Alien paradise

Chapter 260 The Chosen One

Duke Longjiu has another more well-known identity: the heir of Gaofeng Industrial Company.

He wasn't a big shot in the beginning.

Just like the Old World was not a complete country at the beginning.

"At that time, there were almost a dozen countries on the continent. It was not until the Laurel family gave birth to a conquering king, Alando, who was blessed by the goddess of fertility, that he began to rapidly expand his territory. In just four years, he expanded his territory to half of the old continent. . Wherever he rules, the weather will always be smooth and the grain yield will be high every year.”

At this point, Farrellan paused, "The remaining kingdoms that have not been annexed also felt a sense of crisis at this time. They united and formed a temporary alliance to fight against the Conquering King. Originally, the two sides were evenly matched, but During the battle at Longjiu Peak, Lord Longjiu, who originally belonged to this alliance, suddenly switched sides, resulting in the combined army's defeat. In the end, the Old Continent was unified by the Yuegui family and officially became the kingdom it is today."

Xue Quan also borrowed this piece of history at Gleick Academy, and it was basically the same as what Farrellan said. However, what surprised him was that Lord Long Jiu's betrayal did not arouse the hatred of those alliance lords. After he was named a Duke, his territory did not actually expand and he still only occupied the original Longjiu Peak.

Failure to reward means punishment. Obviously, Alandor does not trust this lord who is trying to profit from betrayal. Such a straightforward attitude is undoubtedly encouraging those nobles who surrendered due to defeat to take action. However, the fact is that no one retaliated against him. The Longjiu family lived a pretty good life after that. They even vigorously promoted the research and development of man-made wonders, which directly led to the subsequent steam revolution. The next hundred years were regarded as Old Continent technology. A century of rapid progress.

After he raised this question, Ryan cleared his throat and said proactively, "I heard from Her Royal Highness the Princess that the nobles formed the alliance to protect their family property from being deprived of it. But they found that after surrendering to the Laurel family, the goddess of fertility The benefits far exceed their original territorial gains. Perhaps it is for this reason that the Longjiu family can continue smoothly."

"What about now? Is the goddess of fertility ineffective?"

"Don't make unreasonable claims about the gods!" Du Lin shouted, "Even today, the Fenghuo Cult is the largest religion in the kingdom..."

"However, compared to the Shenji Cult, their believers' fighting ability is indeed much weaker..." Farrellan looked helpless, "The output of farmland is far less than that of factories. In terms of income alone, Duke Longjiu One faction is definitely more attractive.”

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about?" Ryan couldn't help but interrupt, "What does this have to do with the Divine Machine Cult?"

"The day after we left the Old Continent, the current head of Longjiu Peak, Wilson Longjiu, became a blessing from the God of All Machines."

"Who said this?"

"Everyone in Bloodhand Port is spreading the rumor, and it's also been published in newspapers. It's even said that the god himself appeared at Longjiu Peak and sent blessings to the Duke." Farrellan shook his head, "Maybe it's true, maybe it's false. But it’s not important at all… The Shenji Cult later declared its full support for the Longjiu family, and it was rumored that even the execution priests participated in the battle.”

Xue Quan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Imagine someone like Gawei appearing on the battlefield with an Ouroboros on his back. It would really make the opponent feel desperate... not to mention that there are more than one executive priests of Shenji Cult.

History seems to be stuck in a cycle.

The former Laurel family swept across the entire Old Continent with the blessing of the goddess of fertility. Now it's the Longjiu family's turn to have the same blessing.

“Mr. News from the mainland will definitely respond to this rebellion, and by then the situation may not be so easy to control."

"As long as your men don't spread rumors, no one will know what happened in the Old Continent. Besides, isn't Katerina your companion?"

Naturally, Xue Quan would not be a thug in the Old Continent Kingdom - from the overall point of view, this civil strife actually has nothing to do with Brilliant Castle. Even if the owner of the royal city changes, this place is still an enclave far away from the emperor, and the actual impact is quite limited. .

"She just came with the ship and hardly had much communication with us on the way!" Du Lin quickly denied, "What's more, she is the executive priest of the Shenji Cult, and she will definitely fulfill the gods' will as a creed. You guys Aren’t you afraid of the Shenji Church’s rebellion?”

"There used to be an executive priest of Shenji Cult who gave his life to protect this city. If we block the church now and arrest people, what will the people think?" Xue Quan raised his hand and said that this matter does not need to be discussed further. "If they really do this, it won't be too late for the park to take action."

"Mr. Xue is right, they should not be held responsible for this matter." Ryan stood up and said, "Let's return to the Old Continent immediately!"

"Ah?" Du Lin was stunned, "What are you going back for?"

"Of course, to protect His Majesty the King! I am a lieutenant colonel of the Royal Guards. There is no reason to stand idly by in the New World."

"Are you stupid? All the ports to the east have fallen into the hands of the enemy. How can we go back?"

"The eastern port is gone, and there is still a western port. Even if the warship cannot approach, we can put down a small raft and sneak in quietly at night. As long as we want to go back, we can find a way." Ryan looked at Finir, "When do we leave?"

"This...should be decided carefully." The latter's chest suddenly became less upright, "I think we need to reach an agreement with the divine envoy first before making the next plan."

"Then dial a boat to my head office!"

"It's ridiculous. You don't belong to the navy. How can you just dial it? A Princess Elsa-class battleship is no small matter!"

Ryan couldn't help but look disappointed.

He looked at Xue Quan, "Mr. Xue...Does Brilliant Castle have ships that can go to the Old Continent?"

"There is one that is free, but it is currently stranded and it will take some time before it can be put back into use." Xue Quan was talking about the Goddess of Joy. After sending the noble ashore, it was abandoned in the shallow water outside the south of the city. Since there was no need to go to sea, the paradise never took care of it. "Are you planning to go back anyway? According to them, the Kingdom's army may not be able to hold on for long. By the time you arrive at the Old Continent, the battle may be over."

"No, I believe that General Fares Ben will not be defeated so easily. In addition, there are nearly 10,000 elite Royal Guards guarding the royal city. The rebels will not be able to capture the royal city in a short time!"

"But the news we heard is that the rebels have entered the royal city..." Du Lin argued.

"The royal city is very large. The upper and lower city areas combined are almost as big as ten Brilliant Forts. The threat of guns and cannons to buildings and permanent fortifications is limited. As long as the defenders are determined, even one street can be contested for a long time."

Xue Quan glanced at Ryan unexpectedly, but he didn't expect that he actually knew a lot about street fighting.

"Okay, since you have made up your mind, I won't stop you. After the Lady of Joy is repaired, I agree to send you back to the Old World."

"Thank you so much!" Ryan said, stroking his chest. He didn't expect that the first person to lend a helping hand was the Paradise Cult.

"You're welcome, didn't you help the city resolve a misunderstanding? We always repay kindness." Xue Quan said with a smile. He knew in his heart that he had to inform the host about this matter.

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