Alien paradise

Chapter 273 Only taxes are unavoidable

"...You mean, the current division within the kingdom is what makes Thousand Limburg like this?"

In a simple B\u0026B, Reske asked in a low voice after listening to Chaoyang's story.

"It's hard to say. However, I also searched the dream of a napping guard, and I can confirm that these people were not checked at the entrance to the inner city from the beginning." Chaoyang continued, "For example, this soldier was arrested at the Acropolis. Those who were transferred to Qianlin Castle after the mist was swallowed up have a very clear mission, which is to eliminate the cultists in the place to prevent more of the kingdom's territory from being destroyed by the mist."

"I heard Judy say this when we were chatting." Elodie interjected, "After the fall of the Acropolis, the whole country was frightened by the destructive power of the cult. In the end, the royal army led the purge. It seemed that the leader was that Is this General Fares Ben?"

"Well, but after the army withdrew, this unit stayed at Thousand Limburg. They did not participate in city management before. The city was ruled by Earl Brinton until the civil war broke out. This change was left in the memory of the soldiers. It made a pretty strong impression, so I could capture it easily.”

"Hey, none of this is important... Since the person praying to the Lord of Paradise is innocent, he shouldn't be locked up in it." Elodie stood up, "How about I go and rescue him now? "

"It's almost dawn. Suddenly one person is missing from the iron cage. It will definitely cause a sensation." Chaoyang muttered, "And there is another point that I am more concerned about. He said that his wife and daughter were taken to the women's camp, but I did not follow him. The guard sensed this in his memory. If we want to save him, it would be more appropriate to bring his whole family out."

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Well... let's split up." He quickly made up his mind, "Sneak into the inner city with Leske and find out where the female prisoner is. I will declare as usual and come in and meet their prosecutor - —Since you are pretending to be a businessman, you will have to deal with these people sooner or later. Maybe for the sake of the big business, these people will change their attention and maybe release the Mog family."

Elodie sat down again, "What if you are also regarded as a spy?"

"The passes I forged are the same as those of Ryan and Farrellan, and the place of origin was changed to the New World. There is no way it could have any collusion with the rebels, right?" Chaoyang smiled, "Besides, I feel like these people People are not really trying to catch spies. The rebels have already arrived at the royal city. Instead of going to put down the rebellion immediately, they instead huddle in the border area. This reason is really lame."

"I think so too. It's a lie that they're arresting spies, but it's real that they're searching for money." Reske nodded, "If we can bribe the inquisitor, we can save a lot of trouble."

"Then let's do this." Chaoyang finally said.

An hour later, the inspection for entering the city was opened again. Chaoyang took the pass he had prepared and successfully entered the waiting queue.

Judging from the number of people, there are still many people who want to enter the inner city...even if there are many corpses hanging not far away. The soldiers patrolling back and forth constantly preached: Public executions are to deter conspirators and cultists. As long as they do not do bad things, they will not be made trouble.

The residents in the outer city also said the same thing. Whenever they talked about this matter, they would blame the problem on the cult.

If Chaoyang hadn't used the Dreaming Technique to talk to Mog, he would have almost thought they were telling the truth.

In addition, he also noticed that people outside seemed to be very interested in publicizing this matter. Not only would they take the initiative to talk to people entering the city, but they would also enthusiastically introduce the business in the city, which seemed a bit inconsistent with their status as lower-class residents.

About a quarter of an hour later, Chaoyang waited until he was qualified for review.

He was invited by the soldiers into a stone hall next to the city gate. The moment he entered, he felt a little strange. The furnishings in the hall don't look like a setting for a negotiation, but more like interrogating a prisoner. For example, the place where he sat was a separate square table and bench, and opposite was a long table, with three figures dressed as officers sitting side by side. There were soldiers standing on both sides of the hall holding swords, making the atmosphere quite solemn.

They didn't even prepare a cup of tea.

Chaoyang couldn't help but cursed.

This is not the ancient times. The status of businessmen is still quite high, especially those in large companies, which have a strong presence. Wherever the top executives go, their treatment is similar to that of small nobles. Moreover, urban development requires tax revenue and jobs. Without businessmen to provide these, the economy will not get better. When Chaoyang submitted his application to enter the city, he clearly mentioned his investment intention. In other small towns, not only the lord would personally meet him, but at least the commercial officer would be responsible for the negotiation. However, the officers of Qianlimbao seemed to be indifferent, which is really surprising. .

The military also needs funds to maintain its existence.

"Mr. Chao, please take a seat." The officer sitting at the front looked at his application form, "You come to Qianlimbao this time, do you plan to invest and establish a company here?"

"Yes... I wonder what your name is?" Chaoyang smiled, pretending not to feel the solemn atmosphere in the hall.

"You can call me General Ke Luo." The other party replied with a smile, "Don't try to get close to me, I won't do that. You just need to answer my questions honestly."

Can a gatekeeper censorship officer call himself a general?

Chaoyang shrugged, "Yes, I plan to build a company for transportation services, and I need to obtain the right to use railway tracks and roads. Since the investment is not small, I have to talk to the local person in charge. I wonder if the Lord available?"

"If His Excellency the Earl is interested in you, he will naturally meet you." Ke Luo put down the application form, "How much is the investment amount?"

"This... is a commercial secret. If I understand correctly, your duty is only to review the qualifications for entering the city, right?"


"You answer whatever we ask! Can't you understand human language?"

The two officers next to Ke Luo immediately slapped the table and yelled.

"I checked your pass, and there's nothing wrong with it." The prosecutor raised his hand to signal his colleagues to calm down, "But just because it looks like there's nothing wrong with it, it looks a little suspicious. When did the New World start investing in the Old World? Then The pioneering lands nearby probably need assistance from here. To be cautious, I have to ask this key question, and judging from your dress, you don’t look like someone who can afford a lot of money."

"Bringing all the money with you will only make it easier for the robbers and bandits." Chaoyang took out a check from his arms - yes, it came from Ruisheng Bank, the most reputable bank in the old continent, and it was authenticated by Farrellan Forgery, "The amount of this check is one hundred thousand thyres. I think it is more than enough to cover the company's initial expenses."

The three people's eyes immediately focused on this check.

When Judy was still working at the newspaper, her five-year salary was only 500 cels. One hundred thousand dollars was not much for a large company, but it was already a huge amount of money that was difficult for ordinary people to reach.

"It seems that you are indeed a powerful businessman." Ke Luo raised the corner of his mouth, "Qianlimbao naturally welcomes people like you. Nariskel, give him the bill of fees required to enter the city."

The officer beside him, known as Narisco, stood up and placed a piece of parchment in front of Chaoyang.

"We recognize your pass qualifications in principle. As long as you pay the fee, you can freely enter and leave the inner city."

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