Alien paradise

Chapter 211 Business Master

Sure enough, upon entering the laboratory, Naruko Asahara immediately saw her brother Nagaya Asahara, her second sister Yoshitomo Asahara, and her third brother Shinki Asahara gathered around the bed in the center of the laboratory, arguing fiercely with the old housekeeper Iwashima Pei. .

"This family can no longer let my father consume us like this! His experiment is simply in the wrong direction and will never succeed. Do you know how the Chidori family laughs at us? They say that we are all dragged down by a madman. !”

"Just let him rest. Look at him like this. He eats, drinks, and poops on the same bed. What's the difference between him and a vegetative state?"

The second sister and third brother's expressions revealed 200% disgust.

The eldest brother, Asahara Nagaya, was much more indifferent. He pushed the housekeeper away and said, "If you don't want to turn off the power, I will do it myself. If you stand in front of me again, I will kill you."

"He is your father!" The old housekeeper was pushed to the ground, and then he climbed up on his knees and pulled Nagaya's legs. "And Mr. Nagase said that the experiment did not completely fail, but it just takes time to solve the problem." ...Right, Mr. Nagase, please say a few words too!"

"Uh...I don't deny this, but the key is time." On the other side of the bed, a middle-aged man wearing glasses said awkwardly, "Maybe if it runs for another thirty or forty years, the test will have results. .”

Naruko Asahara recognized this person. He was Nagase Hirakawa, the chief scientist who often accompanied his father, and was also the director of this research institute.

"Thirty, thirty or forty years?" the old housekeeper asked in surprise.

"Why, didn't Mr. Nagase tell you?" The eldest brother sneered and kicked him away. "I have warned you just now. I will settle the score with you after I settle this matter."

These people are really slow.

I have been standing at the door for so long, and no one has noticed me.

If they encountered Mr. Xue's "business war", they would all be dead.

After a series of training in the paradise game, Asahara Naruko believes that her understanding of business competition has made great progress.

She raised her foot and stepped on the floor, making a crisp ping-ping sound. Only then did everyone notice that there was an extra person in the house.

"Hey, isn't this our fourth sister? She's finally willing to come back?" Asahara Shinji showed a surprised expression at first, and then turned to sarcasm, "How was your school trip? I guess it must be interesting! After all, my father is Even if you lose consciousness, you can still hold on until the end of the trip."

"It's very interesting." Naruko Asahara said without hesitation, "And the things I saw were beyond imagination."

"You..." The former was suddenly speechless.

"In addition, traveling and studying is the tradition of the Asahara family. I didn't want to break this rule casually, so I came back a little late." Naruko Asahara raised her eyebrows and pointed to her father on the bed, "Now it's your turn to explain why I came back before departure. He is still fine, but now he has become what you call a vegetative state?"

There was a brief silence.

"Ask him." After a moment, Asahara Nagaya nuzzled at the chief scientist.

Nagase touched his head and said with a stiff expression, "That's right... Your father's experiments have been slow to make progress, so he plans to go into battle himself so that he can feel the performance of the "Mikoshi" more personally and find out its The flaw lies. But we don't know what went wrong and we can't wake him up. "

Naruko Asahara knew that her father was an anomaly. He was not obsessed with wealth and power like the heads of other families. He was more like a scholar and a scientific researcher. The wealth accumulated by his ancestors was enough for him to choose the path of his choice, and he often said that the level of technology determines the efficiency of acquiring wealth, especially for a company that started out as a medicine. I don’t know if it’s luck, but their family’s wealth has not shrunk after investing heavily in scientific research, but has actually increased a lot.

Fifteen years ago, my father took a fancy to a new project - electronic life. By using an algorithm to describe the massive brainwave responses of living things, it is possible to replicate a person's consciousness in a sense. Compared with the physical life span breakthrough, electronic life obviously has more advantages. As long as the storage medium is not damaged, human consciousness can be retained until the arrival of a highly developed future.

There is no doubt about its prospects. Every wealthy person wants to live longer, and they invest crazily in all projects that can extend their lifespan, even if some are obvious scams.

The research institute at the top of the mountain was established during this period.

However, luck seemed to be far away from the family this time. The large investment of funds did not bring any return, and the company's financial reports gradually began to show a profit and loss gap. Although the family heritage is still there, the sense of capital is keen, and more and more people are questioning the project. If it weren't for my father's stubbornness, the institute wouldn't be able to hold on to what it is now.

After listening to Director Nagase's story, Asahara Naruko found herself unexpectedly calm - perhaps she was not surprised at all that her father would do this. The last time we met, my father mentioned that he didn't have much time left, perhaps referring to both himself and the Mikoshi project itself.

"That's it for today." Naruko Asahara pointed to the door, "I came to see my father today, not to see you."

"What? How dare you speak to your brother like that!" Third brother Asahara Shinji was furious.

"Huh?" She touched the hilt of the sword behind her back.

Shen Ji immediately shut his mouth.

Everyone knows that her swordsmanship teacher is the heir to Shinken-ryu, the number one sword sect in the world.

"No matter how old or young you are, you can't do don't deserve the name Asahara at all!" the second sister Michi Asahara said bitterly.

"It's not you who named me. Besides, do you respect elders and younger ones? When it comes to treating your father."

"I——" The other party's face turned green with anger.

"After a few months of not seeing each other, you have become much more sharp-tongued." Nagaya Asahara took two steps, leaned in front of her and said, "Don't forget, I am the head of this family. Of course you are very sharp." You please your father, but after all, you are just an outsider. You should be grateful to be given the Asahara surname. Only if you obey me now will I consider——"

"Let's go." Naruko Asahara interrupted briefly, "Or fight?"

Asahara Nagaya's face turned completely cold, "Maybe a street gangster is more suitable for you. We'll see."

After saying that, he walked towards the outside of the laboratory without looking back.

The other two were still hesitant, but when Naruko pulled out the wooden sword, they immediately followed their brother's lead.

The old housekeeper Yan Dao took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice, "Miss, fortunately you came back in time! If it had been another half day late, I might not have been able to protect you..."

"Get up, it's okay." Naruko Asahara looked at Nagase Hirakawa again, "Why are you still here?"

"Huh? I..."

She pointed behind her.

The latter understood immediately, bowed and walked out of the laboratory quickly.

Yandao looked at her, a little dazed for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Naruko Asahara tilted her head and asked.

"'s nothing." The old housekeeper hesitated, "I just feel that you are a little different from before."

"What's the difference?"

"You used to think that others were wrong, and you rarely raised it face to face...especially in front of my brother and the others." He paused, "I used to think that you were always very quiet, concentrating on practicing swordsmanship and archery, but just now you refuted The way they look reminds me a little of your mother."

Her mother was not the biological mother of the other three.

This is also the reason why she is incompatible with the other children of the Asahara family.

"No, I have indeed changed, but not what you said." Naruko Asahara shook her head.

"Then what changes do you think are..."

"I understand business and trade better than before - whether it's doing business or competing with each other." She said with confidence.

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