Alien paradise

Chapter 259 Rebellion

The alarm was given by the watchtower on the southwest side.

By the time Xue Quan and Ryan arrived here, the people around the port had been evacuated, and the security forces who came after hearing the news had gathered nearly 200 people - they were also jointly formed by the Paradise Foundation and the Holy Church after the destruction of the City Guards. The security force is basically equipped with pistols and automatic rifles. Although the training time is short and the number of people is not large, it is more than enough to maintain law and order because of its excellent weapons.

"Sir Xue!" Team leader Lei Duo saw Xue Quan and immediately raised his hand to salute him.

The latter returned the greeting and turned his gaze towards the sea. He now understood what was going on without asking - several steam warships were dragging billowing black smoke towards the port, and the twin turrets on the bows were clearly visible.

"The harbor gun emplacements are ready and we can open fire as soon as they come within range."

"Don't worry yet." Xue Quan squinted his eyes. He always felt that these large ships looked familiar and did not look like the high-speed ships used by pirates.

Ryan suddenly let out a sigh at this time.

"What's wrong?"

"Aren't these ships the ones escorting us to the New World? Why are they back again?"

"Are you sure?" Xue Quan said unexpectedly.

"I'm sure, the leader is the Bibo. I've been on it for half a month. But..." Ryan hesitated, "Why does it look so tattered? It looks like it has been beaten..."

Xue Quan immediately ordered Ledo, "Tell your people not to take action unless the other party fires first."


In full view of the security forces, three warships slowly sailed into the harbor dock. At this distance, everyone could clearly see what was happening on the ship - there were obvious gaps on their sides and bridges, the railings on the deck were tilted this way and that, and one of the Bibo's chimneys was torn into two. Cutting, thick smoke emerged from the break, blackening the observation tower behind.

There is no doubt that these warships have been served with gunfire.

The locals had no favorable opinion of the armies of the Old World and naturally took pleasure in their misfortunes. Only Ryan looked solemn and stared at the three ships without saying a word.

Soon, someone lowered the gangway on the ship, and a group of people climbed the ladder to get off the ship. Before they stepped out of the trestle, they shouted, "We are the Royal Navy, and we have no hostility towards you! Our commander wants to see the person in charge of the Paradise Cult." people!"

"Isn't that Mr. Detective?" Ryan saw Farrellan at a glance, as well as Sir Dulin and Brigadier Finir beside the detective. He hurriedly stepped forward and stopped everyone, "What the hell, why did you come back again? Has His Highness the Prince heard your report?"

Farrellan looked bitter, but before he could reply, Sir Dulin on the other side was already wailing.

"Rebellion! Duke Longjiu and most of the kingdom's lords have rebelled! Their army has entered the royal city, and the navy has also joined them!"

Ryan's eyes widened in shock, and he looked at Farrellan in disbelief, who nodded slightly towards him.

"The rebellion broke out not long after we left the mainland. When we arrived at Bloody Hand Port in the east, we had no idea that it was already the territory of the rebels..."

"This is not the place to discuss important matters!" Finir stood up and interrupted. He was obviously injured, with several circles of bandages wrapped around his head. "Lieutenant Colonel Lane, take me to see the actual controller of the city. I want to talk to him on behalf of the royal family!"

"Mr. Xue... this is the fleet commander, Commodore Fenier." Although Ryan has no good impressions of this person, he has no intention of making things difficult for the other party when it comes to major matters in the kingdom. "Mr. Commodore... Mr. Xue is currently According to the words of Your Excellency, the executive officer of the Paradise Sect and the God’s Envoy… he is currently still in retreat and meditating.”


"Yes, Mr. Chao is communicating with the owner of the paradise and will not see guests for the time being. If you have anything to say, you can talk to me." Go back to the Yeni Temple."

"Can't you let the envoys interrupt their meditation? This is a big crisis related to the survival of the kingdom! Why can you be so calm!?" Du Lin shouted dissatisfied, "The city of the New World is also the territory of the kingdom. Although your religion does not I have registered in the royal city, but as an orthodox sect, I should also serve the royal family!"

Xue Quan glanced at the fleet commander and found that he was silent and had a gloomy expression on his face. He knew that the other party agreed with Sir's statement in his heart. Not blocking is a kind of acquiescence, and it is also observing your own reaction.

He laughed and said, "It's a pity that no one, including me, knows about Mr. Chao's meditation place. You can talk to him if you want. I will notify you immediately when he comes back." After that, he said to the security leader Ledo Waving his hand, "Allow the alarm. Two groups of people are left at the port, and the rest can disperse."

After giving the order, he no longer looked at Finir and the others, got on the motorcycle and prepared to leave.

"Wait... wait!" Fenier couldn't help but stop him, "Mr. Xue, we can talk first! In addition... my sailors also need food and medicine. There are many injured among them. And he was also infected with the scarlet curse..."

"What he means is...the navy needs a camp to rest." Ryan explained in a low voice.

"I know." Xue Quan nodded. The space for movement in a warship is small and the air is poor, so diseases can easily spread. Therefore, except for those who must stay behind when docking, all other soldiers will disembark and move around. But without a place to house them, large numbers of mobile soldiers are themselves a security risk. "The original city guard garrison has now been turned into a police station and detention center. Your people can camp on the eastern outskirts of the city - there happens to be a vacant camp there. As for the soldiers infected with the disease, I will notify the church. The nuns go for diagnosis and treatment, and of course, you have to pay for it yourself, whether it’s food, medicine or medical expenses.”

"No problem." Finnier breathed a sigh of relief.

What the upper-level officers fear most is to become a mere commander. Without the soldiers, these three warships will become scrap metal.

"Katerina must also want to know the news from the mainland. Shall I inform her?" Ryan asked proactively.

"No!" Unexpectedly, Finir and Dulin stopped him in unison.

Although Farrelly sighed, he did not express any objection.

"Ahem... please believe me, I hope you will block the news about this matter, especially not to reach the ears of the followers of Shenji Cult." Finir said solemnly.

In the reception room of the church, Xue Quan, as the representative of Paradise Cult, listened to the investigation team's account of their experiences.

"So when you heard the news, you immediately planned to come to the New World to ask for help?" He picked up the tea cup and asked carefully.

"Of course not. I originally wanted to go to the navy headquarters to rendezvous. But I didn't expect that as soon as the ship left the port, it was attacked by a fleet. Judging from the style of the ships, they should also belong to the kingdom's navy. However, there were hangers hanging on the masts. They boarded the Jolly Roger." Fenier said angrily, "This is naked betrayal and they should all be hanged!"

"I remember you had a total of five ships before, right?"

"Yes, the other two ships were sunk. They took the initiative to open up the battle line and buy us time to escape with the outnumbered enemy... The boys on the ship are all good."

No wonder the remaining three ships were all scarred.

"You have only been back and forth for a month, and most of the cities in the kingdom have fallen. It is not so much that the rebels are fighting fast, but that the forces from various places are surrendering fast. Who is this Duke Longjiu?" Xue Quan took a sip of tea. , asked calmly, "Can you tell me about it?"

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