Alien paradise

Part of Chapter 252!

"Just... did you hear that?" Cui Zhenen blinked.

Everyone nodded together.

"Is this guy talking?"

"It is...the God of Cause and Effect?"

"What the hell, what you said before was very strange. Isn't this an ooze monster?" Pedro finally couldn't help it anymore. He felt that he would go crazy even if he could survive any longer.

"Resk?" Zhang Zhiyuan looked at the boy.

The latter looked at the crazily trembling horn in his hand and replied stiffly, "Yes, it is the origin of the evil god..."

"No, I'm just a drop of water, a branch, a snowflake that was separated... It took me a long time after I came here to form an independent consciousness." The slime ball suddenly jumped up and landed accurately on Elodie's shoulder. "I can feel that the power that shaped you is from the same source as me. Now...get me out of here."

Elodie wanted to avoid it, but for some reason, she moved a small step at the speed of the wind, but the result remained unchanged - she didn't know whether the slime ball changed its direction in the air, or whether it had predicted its position in advance. .

"Hey, are you okay?" Anthony and Zhang Zhiyuan pointed their guns at her shoulders.

"Don't shoot yet...I don't feel anything unusual." Elodie signaled them not to act rashly for the time being, " seems to have no weight."

"Don't you mean that the evil god can't be understood and can't communicate?" Lovisya asked puzzledly, "But we can all understand what it says!"

"This is not the key. The key is how did it come to the earth?" Zhang Zhiyuan is more concerned about safety issues. "If we take it to the city, will it cause a disaster like the Brilliant Castle?"

"Perhaps Mr. Chao can do something?"

"How about we ask first..."


A sigh came into everyone's mind.

"Language is just the most efficient way of communication. Even if you use consciousness to communicate, it cannot cover up its shortcomings. Forget it, I will use memory to answer your questions."

As "Slime" finished speaking, a series of scenes hit them like a tsunami——

The red film covered most of the field of vision, and deep black pits could be seen in the looming gaps. Then a golden halo flashed, and the whole world was covered in dazzling white light.

Soon, the scene switched to a snow-covered island. A team wearing heavy protective clothing came to the snow pit. They took off their winter hats and their faces were full of shock.

The men took out the shovels attached to their backpacks and began to bend down and dig. Their conversation with each other was very vague and it was difficult to understand what was being said. One of them seemed to want to move its position. The moment he bent down to touch it, his upper body exploded, and several black strips of cloth shot into the sky.

The people around him immediately took off their guns and started fighting the monsters. The snow was splattered with blood, like scattered plum blossoms.

Further on, the scene changed again.

In the wooden barracks, many experimental equipment were erected, and the soldiers with guns were replaced by researchers in white coats. Radio and intermittent music can be heard around...

The environmental sound at this time is much clearer than before. Players can already distinguish what language is used in the researchers' mutual conversations and broadcasts. The most common language is Russian.

The memory quickly skipped for a while, and when their vision lit up again, they saw the ship setting sail from the port and sailing away from this frozen area. The red flag on the building in the distance was slowly falling, and the diffuse sea fog and The mottled woods make this scene seem to be covered with a layer of historical dust.

After watching this series of scenes in a daze, everyone seemed to be in a dream...

"Ah!" Cui Zhenen suddenly screamed.

Zhang Zhiyuan quickly followed the sound and saw that Pedro, who was originally fine, had his forehead split open, and a living brain crawled out from his head. After inspecting everyone, he jumped into the control room with a bang. Instantly disappeared.

Pedro himself collapsed softly on the ground, his hands and feet still twitching from time to time.

"he died?"

"On the contrary, he integrated into me and gained eternal life in the true sense." The childish voice spoke again, "He is different from you, and cannot accept such a huge amount of information. The mismatch between the mind and the body will lead to disconnection. But don’t worry, I have accepted him and will not let him be captured by other gods.”

"You mean, those people whose brains crawled out were all because they got too much information?" Zhang Zhiyuan said in confusion, "When I was on the Goddess of Joy, I didn't feel that I received any extra memories!"

"What I tell you is a fact, but you may not understand it. Be careful, even a body shaped by the same source of power may exceed its limit and become disconnected." The other party said, "If you really don't understand, you don't have to think about it. , or taking drugs to force yourself to forget can effectively alleviate the disconnection - this is also a common method you use, isn't it?"

"Don't worry about that, this guy was actually blown up by the Tsar Bomb..." Anthony covered his head and shook his head, "Sukabule... I said that I couldn't find out the inside story of Project 651 at all. It turned out that the entire research The team all betrayed the country. This is really great news for me, hahahaha... It’s great to join the park!”

Zhang Zhiyuan also had some knowledge of that period of history.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, a large amount of state-owned assets were lost overseas, and the amount could not even be counted. During this period, many oligarchs were also born. However, he did not expect that even secret assets of the 651 level could be quietly transferred away. I'm afraid the people above have no idea what the research team dug up on Novaya Zemlya.

"So the evil god was really brought into this world by us." Cui Zhenen held her forehead, "Now we will be in big trouble."

"If you are worried about my influence, then there is no need." Slime shouted, "I am a god. As long as I regain all my power, I can reverse cause and effect, cut off paradoxes, and bring order to the long river of time. sequence."

"It sounds bluffing, but you are a god, how can you be injured by a hydrogen bomb?" She sarcastically said, "Shouldn't gods be invincible?"

"Nonsense! As long as you exist in the world, how can you achieve true 'invincibility'?" The other party was anxious, "What's more, it wasn't your small power that hurt me, but the power of the Corrupt God!"

"The Rot God... is a nuclear weapon?" Zhang Zhiyuan frowned.

"The Rot God is decay, death, death, and eternal sleep! It guides the water from high to low, from hot to cold. It brings order to chaos and turns the whole into loose sand!" Slime said in an unprecedented way His attitude was very clear, "It is my mortal enemy and your destroyer!"

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the mind of Chaoyang who was listening——

"I said... they are like air, natural, uniform... and everywhere."

Resker's words echoed in his ears.

Suddenly, he saw through the ship's transponder that two warships were rapidly heading in this direction. Apparently the inexplicable launch of DDG107 attracted the attention of the US military.

"Let's leave from there first," Chaoyang informed everyone. "The base has been targeted. We will wait until we get back to talk about the evil god."

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