Alien paradise

Chapter 215 Junior

Ryan originally thought that Sandra would work in the city guard station, but when he inquired about it, he found that her working place had been moved to a residence on Faifu Street.

He also checked with several stationed soldiers and got the same answer.

"That's a convenience service center opened by Paradise Cult. Lady Sandra serves as the chief consultant there. She basically won't come back during the day."

This seemingly ordinary answer shocked Ryan so much that he stood on the street for a long time and could not recover.

She is the defense officer of Brilliant Castle, shouldering the heavy responsibility of protecting the entire city. Why did she go to work as a consultant for someone else! ? In a sense, a defense officer is not a noble, but it is a special title that is several levels higher than ordinary people. It is difficult for even a small noble to hire one, let alone a church with unknown origins. ?

Now that the lord is dead, she should be self-reflective, run the city well, and strive to atone for her sins. Why is she still working part-time?

Could it be that after several years of not seeing each other, Sandra has fallen to the level of a mercenary?

Complex emotions hit Ryan's mind.

The person he was originally compared with failed to achieve his achievements in the end, which was a thing that made him happy, but he also didn't want his junior to completely decline. After all, the other person was once a rising star in the military academy who was much anticipated.

If you don't understand, you still have to see each other.

He could only turn around and head to Farford Street.

Along the way, Ryan saw many people walking on the streets, without any nervousness, fear or confusion on their faces. They all had their own work to be busy with. Although they occasionally stopped to chat, most of them were still in a hurry. This is normal. You can see similar scenes in any big city with a population of nearly one million.

However, it is not so normal when placed in Brilliant Castle!

This place has experienced a huge turmoil! The words of those nobles and businessmen who fled back to the Old Continent may be half-truths, but the properties they abandoned are definitely not false. Many people have witnessed their embarrassment and borrowing money.

Once these people leave, the company will definitely come to a standstill. Without the company, where would there be so many jobs? If salaries cannot be paid, the people will cause trouble, so the Brilliant Castle in his imagination must be depressed and chaotic. The streets should be full of unemployed people; citizens who still have savings will stay behind closed doors to prevent being robbed; gangs of all kinds are emerging in endlessly, killing each other in order to compete for power.

But he saw none of these sights.

Everyone seemed to have no idea that the lord was dead and that many wealthy people had fled and continued to live their lives as they were.

This sense of weirdness came to a head when Lane saw the convenience center on Favre Street.

What kind of service center is that? It’s just a rich man’s mansion!

He didn't know who the house belonged to before, but it definitely belonged to the Paradise Cult now - in order to make it easier for people to enter and exit, they tore down the iron railings outside, and the front lawn was filled with gravel, and even the house's Several entrances were hammered out of the walls.

What's the difference between doing this and being a bandit? It was hard for Ryan to imagine that a top student in a military academy would be complicit with such people.

In addition, there were quite a lot of people gathered here. When Ryan passed by them, he heard a lot of chatter about "job" and "salary", as if they were talking about which job was more profitable.

Heck, isn’t the company gone?

He used his superb skills to pass through the crowd, walked into the mansion, and quickly found Sandra's location - it was not an advanced skill such as capturing the breath, but the nameplate with Sandra's name on it. Hanging on the door on the second floor.

Ryan listened outside the door for a moment to make sure there was no one else inside. He unscrewed the door handle with brute force and flashed through the door!

"Who!" Sandra reacted immediately and immediately picked up the dagger on the table. Seeing the appearance of the intruder, she couldn't help but be stunned, "You are..."

"Ryan Kerry, the fifty-fourth graduate of Patton Military Academy!" He closed the door and stood up straight, clenching his fists on his chest.

This is a common greeting gesture on campus.

Sandra stayed there for a while before bursting into laughter, "'s really you." She also clenched her fists and said, "Sandra Allen, a graduate of the 56th class of the military academy, I’ve met seniors.”

Great, she really remembered him.

Ryan also relaxed a lot. They hadn't seen each other for many years. Sandra had not changed much from before, except for her dress, which surprised him. She used to wear uniforms in the military academy and armor when going out to fight, but now she was wearing regular clothes. It was also in the style of a dress, which greatly changed her overall temperament. I have to say, she looks pretty pretty now.

Ryan turned his attention to other parts of the room - this place obviously had nothing to do with the military. There were a large number of files, files and scrolls piled on both the table and the floor, like a small library.

"It's a little crowded here, how about we go sit in the hall below?" Sandra took the initiative.

"'s fine here. I can stand up." He quickly objected.

"Hmm..." The other party looked at him with great interest, "You sneaked in, and you don't want to be noticed by others. It seems that you are not visiting Glory Castle."

"Who dares to travel to Brilliant Castle? Don't you know that the reputation of this place in the Old World is about to become -" Ryan suddenly shut up in the middle of the sentence. Doesn't this mean that he has an ulterior motive for coming here?

However, he then thought about it. If he wanted to obtain information from Sandela, it was necessary to reveal his identity, because any graduate from the military academy would have natural respect and love for the royal family. "It was His Highness the Great Prince who asked I'm here. I didn't bring my commission order with me, but you can follow me to see it at any time. You should know that many nobles and businessmen have fled from Glorious Castle. They claim that large-scale massacres occurred here and that they specifically targeted the rich. There were vicious incidents of plundering, and many nobles were even killed. This news caused an uproar in the Old Continent, and I came here specifically to investigate this matter."

To his surprise, Sandra's eyes suddenly became much colder when she mentioned these people.

"I do know. It's a pity that those people ran too fast and couldn't bring them all to justice."

"Wait a minute... that's just ordinary businessmen. People with noble status or equivalent titles are not allowed to judge the territory without authorization——"

Before Ryan could finish speaking, Sandra interrupted him, "The 6th Major Felony Column of the Law, New Amendment Regulation No. 25: Anyone involved in cult activities cannot be exempted from crime by identity or title, nor can he have immunity. In other words, as long as the evidence is solid, the enforcement agency of any territory can convict such criminals."

"Uh..." This stopped Ryan in his tracks, and the question immediately returned to its original point - are the stories everyone boasted in the tavern true? It was the nobles who attracted the evil gods and almost destroyed the entire city. Is the Paradise Cult the "hero behind the scenes" who turned the tide?

"That's right. The Old Continent only knows a few words about things here. It's normal for you to be confused. Let me tell you from the beginning." She pointed to a small stool beside the table.

"Tell me everything? Is there any problem with Paradise Church?"

"You are the one who is inquiring about the information, but you are worried about me leaking the secret?" Sandra laughed again, and the chilling expression she just showed seemed to be just an illusion. "Don't worry, they have long expected that the Old Continent will send people over, and the person to contact them happens to be me. Since it is still a senior who is here, I have to explain it carefully."

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