Mr. Chao's own soul, the host said there is no need to worry because he is also an official figure. This statement did not surprise anyone at all - it would be strange if the actual representative of the park and the general manager of Destiny Gate were a local aboriginal.

Cui Zhenen's brain was indeed prepared to control a body that was completely uninvolved, but that didn't mean that her cerebellum accepted this. In fact, the adaptation process was more difficult than she expected. She tried it several times and failed. Stand up from your seat. In the end, Elodie unbuckled her seat belt, helped her upright, then leaned over to take the cross from the seat behind and stuffed it into her hands.

As for Resker, who was still lying on the back seat and had not returned to consciousness, no one could care about him at this moment.

"The red light is approaching, and there are still 30 seconds left for the edge line to reach your location."

The host's warning sounded directly from the depths of his mind.

"I'm trying!"

Cui Zhenen didn't bother to fasten her seat belt. She held the cross in her arms and began to resonate with it with her consciousness. The Ouroboros' reaction to her was a bit strange. It was hesitant about Cui Zhenen's initial exploration, as if it wanted to accept consciousness, but also felt that she was different from the past activators.

"20 seconds."

Elodie has started the hand-cranked engine, and the car is making a roaring sound.

The red light not far away became extremely clear at this moment. They even raised their heads and scrambled forward to twist. Everything they passed was red.

And the Ouroboros still hasn't unfolded.

Cui Zhenen has realized what the problem is. Ouroboros B seems to be ranked lower, but it is the first arcane artifact that she comes into contact with. That day in the Holy Church's underground base, she exchanged her own flesh and blood for the other party's recognition, and the other party also remembered her appearance. Although the soul has not changed now, the body has undergone tremendous changes, directly changing from a woman to a man. No wonder its reaction is so hesitant.

You obviously don't have eyes in the biological sense, so why do you need to remember your partner's appearance? ? Can’t we just remember the soul?

But where would she get a local body now?

Cui Zhenen took the risk and completely immersed her thoughts in the cross, imagining that she was no longer an ethereal consciousness, but a figure with hands and feet. And she used this imaginary hand to pinch the neck of the also imaginary Ouroboros and pull it in front of her!

"Open your eyes and let me see clearly. The person calling you now is the owner who raised your flesh and blood before! What an ouroboros? I think you call it a blind snake!"

She cursed loudly in her mind.

Ouroboros B's eyes suddenly opened as big as a light bulb, and then it actually wagged its tail.

"10 seconds. Elodie, you are ready to leave at any time." Chaoyang warned.

"So is Miss Evil's real name Elodie?" Cui Zhenen suddenly opened her eyes and said, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

After speaking, she raised the cross, smashed the windshield in front of it, and stretched the long end out of the window. The back end also split into two halves, wrapping her arms in it.

"Come on, let's go!"

A golden halo unfolded at the front of the car. It was not large in size, only about 2.5 meters tall, and could just accommodate an off-road vehicle to pass by. However, compared to the halo on the top of the aircraft, it appeared much more solid and stable.

Without her reminding, Elodie had already stepped on the accelerator.

After releasing the clutch, the car suddenly shot forward and crashed into the oncoming red light!

Under the absorption of Ouroboros, a striking passage appeared in this dark area that humans cannot enter!

As soon as the car drove less than 300 meters, Cui Zhenen felt that the Ouroboros's absorption had reached its limit. It trembled slightly, as if to remind itself that it was about to burst. She had expected this situation, after all, Gawei had already paved a complete path for them. She opened the pouring port toward the sky, allowing the arcane artifact to no longer be used as an energy storage device, but as a pure "transportation pipeline." The route forward and upward caused the red light to turn a corner. Although its effect was not diminished, it had lost its threat to the two people in the car.

Elodie drove the vehicle all the way, and the mine floating in the air became bigger and bigger.

They now need to raise their heads to see the entire mountain cone - its surface part is like the cover of a poisonous mushroom, blocking most of the field of vision, and the sharp cone below is no more than 500 meters away from the ground. The crack that tears the sky is placed horizontally on the cone!

"...It seems like something is coming out." Elodie murmured, looking at the shadow above her head.

The crack is much wider than when it first appeared, and there are more and more crimson waterfalls pouring down, as if forming silk curtains around the mine. In the center of the curtain, the two seemed to see a squirming giant. Its top outline had crossed the edge of the gap, forming an obvious bulge. But the chaos inside the crack has connected into a membrane densely covered with meridians, making it difficult to penetrate for a while. The two sides were constantly wrestling, and every time a meridian on the membrane was broken, a bloody waterfall would spurt out. This incredible sight made the two of them feel horrified.

Due to the obstruction of the "membrane", Cui Zhenen could not see clearly what the thing crawling in the crack was, but she was sure that it was definitely not a human being...or a humanoid creature. At this moment, she had a deeper understanding of the description of the Ancestor God as being "indescribable with words and difficult to fathom with wisdom." If this was the so-called Ancestor God, then it would be natural for its followers to be so crazy.

In just tens of seconds, the off-road vehicle rushed from the shadow edge of the floating mine to the pit in the earth.

"There is a cliff ahead, we can't get any closer!" Elodie said loudly.

"Understood, leave it to me next." Cui Zhenen withdrew her gaze and put herself into a state of high concentration. Just like countless competitive games in the past, she could always surprise her opponent at the end. Somewhere in the air, she captured another arcane artifact waiting for her command, as if she had found her other hand. It didn't require too many words or thoughts. With just a change of thought, she had already guided the other party towards the upstream of the flow of time——


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