Alien paradise

Chapter 216 Purification Place

The younger generation's narration was not as high-spirited and dancing as the patrons in the tavern. She told everything in a very calm tone, even every sentence shocked Ryan. For example, the serial murders planned by the nobles, or the large companies using miners as consumables for experiments, or she was attacked at the city guard station and almost died on the spot.

As for the part of destroying the evil god, she didn't even take any credit for the city guards. It seemed that the Paradise Cult took care of everything from the beginning.

After listening, Ryan couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

If everything Sandra said was true, it meant that the cult had already infiltrated into this city three years ago.

"...Then who is running this city now?" he asked doubtfully.

"No one." Sandra shrugged.


"Yes, at least not in name. In fact, it's not that strange when you think about it. Does His Majesty the King ask about the situation of the kingdom every day? The same goes for the lord. If everything is prosperous, then he has nothing else to do except manage taxes in a year. Done."

"How is it possible to be prosperous!? With the nobles and businessmen running away, who will run the company and pay the salaries to the people in the city?" Ryan only found it unbelievable. What the other party said was completely unreasonable!

Sandra sighed softly, "Actually, I have thought about the same problem as you. But it turns out that I still underestimated Mr. Chao."

Mr. Chao?

Is this the name of the leader of Paradise Cult?

Ryan kept it in mind, "How to say?"

"He didn't give those rich people a chance to atone for their sins. The park confiscated all the families and companies that were linked to the cult, and then replaced it with a new group of people to run it." Sandra sighed, "You see those people lining up downstairs People, right? They just come to the convenience store to find jobs. Now the three major industries of mining, medicine, and manufacturing have been reintegrated and led by Paradise. They call it... nationalization, but I guess this country has nothing to do with the kingdom. .”

Christians generally believe in another country.

"The Kingdom of God".

To Ryan, isn't this a proper embezzlement of private and sacred property? If it were spread back to the Old Continent, it would definitely cause another round of uproar.

What's even more incredible is that the other party seems to agree with this approach.

Has she become so indifferent to the laws of the kingdom?

"You have to come back to the Old World with me." Ryan couldn't help but said.

"What to do?"

"Of course you are a witness. As the defense officer of Brilliant Castle, you have the obligation to tell the truth to the royal family." He estimated in his mind that if everything the other party said was the truth, then there is a high probability that he could be given a lighter sentence or even be exempted from guilt. As for the Paradise Cult... we must first determine whether it is a post-god worshiping organization and whether the gods often respond to prayers, and then consider how to deal with it. However, the misappropriated properties must be returned. Even if their former owners really joined the cult, the properties should still belong to the local lords.

"It's a pity that I am no longer a defense officer." Sandra showed a helpless expression. "Besides, after I resigned, the city guard was also disbanded."

"What?" Ryan asked in surprise, "Disbanded?"

"That's right, most of my people died in the Ash Hill Mine, and the city guard's reserves couldn't afford such a large pension. Afterwards, Paradise found me and negotiated a deal with me, and that was me Come to examine and sentence those prisoners who have connections with cults. They will pay the money and take care of the families of all the victims." She said calmly, "Did you see these files in the room? This is what I am doing now. Things. As for the city guard station... I heard that it will be turned into a new police station. This is not bad. At least the twenty or so brothers who escaped can have a place to go. "

"Paradise wants to borrow your fame." He pointed out decisively.

"So what? My fame can't be exchanged for so much money."

"But what will you do in the future? You can't do this forever!" Ryan couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Seeing the surprised look the other party gave him, he realized that he was speaking too forcefully, "Ahem... I mean, no matter what you say, a warrior who has obtained the master-level title, working as a civilian is simply a waste of his talent. .”

"Who knows, maybe I will change my career to be a mercenary or adventurer in the future." Sandela said unconcernedly.

"Think about it again. Now that you are back in the Old Continent, you are still a general in the army - although you may be demoted, it is still much better than being a mercenary."

"Thank you for your suggestion, but I still want to maintain the status quo." She politely declined, "Do you need me to help you contact the Paradise Cult? Or do you want to continue to hide your identity and watch in the city for a while?"

Damn it, she read her own thoughts.

Ryan could only reply passively, "No, I will contact them myself if necessary."

Sandra smiled slightly again, "Then let's talk about old times here first. I still have a lot of things to do, so forgive me for not being able to accompany you."

Farrellan sat in the sightseeing carriage and headed towards the mine.

There were only two other people in the car besides him, and judging from their attire, they seemed to be local residents.

"Everyone, we are about to enter the gray area. This area was originally a restricted area that was difficult for ordinary people to enter, but now it is-"

When the tour guide was halfway through speaking, he was rudely interrupted by a passenger, "Okay, shut up. I'm tired of hearing this same rhetoric all the time."

"Yes, this is not a real sightseeing bus anyway. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you want a tour guide or not." Another person agreed.

"How, how can I not take it? There is a foreign tourist in the car!" the tour guide said anxiously.

Seeing the three people looking at him, Farrellan quickly pretended to be friendly, "I can do whatever I want, as long as you are happy. But then again, isn't the sightseeing bus I'm taking? It's clearly stated on the signboard of its starting point It says 'Wonderland Tourism Company'."

"Hey, there haven't been many cargo ships docking recently. How can there be any tourists? I can't see ten of them in a day. Wouldn't I starve to death just doing your business?" The tour guide didn't bother to pretend anymore and sat down. Come down and complain.

"Is the company about to go bankrupt?"

"That's not the case. The Paradise Sect wants to carry out large-scale development in the countryside, and those involved can't walk here." The tour guide said, "For example, the two people in the car with you should be going to the mines. It’s a matter of luck.”

"What kind of luck?" Farrellan asked curiously.

But the two of them smiled and did not answer.

As an outsider, he naturally couldn't ask more questions, so he could only turn his attention to the scenery on both sides of the road. Although it was Farrellan's first time to visit Brilliant Castle, it was not his first time to set foot in the New World. He had seen the appearance of the New World before when he was invited by Baron Iris to go to Crescent City to investigate an affair case. The fog wall that existed like a solid thing left a deep impression on him. In addition, the Moonlight Stone Pillar in Crescent City was not large in size, and the effect of dispersing the fog was relatively limited. Sometimes the edge of the fog would even overlap with the city wall. It can be said that Full of oppression.

Brilliant Castle seems to be much better. It is still sunny so far out of the city. Although the hills in the distance look quite remote, at least you can see the road ahead clearly with your eyes.

"By the way, how far is the fog zone from us?" Farrellan asked casually.

The two passengers looked at each other and then burst into laughter.

This smile immediately made him laugh.

Is there anything I said wrong?

After a moment, one person smiled and shook his head and said, "I told you a long time ago that you need to change your damn sign quickly. Tourists from the New World come here for the fog. Now that the fog is gone, you are not lying by still hanging that sign." person!"

The gone?

Seeing Farrellan in a daze, another passenger patted him on the shoulder and said, "Man, we are already in the fog area now."

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