Alien paradise

Chapter 274 If it’s difficult, don’t do it!

Chaoyang picked up the parchment and glanced at it, and found that not only did he have to pay 5% of the money he brought into the city as a tax, but he also had to pay 35% of his assets as a deposit. This amount was quite shocking. If he was really a businessman, if he had not used the dream spell to explore Mog's memory, he would probably be so scared that he would jump out of his chair now!

Let’s not talk about the deposit that is obviously a robbery. Generally, the entry fee for cities in the Old World is less than one thyre. There is no similar threshold fee in pioneering places like Brilliant Castle. They are levied in percentages. This is the first time I heard about it.

"What does the deposit mean? And...the city entry tax is too high."

Chaoyang rubbed his temples with a slight headache.

He's not worried about money.

It's that things are going in unplanned directions.

He originally planned to use a sum of money to bribe the local rulers, and if possible, buy Mog's share as well as an early investment, but now he found that these people were obviously not looking for that bribe. Come.

"You are overseas, so you may not be aware that there is a rebellion and riot in the kingdom. In order to avoid merchants from sponsoring the enemy, we must supervise the whereabouts of the funds. If there is no problem, the deposit will naturally be yours." Ke Luo's expression It seems natural, even like a cat watching a mouse.

Even the surrounding soldiers raised their lips slightly.

Ordinary businessmen must start to retreat when they get here.

"Then I'll go back and think about it."

"Oh? You changed your mind after hearing about the enemy? This is not a good move, Mr. Chao." The prosecutor said with a smile, "Of course you can think about it carefully, but the 35% deposit is not The law is returned to you. Sign it to prove that you are willing to be punished."

"What's the meaning?"

"What else do you mean? You are already in the inner city." He knocked on the table.

The others laughed quietly.

"You failed to fulfill your promise and you want to leave the inner city. Naturally, you have to forfeit the security deposit. Isn't this obvious? If the rules are not enforced, we will be in trouble."

Obviously, they did not rob openly because checks or other proof of financial resources need to have my signature and fingerprints to exchange for real money.

That's why Mog has been kept in a cage.

Chaoyang already fully understood what the unlucky man had gone through.

Treated like a prisoner, tortured, insulted, and even tortured until the other person's willpower breaks down and agrees to this "contract" to cede property, even the devil's contract is a hundred times gentler than this.

At this moment, Chaoyang suddenly heard Elodie's heartfelt message.

"These bastards, Mog was deceived! There is no such thing as a women's camp!"

"Did you find his wife and daughter?"

"Found it, in the military camp! All those female relatives are here... treated as... I don't know what to say, these people are all humanoid beasts!"

Elodie's voice was extremely angry, like a suppressed volcano.

Then came Reske's voice, "Mr. Chao, don't worry about us. We can't find a few sober soldiers in the military camp now. We can easily bring them out. But... there are still many people here, leave them here." If we go here, I’m afraid the flow of fog will continue to accelerate..."

Chaoyang looked at the prosecutor, who looked at him with interest, as if waiting for his decision.

Pay money to keep safe, or stand up and resist?

Perhaps in his eyes, there isn't much difference between the two, it's just that the latter allows him to have more fun.

Chaoyang laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Ke Luo's expression suddenly changed, revealing his fierce look.

"If it were me two months ago, maybe I would actually pay the money first." Chaoyang shook his head. It's not that he couldn't kill these people before, but in order to achieve his goal, he had to compromise on many things. It was easy to kill these officers who were robbing them, but then he had to make enemies of the entire city's garrison. Even if all the enemies can be eliminated, the city will come to a standstill due to the loss of its administrator. Let alone use it as a hub to get to the Acropolis, the reshuffle of power will turn this place into a bloody arena. .

But things are different now.

He directly sent a message to Xue Quan through the contract connection, "I need you to do me a favor."

"...I understand." After listening to his brief story, the other party replied, "Please give me half a day to make arrangements."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to ask why." Ke Luo clapped his hands, and the soldiers on both sides immediately pulled out the sabers on their waists, "I gave you a chance, but you are the one who brought this trouble on yourself."

Chaoyang took off the "slime" on his shoulder and put it on the table - the other party couldn't see the existence of the pickup, but felt that the person had been frightened and was doing funny actions in the air.

"I will make an exception today and allow you to join them." Chaoyang said silently, "But the scope is limited to the people in this hall."

"Time will accept them!" Mianyin cheered in a childish tone that was completely inconsistent with the content.

A red light burst out from it!

These rays of light did not shoot into the sky, but crawled close to the ground, like countless twisting red snakes! However, these snakes all avoided Chaoyang before they encountered him, causing a small dark area to form around him.

"what have you done!?"

"Damn...there's something wrong with this light-"

Before they finished speaking, their Heavenly Spirit Caps cracked open, and their red brains crawled out, happily sliding around.

People who were a little further away saw that the situation was not good, turned around and tried to escape, but in front of the light, these attempts were in vain. Almost in the blink of an eye, everyone in the room and outside the room became brainless people. I.

"Where did these brains go in the end?" Chaoyang couldn't help but ask. On the surface, they seem to be seamless and drill-proof, but experts from the institute have been digging in the Ash Hill Mine for a long time, but they have not found a single remaining brain.

"They all went to the narrow zone."

"Where is that?"

"The place that the mortal body cannot understand is the area between the real world and the virtual world." Miyin replied briskly, "Didn't you build a transfer station before you came here? That can be regarded as the virtual world. .”

...Isn’t that the scene that I used my willpower to map out in my memory?

Can a place that is more bubble than a bubble be considered the world?

Chaoyang shrugged, it was indeed not easy to understand.

After waiting for a few minutes, the hall was silent.

He stood up and slowly walked out of the hall. The sun is already high in the sky outside the door, and there is a popularity on the street that was not felt last night - although it is far less than the Glory Castle, it dispels the depression caused by the trial. The soldiers stationed outside looked very surprised to see him come out intact. One of them winked at his companion, then turned and walked towards the hall.

The pickup's impact is silent.

Until this moment, no one in Qianlinbao was aware of what was happening in the building behind Chaoyang. However, paper cannot contain fire, and they will soon discover that a storm has arrived.

Chaoyang opened his hand, and a dark short knife appeared in his palm.

"Stop—" the remaining guard was halfway through exclaiming, before he stepped in front of him and stabbed his waist with a knife. The severe pain caused the guard's consciousness to collapse quickly, and he collapsed like soft mud.


Some people who saw this scene screamed in shock.

But what surprised them even more was the next second.

The guard who had just died stood up again, even ignoring the blood still flowing from his waist, and patted the dust on his hands as if nothing had happened.

"Sukabulech...don't just pull people over without saying hello..." the guard muttered, "Where am I? Who is this person? What do you want to do? Forget it... none of this is important."

He glanced at the short knife in Chaoyang's hand and grinned, "I just know that I'm going to go on a killing spree next!"

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