Alien paradise

Chapter 253 Meeting again

Two days later, M City.

When Chaoyang came to the castle manor again, the place had become deserted. It was not a guard or a butler who greeted him and Elodie at the door, but K. himself.

He was still sitting in a wheelchair, not much different from before. Dan stood behind him with his hands behind his back, looking at the two of them with more respect.

"Have they all gone back?" Chaoyang asked casually.

"Yes. This is the normal situation here." K raised the corner of his mouth slightly, probably smiling, "If you two feel that it is too quiet, I can also invite some people to sing and dance to make the scene more lively."

"That's not necessary." He coughed twice.

In a sense, Chaoyang quite likes the current castle - there are rolling green mountains in the distance, and the housekeeper said that the top of the mountain will be covered with snow in winter. The garden is extremely quiet, with winding paths looming among the greenery. There is also an open-air swimming pool on the second floor of the castle, which always maintains a water temperature of 25 to 6 degrees. When you soak in the water, you can have a panoramic view of the main tower, bell tower and the foothills behind it. Before, I couldn't let go because of the presence of outsiders, but now if I'm the only one left, my mood will be completely different.

More importantly, there is a cafeteria open 12 hours a day and the Internet can be connected at any time. For people who don't like to hang around, this is a perfect residence.

The only problem is that it's so wasteful.

Although it may not be open once a year, the guest rooms are equipped like a hotel. It can only be said that the owner of the manor knows how to enjoy it.

K seemed to have read his thoughts, "You two are always welcome here. At any time of the year and for any length of time, as long as you come, you will be treated with the most solemnity."

"Really?" Chaoyang smiled, "When I get old, I will definitely move here."

Elodie did not answer, her expression looked a little cautious.

Apparently she resisted staying here permanently.

This surprised Chaoyang. After all, the castle was hundreds of times better than her warehouse base.

However, he did not ask in detail, "Demon... do you already know what happened on Varazak Island?"

"We only know a general idea. The specific content will not be clear until you tell us." K waved his hand to Dan, who pushed him toward the main tower. "Dan and Miss Dolly were in Majuro Atoll that day. They saw the missiles flying over and the martial law at the military port. Later, internal intelligence showed that the Marine Corps landed on the island, and we knew that something terrible must have happened on the island."

"But then again, how did you do all this? Why did you attract the attention of the US Navy?" Dan asked curiously.

"This is an industry secret." Chaoyang spread his hands and expressed that he was helpless.

When controlling the weapon system of DDG17, he can naturally block the other party's communication channel, causing the navy to lose contact with the base. But the reason why he didn't do this was also very simple, that is, he wanted to use the other party's power to help him investigate the secrets hidden under the island. Although Cyber ​​Eye can access any network information, it is not easy to find just a few words in the vast ocean of information when there is no general direction or keywords.

For example, this Corona Company, he has been searching for it for the past two days, but so far he has not found any particularly effective information.

The large number of companies with the same name and spam messages gave him a headache.

There are at least tens of thousands of people in the U.S. intelligence agencies. It is undoubtedly more appropriate for them to look for needles in a haystack than to roll up their sleeves.

After entering the basement below the main tower, Dan left in advance as before, leaving only K to interview the two of them alone.

Chaoyang nodded towards Elodie, who then roughly told what happened in the secret base. She did not hide the fact that the evil god was discovered, which was also the result of the two people's agreement. Before this crisis is completely resolved, someone should know what they are going to face next.

What's more, K has seen the devil enter another world with his own eyes, so it will be much easier to explain.

After listening, K's expression did not change at all, but there was a hint of rare surprise in his tone, "Unbelievable - although I don't like to use this word, it is the only word that can describe my judgment now. I must use a different word." More time to digest these contents..."

"It doesn't matter, you want to believe that we have already defeated too many people without lying." Elodie said slowly, "Although the cause of Tiffany's death has been determined, there is no guarantee that other angels will not be attacked in the future. According to the evil of karma... ... According to that thing, there are three such fragments, and the one located underground on Varazak Island is just one of them. Maybe they launched this attack on the manor to capture a large number of angels at once so that they can continue to advance the experiment .”

"Yes, we have two inferences." Chaoyang added, "One is that they have a way to make the mutated monsters obey instructions, and the other is that the mole should have been hiding near the main tower at that time, so that they could capture more angels before they were exhausted. Live mouth."

"Valuable information. I will screen the castle staff again based on this information." K agreed, "Also...where is one of the origins of the evil god you found?"

Chaoyang put down the suitcase at hand and opened the lock.

The moment the suitcase lid was opened, a ball of red slime jumped out——

"It's too stuffy in here, can't you change to a more spacious container?" That childish voice immediately appeared in everyone's mind, "I am a god and your creator, and I deserve to be treated with the most dignity!"

"That's your main body, not you." Chaoyang said disgustedly, "Besides, you don't need to really breathe."

"Boring is a feeling! And there is no difference between us. After fusion, we will become one again!"

"Really? If the cells in my body could represent me, I would just crush them into a ball of plasma."

Slime closed his "mouth".

It doesn't seem to dare to take a stand on this issue.

"Ha..." K didn't know what to say for a moment.

Elodie shrugged, "As you can see, it has just learned how to communicate with people, and it can't lie. Except that you can hear its voice by covering your ears, there is no other harm found at the moment." She said here After a pause, "Also, it is particularly sensitive to energy. If it is not replenished for too long, it will turn into stone again."

Speaking of this, she felt quite unhappy. At first she thought it was because it was particularly clingy to her, but when she saw Chaoyang, it instantly changed its goal of clinging to people.

But what really made the two of them put down their guard was not that it looked harmless, but a mandatory constraint - yes, it signed a devil's contract with Chaoyang, and it was not allowed to use its abilities without permission. The condition for Chaoyang to bloom is to provide it with a certain amount of willpower so as not to completely dry it up.

Originally, Elodie just mentioned it casually, but she didn't expect that a conscious body without hands and eyes could not only sign the contract, but also make the contract come into effect!

"Harm? That's reunification! You are all my children, how could I harm you!" The other party protested, "Of course, if you don't want to reunify so soon, just tell me. If you don't say it, I will How can I guess what you are thinking?"

"Why...we are children?" K couldn't help but ask.

"Time will give birth to life, and life will give time meaning. In a macro sense, all life will be created by me. If it has not been born, then time is not long enough." Slime said plausibly.

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