Alien paradise

Chapter 284 Only a fool would boast like this

These businessmen looked at me and I looked at you, feeling a little uneasy for a moment - I'm afraid they didn't expect that this big shot would call everyone here to explain such an important matter.

Mog was the first to speak, "Sir, we are happy to serve you. The problem is that the civil war will cause food prices to rise. Even if I lose everything, the food I get in exchange may not be enough..."

"You don't have to worry about this. Paradise Church has paid for the food in advance." Chaoyang took out a stack of blank checks from his pocket, with his name already signed on them - these checks were not forged with the power of wishes, but were obtained from the real deal. Exchange it from Ruisheng Branch in Fort.

Only signatures are required for bank transfers. In other words, the holder of this check can fill in any number he wants. Of course, in order to avoid a run, the checks still have upper limits. For example, the upper limit of the silver-backed gold-edged checks in Chaoyang's hands is 10,000 thyres.

"Mr. Chao, do you plan to hand over the fate of Qianlimbao to these wandering businessmen?" Kashgar showed an incredulous look, "They will definitely take the money and escape without a trace. Even if they hide in the New World for a lifetime, it is impossible. Bring you a grain of wheat!"

His tone was full of heartache, as if he was reluctant to let these checks go to waste.

"I am willing to go. And I will do my best to bring you food!" Mog no longer hesitated, he took a step forward and loudly said, "The Lord of Paradise will bear witness for me!"

Chaoyang counted out ten checks and pushed them to the middle of the long table.

"I'm waiting for your good news."

Mog took a deep breath and took the check in his hand. Even if he didn't look around, he could still feel the eager eyes of other colleagues. The gold edge on the check looks so dazzling, and the imprint of ten thousand words is like a work of art. Ten cards meant that the maximum could be exchanged for 100,000 thyres. Mog had been doing business all his life and had never accumulated this amount of principal.

"Sir, I am also willing to buy food for Qianlimbao!"

"Me too!"

Soon, more businessmen came forward one after another.

Chaoyang treated everyone equally and gave everyone ten checks.

"This..." The big businessmen and nobles who were watching indifferently couldn't sit still. This is millions of silver! Even family companies may not be able to afford so much working capital. Moreover, there is room for fluctuation in buying grain. Even if you are quoted an extra ten copper coins per kilogram, it is still a huge income!

"Ahem... Actually, I can also help." Kashgar coughed twice and spoke in front of everyone, "If you rent a train from outside, there may be a risk of drifting. I can put together two or three The heavy-duty truck is here to transport grain, what do you think of it, Mr. Chao?"

" hometown is in Wangyungang in the south. The aquatic products there are very developed. Can salted fish and shrimp be used as food?" Another noble couldn't help but ask.

"What do you mean? You just said there are no channels!"

"I just remembered it."

"Of course... dried shrimps are good for cooking porridge." Chaoyang said with a smile, "But now I only have a dozen checks left in my hand. If I want to divide them up, one person can only get three. In addition, I have only a dozen checks left in my hand. , this is Qian Limbao’s life-saving money, I can accept reasonable benefits, but if you cheat or run away with a bucket, my Lord will not pretend that you didn’t see it.”

Thirty thousand is undoubtedly a big deal.

What's more, some of the nobles were in trouble at home or their business was in a slump, so two people immediately expressed their willingness to help. Kashgar also took three tickets, stating that the lumberyard would suspend some production and the vacated locomotives would be rented to the Paradise Church for use.

Of course, there were still people who sneered at this. Sergey and several nobles watched coldly as the checks were distributed without saying a word.

After the meeting, Lan Qi walked out of the hotel, his mind still a little hazy.

It's not that he has never dealt with sects, but whether it's the Plenty Cult or the Storm Cult, no one acts as crazy as the Paradise Cult.

But it is not accurate to say that they are just crazy... because the blank check of more than one million is a real deal, and the defeat of Elko Camp in one day is also a real deal. These guys seemed to appear out of thin air in Qianlin Castle, and completely changed the power structure here in just ten hours.

Damn it, how could such a sect be unknown before?

"Your Excellency, please come over here." Suddenly someone stopped him halfway.

Ranchi Brinton followed the call and found that the other party was Sergey. He walked to the roadside and saw several people gathered there, all nobles who had worked in Qianlin Castle for many generations, such as Baron Lotta of Thorns and Blake, the general manager of Jianlin Company. In the previous meeting room, they were also a group of people who had never expressed their stance towards the Paradise Cult.

"Hey, I couldn't say hello just now, but now I finally have a chance." Sergey held his hand. "Elko is so brave. He dared to put you under house arrest! We thought you had some disease, so we had to let that guy I will temporarily take over your duties. If we had known that he dared to do this, we would never let him go!"

"Thank you for your concern. I didn't expect things to turn out like this." Lan Qi smiled happily, but there was a bit of doubt in his heart. Do they really have no idea? He had not shown up for nearly a month. The castle was occupied by the border troops, and the political officer and the tax minister were replaced. This could not be explained by a serious illness. Elko Camp was essentially a rebellion, but these people still chose to compromise and continue to cooperate.

Maybe they thought they were dead long ago.

"Fortunately, you are fine. This is the blessing among misfortunes!" Sergey grinned, "Don't be too discouraged. I bet that this paradise that suddenly appeared will not go far, and Qianlimbao will return sooner or later. In your hands.”

If there is no civil war.

If the Laurel family can defeat Duke Longjiu.

Lan Qi did not say this out loud, "How can you see it? They have weapons, money, and a large number of brave believers who are not afraid of death. They are no match for the more than 2,000 people in Elko Camp. I advise everyone to calm down."

"Hmph, you may not know that the foundation of this Paradise Sect is very weak." Lotta on the side said coldly, "I have observed that most of the troops they recruited are locals, and the ones who maintain the relationship are not It’s not some bullshit belief, it’s money that can be obtained immediately. We don’t even need to do anything, but they will have to get out in less than a month!”

"How to say?"

"Famine is inevitable." Sergey lowered his voice. "We have calculated that even if all the food stored in the family is searched out by the Paradise Cult, it can only be used by the residents of the inner and outer cities for three days. If it is replaced by gruel and clear soup, it will be extended at most. Only five days. Do you think those merchants can bring back food in five days?"

Lan Qi immediately understood that this was absolutely impossible. Normal transactions cannot be completed in three to five days on weekdays, let alone now during wartime.

"If there is no food, it will inevitably cause panic. When everyone in the family is hungry, will those recruited by the Paradise Cult point their guns at their parents and children?" Sergey chuckled, "We all We know that a 10% food gap will result in 30% of people dying in the end. It is the wisest choice to give up one part to save the other part, but those arrogant fools insist on boasting that Haikou will ensure that everyone in the city can eat. In It looks to me like they're teetering on the edge of a cliff."

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