Alien paradise

Chapter 283 Offer your strength

"...How to do it?" Lan Qi asked subconsciously.

"It's very simple. It's nothing more than increasing revenue and reducing expenditure." Chaoyang stretched out two fingers. "Reducing expenditure is to reallocate food in the city, and increasing expenditure is to increase external procurement."

Everyone present is not a fool.

Kashi twitched the corner of his mouth, "Um...Mr. Chao, I don't know how to implement the step of reducing expenditures you mentioned? As we all know, there is no more food in the granary..."

"But you still have it at home, don't you?" Chaoyang said without concealment, "Just because there is no granary, it doesn't mean there is nothing in the city. Who suggested it just now? Mr. Sergey, right? Expelling the people and sealing off the inner city, You even have to form a temporary armed force, which shows that you still have a lot of surplus food... You won't wait until famine comes, and then sell it to the evicted residents at a high price, right?"

"Wait a minute, this has nothing to do with the theft of the granary, right?" Sergey suddenly stood up, "My family does have grain reserves, but the amount is not enough to feed the whole city. At most, it is enough for my family to be more than 20 years old. Fill your stomach with your mouth..."

"I will naturally send someone to check the specific number." Chaoyang said disapprovingly.

"Your Excellency!" His tone suddenly became much louder, "This makes no sense! Food also belongs to personal property, and you have no right to seize it! You just promised that as long as we abide by the law, Paradise Cult will protect our property! "


"Could it be that your Excellency wants to go back on your word?"

The crowd was furious for a while.

Ranch Brinton looked on with cold eyes. The Earl's mansion has long been looted, and he has nothing to worry about now. After staying in Qianlin Castle for so many years, he has long understood that these businessmen and nobles have become one, and they are by no means so easy to get rid of. If this situation continues, he really wants to see how this lunatic will end up.

Chaoyang waited until the protests subsided, then shook his head and said, "First of all, I have no intention of seizing your food. All food will be settled at market price. In other words, the paradise teacher will give you how much it should be sold for. , this is a business that is sure to make money without losing money.”

"Secondly... when I say abiding by the law, I mean obeying the laws of the Paradise Cult. And there is exactly this one in our laws: In times of emergency, the Paradise Cult has the right to coordinate the allocation of key resources related to people's livelihood. Use the minimum cost to get through the crisis, right, Mr. Xue?"

"Yes." Xue Quan took out a booklet, which seemed to be the original law, "The first major article of Chapter 5 is to prevent lawless elements from hoarding, speculating, and relying on disasters to plunder the people's flesh and blood and make money. Take excess profits. Considering the actual situation in Qianlimburg, it can be said that we are in an emergency moment now."

"Did you all hear it?" Chaoyang spread his hands.

"This kind of law... doesn't exist in the kingdom!"

"Yes! What is an emergency moment? Isn't it up to your Excellency to decide?"

"Forgive us for not agreeing!"

The conference room became noisy again.

But this time, Lan Qi noticed that Chaoyang no longer had a smile on his face.

"When the Kingdom's border troops ruled this city, you held back even if you had objections. Why? Because they had guns. What about the Paradise Cult that has eliminated this border army now? Don't you think that we don't have guns in our hands? " Chaoyang's voice became colder, "I called you here not to bargain with you. From the moment I leave this room, the troops of Paradise Sect will set off - so the question is, is your money important? , or life is more important?”

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent.

Another Elko camp, Lan Qi thought.

However... their purpose is to prevent the people from starving, even if they offend all the nobles and big businessmen. At this point, they were even scarier than Camp Elko.

The owner of the sawmill, Kashgar, smiled stiffly, "Your Majesty, you are serious. I personally am willing to cooperate. But Mr. Sergey is telling the truth, even if we take out all the grain reserves and show them in front of the whole city. That’s a drop in the bucket. Famine is inevitable now. If you don’t want to be splashed with the blood of the mob, I suggest you clear out an isolation belt as soon as possible.”

"As long as you are willing to cooperate. Where are the others?" Chaoyang seemed not to have heard the second half of his words.

"If I buy it at market price... I should be able to come up with a hundred bags of wheat..."

"Can you use dried venison? This is the only one I have at home."

Attitudes among attendees changed.

"As long as it's food," Xue Quan continued, "Don't worry, we have rich experience in this. You don't have to worry about having to drink porridge every day after the food is purchased. We reserve the normal portion of food. It will not be included in the rationing category. A specialist will contact you later... Of course, the inspection will be carried out accompanied by the sect's guards."

"I'm very pleased to see you all made the right decision." Chaoyang said again, "Then the first step is solved. The second step is to purchase grain from outside and replenish the grain warehouse inventory. Does any of you know a reliable channel? Can we buy food in large quantities?”

"Well...I only know some furniture manufacturers..."

"Wasn't Mr. Lanci's political officer responsible for food in the past?"


Most of them expressed their inability to do anything, and one or two showed disdain.

Look, Lan Qi also muttered in his heart, you just offended them, and you still want them to do something for you? It’s better if they don’t deal with you behind your back!

Chaoyang waited for five minutes, but when no one came forward, he turned sideways and gave Xue Quan a few instructions. The latter nodded, stood up and left.

"Let's rest for a while first." He picked up the tea cup, "Here, drink tea."

About a quarter of an hour later, noisy footsteps sounded outside the conference room. The nobles looked at the door uneasily, fearing that they would see a group of heavily armed guards rushing into the house. But they soon discovered that the people brought over by Xue Quan were all "refugees" dressed in shabby clothes.

What does the Paradise Church want to bring these people here to do?

Everyone suddenly came up with this idea.

Lan Qi scanned the crowd and suddenly discovered that one of them was the man who was loudly praising the Lord of Paradise in the Akarian Temple.

What's his name? It seems like... Mog?

There were fifteen newcomers in total, and they were also arranged to sit on the side of the local nobles.

"Your Excellency, I wonder if they are..." Kashi couldn't help but ask.

"Let me introduce, they are businessmen, and you should have met some of them." Chaoyang clapped his hands, "After the Elko Battalion took control of the city, it carried out ruthless plunder and persecution of foreign businessmen traveling to Qianlimbao. Different from you. , they have no backing and lack of security, so they become meat buns in the eyes of the border troops, but one thing I have not forgotten is that they also have rich experience in business."

" came to us because you want to do business?" one of them asked timidly.

"It's not that Paradise Church does business with you, but I hope you do business on behalf of Paradise Church." Chaoyang briefly told the basic situation of Qianlin Castle, "The residents here need food, otherwise, whether it is famine or riots caused by panic, Thousands or even tens of thousands of people will die! What you have to do is both difficult and simple - that is, buy as much food as possible before the disaster occurs and transport it back to Qianlimburg by rail or horse-drawn carriage."

He looked around and asked, "Is anyone willing to stand up and contribute to saving this city?"

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