Alien paradise

Chapter 285 Don’t take the usual path

Lan Qi remained silent. He vaguely guessed what these people were going to do.

Sergey runs a freight company, and it is not difficult to do some tricks on transportation to delay it for a few days.

Baron Lotta owned a printing press, which was the best channel to spread the news of the famine in advance.

Blake's Jianlin Company controls many workers. When there is business, they are craftsmen, and when there is no business, they are Blake's personal thugs. Once the armed guards formed by the paradise disintegrate, they will become the most combat-effective team in the inner city.

Lan Qi smelled the smell of an approaching storm.

"We're not calling you for anything else, just to take a breather - we still hope that everything will return to the same as before, with the Brinton family running the city." Sergey patted Lanci on the shoulder with a smile, " You don’t have to do anything, just wait quietly, and it won’t be too late for us to have another drink when the paradise teacher goes away.”

And he would never have dared to pat an earl on the shoulder casually before.

"If everything can go back to the same as before, I will never forget everything you have done." Lan Qi said with a look of relief.

Returning to the Sanctuary Sanctuary, he immediately said to his wife, "Let's deal with the valuable things on hand tomorrow and try to leave here the day after tomorrow. We can go to Tower City or somewhere else."

"What's wrong? What did the Paradise Master say to you?" Alice quickly put down the child and walked to him and asked.

Lan Qi opened the door curtain and looked outside. Then he took his wife's arm to the innermost part of the "room" and whispered all the news he had learned.

"Elko actually smuggled all the food away?" Alice was shocked, and she also understood what this meant. "Why did the kingdom's army do this!? Doesn't he know that this will kill many people! "

"Shh!" Lan Qi quickly made a silencing gesture, "So we have to leave early, before the panic comes."

This is not a nationwide famine, so many people will definitely choose to escape by train, and it will be difficult to grab a seat by then. What's worse is that other cities will definitely not welcome so many refugees. One car or two is fine. If the news of famine in Qianlimburg spreads, the passenger trains may also be suspended. That is undoubtedly the worst case scenario.

"I don't have any objections, but if you leave, my dear, the other nobles in the city will definitely not allow you to come back..."

"Don't worry, they will definitely not be much better, especially the group of people who are secretly against the Paradise Cult."

"You think they can't win?"

"How can a bunch of idiots win?" Lan Qi said disdainfully. They didn't realize that the person named Chao was definitely a ruthless character. It is said that a large number of troops are recruited from local people. Why don't you think that these people alone can defeat the Kingdom's regular army? He did not see the battle, but he also understood that the local residents only joined the Paradise Cult after the defeat of Camp Elko. If the Paradise Cult could not win at the beginning, the people would definitely not choose them.

Yes, the Paradise Cult may get out, but before they get out, they will definitely kill everyone here. Elko couldn't stop him, the gang couldn't stop him, and neither could Sergei and Blake's personal thugs.

"Everyone, everyone... Paradise Sect now has two new pieces of news to announce!"

The head nun's voice sounded again in the church.

"Hey, it's already nine o'clock, so you're not allowed to sleep."

"I really want a drink..."

The voices of people complaining suddenly came from all around.

"These two pieces of information are very important, so everyone must listen carefully. If you have any questions, you can always ask us!"

Lan Qi opened the door curtain with some doubts and walked outside the cubicle. He saw the girl named Jenny holding a copper trumpet and shouting loudly. Behind her, a blackboard commonly seen in classrooms was erected.

"The first thing is that our people discovered that the granary was emptied by the Kingdom's border troops. In other words, there is not much food left in the city!"


Lan Qi was dumbfounded.

Do they know what they are talking about! ?

The other refugees were also stunned, obviously unable to keep up with the other person's thoughts.

"Uh...are we going to run out of food?"

someone asked in a low voice.

"No, this problem must be bigger! That grain depot needs to feed the whole city!"

"Ah? Doesn't Qianlimbao have farmland?" This was obviously a visitor from out of town, "Then we have to buy food quickly..."

"Don't worry about food. The shelter will not stop supplying three meals a day!" Jenny continued, "Our food procurement team has already set out, but it will take time to transport the goods, so in the short term we will have to rely on other methods to replenish food. ! This is the second thing I want to say: Paradise Church has released its first official job recruitment, offering twenty copper laurel coins per day. Please see the blackboard for job details!"

"They want to reclaim forest land?" Alice also walked out at this time.

As a countess, she could naturally understand what was on the blackboard - it was a topographic map, and the circled location was just south of Qianlin Castle, next to a sawmill. She had the impression that the place had been developed by factories, and the woods had been cut down to pieces, leaving only a wasteland.

"The Paradise Cult will build a transfer base in this area. The first phase of the task is to level and harden the ground. Anyone who can afford a hoe and shovel can do this job. We do not impose restrictions on gender, and the age requirement is Those who are over 16 years old and able-bodied can relax to 14 years old. The wages will be settled on the same day, and food expenses will be included!" Jenny explained the work content in detail, "From now on, anyone who meets the conditions and is interested can go. Sign up for the workbench at the entrance of the church!”

"Twenty coppers a day? Really?"

"You won't lie!"

Everyone was in an uproar!

This is definitely an incredibly high salary in Qianlimbao. If you work for a lumberyard or a forestry company, an ordinary coolie worker only earns 70 or 80 copper coins a month, not including food and accommodation. You can earn one silver coin in five days. This is an income that only respectable white-collar workers can have!

"Don't you all know after one day of work?" Jenny smiled, "But I have to remind you that the shelter is the first place to get the news. Tomorrow, this recruitment will be open to all residents in the city. And the engineering team The total number of people in the first batch is limited, if you miss it, you will have to wait for the second batch.”

"I've done it! The worst thing I can do is work for nothing for a day! Damn, I can really earn twenty coppers. I feel bad for eating for free here!"

I don’t know who shouted.

And this sound was like a thousand waves, making the refugees excited.

Is there anything more regrettable than missing out on making a lot of money?

"Let's go and sign up!"

"Wait for me, I'll go too!" One led two, and two led three. In an instant, dozens of people were walking towards the entrance of the church. Then there were more people and more greetings, until everyone in the church was alerted, and the quiet reception hall became filled with water for a while.

Lan Qi was dumbfounded.

He never expected that the Paradise Cult would actually reveal the news of the famine crisis himself! What was even more surprising to him was that not only did the refugees not feel panic, but they were all attracted by the high-paying jobs that followed! That's right...a silver coin is nothing to the nobles, but to the people of Qianlin Castle, it is a huge deal! Famine is indeed terrible, but it has not really come yet, right? As for the salary... according to the promise of Paradise Cult, you can get it on the same day.

This is undoubtedly short-sighted.

But the Paradise Cult took advantage of this short-sightedness and turned it into a weapon to dilute fear!

This is not a strategy that a fledgling sect could come up with.

The problem is that if the food problem cannot be truly solved, any strategy will backfire on itself exponentially, and the other party cannot be unaware of this. They know it but still do it, which must be because they have absolute confidence in themselves and firmly believe that the problem can be solved.

Lan Qi couldn't help but shudder.

When everything is getting closer to the impossible, God becomes the only answer.

Is the Lord of Paradise really coming to this border city?

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