Alien paradise

Chapter 210 Change

Cui Zhenen suddenly jumped up from the seat and found that she was back on the plane.

"Did it succeed?" Anthony asked impatiently.

"I don't know if the evil god has been eliminated...but the energy has indeed been transferred." She patted the Ouroboros on her hand, "Well done."

The latter trembled with pleasure.

"In that case, let's get out of here quickly." Anthony nodded and informed the driver, "Let's return at full speed. No one can protect us now."

"Fuck!" Zhang Zhiyuan suddenly blurted out.

Everyone was slightly taken aback, after all, they remembered that he rarely used foul language.

However, when the other three people followed his gaze, they couldn't help but feel a chill rising from the soles of their feet, running down their backs and straight to their foreheads.

Novaya Zemlya below has changed!

Everyone saw that a small town appeared at the junction of its frozen tundra and forest! Even when viewed from an altitude of four thousand meters, it is particularly prominent. The straight concrete roads and neatly arranged houses form a sharp contrast with the surrounding vibrant nature!

A few seconds ago, the island was still deserted. Except for a North Sea Fleet station at the southern end, the entire island was a forbidden area for life.

After all, more than a hundred nuclear tests have been conducted here. Who would live in a place full of craters and ionizing radiation for a long time?

"Boss, are we still leaving?" the driver asked again.

"Let's go! Our lives are at stake. Let's learn about things we don't understand later!" Anthony came to his senses and urged.

The plane made another stomach-churning roll, turned around at a large angle, and headed towards Serekova Airport.

The journey back went quite smoothly. The Northern Fleet did not continue to send people to pursue them, nor did it fire missiles at them. Two hours later, the group landed steadily on the airport flat.

Gao Wei closed his notebook, his expression looking a little tired.

This was the first time Zhang Zhiyuan saw this expression on his boss's face, "Have you noticed any changes?"

"No, at least I didn't find it from the historical records...but..."

"but what?"

Gao Wei glanced at Anthony, and finally said, "I asked friends who have studied history, and they were quite strange about my question. They said that the nuclear bomb tested in Novaya Zemlya in 1961 was a failed attempt. From then on, , the Soviet Union changed the test location, and the island was abandoned.”

Cui Zhenen took a breath, "Are we the only ones who remember the original history?"

"This... I haven't reported it to the superiors yet. I won't know until I get back."

Everyone couldn't help but fell into silence.

Just then Anthony's cell phone rang.

He opened it and looked at it, then said to the three of them, "There is news. A friend of mine in the military told me that the town we saw should be Project 651. It is not an extraordinary place."

"Project 651? What is that?"

"I don't know. The project has not been declassified and is still a mystery. But the project itself has been completed a long time ago. In other words, the project was terminated not long after the collapse of the Soviet Union." Anthony clicked on his phone and then switched to the TV board in the cabin. "Look...this is a video on XTB. Someone has gone up there to explore."

Following the uploader's video, Zhang Zhiyuan and others saw an abandoned town. It was indeed built at the intersection of frozen soil and forest. The asphalt road underfoot was full of cracks due to disrepair. On both sides of the road are bungalows covered with vines. The windows of many houses were shattered by the frost, leaving only dark holes. Facilities such as barbed wire fences and watchtowers can also be seen not far away, which seem to tell the unusual status of the place.

"So what we see is a long-abandoned military base?" Zhang Zhiyuan pondered, "After the Tsar bomb was dropped, Novaya Zemlya has not conducted any more nuclear tests... It turns out that it is because they all gave in to Project 651."

Gao Wei nodded in agreement, "And the historical records we can find have never mentioned that there is a 651 project on Novaya Zemlya. Even though it has been suspended and even the base has been abandoned, the project has still not been declassified. This shows that its original purpose The level of confidentiality is quite high, even higher than that of nuclear weapons vehicles such as Typhoon. This information involves many things, so we should return to Beifu as soon as possible."

Seeing that the three of them had made up their mind, Anthony did not express any objection. He took out a bottle of rare vodka from the wine cabinet and handed it to Cui Zhenen. "I originally wanted to treat you all to a meal and have a good time in the capital, but judging from the current situation, you may not be in the mood. Then I'll just wish you all a smooth return trip. By the time we meet next time, we should be ready Victory is celebrated in Paradise.”

Three days later.

Naruko Asahara climbed up the mountain behind the family property step by step along the stone steps covered with morning dew. This mountain is not high, but it is a symbol of the family's status - it is located in the foothills east of N City. Through the gaps in the leaves, you can see the endless roads and dense urban buildings at the foot of the mountain. In fact, most residents don't know that each of the Yingying hills they see when they go out has its own owner.

There are also many torii gates built on the stone steps. Naruko Asahara remembered that these torii gates existed before she was born. Every time she passed by here, she had the illusion that she was heading to a sacred temple. However, there is no temple on the top of the mountain. There is only an extremely simple white house. It is modern and advanced and looks out of place with the red torii gates that are starting to peel off their paint.

That was her father's research institute.

Before Naruko Asahara reached the top of the mountain, she heard the sound of an argument coming from ahead.

She quickened her pace and climbed the last hundred stone steps, and her field of vision instantly became extremely wide. She saw many men in black suits standing in the open space in front of the research institute, and those who clashed with them were a few Researcher wearing a white gown. The two sides were still pushing each other, but it could be seen from the few people in white who fell on the ground that the researcher's side was clearly at a disadvantage.

She frowned slightly and walked directly to the entrance of the institute.

"Sorry, your brother has an order. No one is allowed here -" A man wearing sunglasses stepped forward and stretched out his hand to stop her.

"Get out of here." Naruko Asahara drew out the wooden sword from her back and struck him on the knee with a precise sweep.

The latter immediately hugged his knees and fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Your swordsmanship has improved again." Juri Noda, the bodyguard and caretaker following her, praised.

"If I leave you here, you won't die." Naruko Asahara retracted her wooden sword and said.

"If they don't draw their guns." Noda replied sincerely.

"Then let them all be quiet. Father doesn't like making noise." After that, she walked straight into the research institute.

She had not been to this place often, but fortunately she was familiar with the road. After passing through a series of security doors and turning a corner, she arrived at the brain science research laboratory, the core room of the institute. This was supposed to be a sterile room with the airtight door closed and no contamination, but now the door was wide open, and there were even many smashed glass bottles scattered on the ground.

She knew without thinking that this must be a good thing done by the heirs of the Asahara family.

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