Alien paradise

Chapter 309 Reunion after a long separation

The firewood burned quietly in the fireplace, keeping the room at a comfortable temperature.

The food on the table had just arrived: mashed potatoes, two fish steaks, a plate of roasted venison shank, and a bottle of wine. A dinner of this size was definitely considered a courtesy for an unranked former military officer, but Sandra was not in the mood to enjoy it.

She sat in front of the campfire, waiting for Mekfa to bring her new news.

After passing that joke-like review, the people outside had obviously changed their attitude towards her. They not only treated her with a smile, but also invited her into this comfortably decorated residence. This always made Sandra feel unreal.

"My name is Coco Moqi, the goddess of magic who was born in the realm of nothingness."

The girl's words kept ringing in her ears. this what he says?

She has never seen any gods, but has read many religious books. Whether it is the sects of the Goddess of Fertility and the God of All Opportunities that are large enough to influence the country, or the small sects spread among the people, their records all describe the gods. They have become great and magnificent. The place where the gods live is the sacred building hidden above the sky. When they speak, their voices are no longer heard by the ears, as if they can penetrate the soul...

"Bang bang bang."

"I knew a long time ago that you would not abandon the kingdom's army!" Eliz pushed her away, her expression full of joy, and in the unobtrusive corners of her eyes, there was also strong anger, "I want to avenge my father. , you will help me, right!"

"Well, when I learned about the rebellion of the Long Jiu family, I planned to return to the royal capital to provide support, but I didn't expect..." Sandela suddenly closed her mouth mid-sentence. She realized that General Fares had an unshirkable responsibility for the Royal Guards and Sancia Guards being defeated so quickly, and the person in front of her was his daughter, and she was probably the only survivor of the family.

The other party is exactly the Elize Ben she is looking for!

"Eliz!" She stepped forward and stretched out her hands, and the latter quickly ran up and hugged her tightly!

"It's really you! When I heard them talking about it, I thought I heard the name wrong! Did you leave Glory Castle specifically to find me?"

The door was pushed open, and a head of bright orange-red hair came into her eyes.

When did humans have a group that worships magic?

More importantly, why would the remnants of the kingdom's army get involved with this inexplicable existence, and even let her review the loyalty of the soldiers?


Countless mysteries shrouded Sandra's mind, making her feel like her breathing was a little heavy.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Hearing the other party's shout, Sandra suddenly felt a big stone fall to the ground, and even the dull air seemed to be much fresher.

This was obviously not the troop she was familiar with.

And the name of the Goddess of Magic...she barely had much of an impression.

"Come in, the door is unlocked." Sandra took a deep breath, put away her confused eyes, stood up and said. No matter what, she couldn't show these emotions in front of outsiders - as the defeated soldiers, the army soldiers had suffered enough.

Sure enough, she won't cry because of the meeting.

I would rather be angry than shed tears.

Because tears will only make the enemy laugh harder.

"Of course, this is also the reason why I came to you. I will never recognize Duke Long Jiu, nor will I accept the rule of Princess Yuegui Ninth." Sandra answered decisively.

Eliz's fingers on her arm relaxed, "Thank you. With your joining, the army will become even stronger!"

"By the way, have you had dinner? How about we chat while eating... I still have many questions to ask you."

"Then... pour me a drink." She nodded.

After a few glasses of wine, the slight barrier between the two that had been built up after not seeing each other for a long time quickly collapsed, and Sandra's excitement slowly calmed down.

"When I heard the news that the palace had been captured, it felt like a bolt from the blue. I thought I would never see you again." She cut off a piece of venison, brought it to her good friend, and then cut another piece for herself.

My mood changed and I became hungry.

"Me too. After hearing the news that my father was killed in battle, I wanted to fight Duke Longjiu, but Ruila held me back. She said that if I died, the kingdom's army would really disperse..." Elizti When he arrived at the general, his expression darkened, "Everything happened so fast that I was not even mentally prepared. Have you been to the royal capital...has it really been ruled by the Longjiu family?"

Sandra remembered the name Ruila.

She is a graduate of the earlier classes and one of the general's personal guards.

"Indeed. Although the nominal rulers are still the Yuegui family, the ministers of each department have been replaced, the police department has been banned, and security maintenance has been replaced by the Longjiu family's cavalry. I guess the ninth princess is just a temporary When the time comes, Duke Longjiu will definitely ascend the throne."

"What a complete defeat..." Eliz murmured.

"How did we lose this battle? The Royal Guards have excellent weapons and sufficient artillery and ammunition, not to mention there are Royal Guards that can be mobilized... Even if we hold the city tightly, it shouldn't be difficult to hold on for the first half of the year."

This is also the question that Sandra wants to know most. Although she knew that this would touch the trauma in her friend's heart, for soldiers, battle information was the most important, and she had to ask even if it made the other party uncomfortable.

The garrison in the royal capital is undoubtedly an elite force and is definitely stronger than the local rebels summoned by the Duke. The last and most entry-level warriors in the Royal Guard are Masters, each of whom can defeat one against a hundred. For example, a warrior like Ryan, a formation warrior who can open and close, can split the steel plate of a warship with just his giant sword. When placed on the battlefield, he is a being who can single-handedly change the situation of the battle. And there are more than twenty strong men like him in the guard. Whether they are used to carry out beheading tactics or let the enemy enter the outer city to fight guerrillas, they can greatly suppress the opponent's offensive capabilities.

Even she could think of a strategy that General Farez Ben could not think of.

"There is a traitor in the guard!" Elise's face suddenly became a little stern. "Although I don't know who it is, but not long after Duke Longjiu arrived on the outskirts of the royal capital, civil strife broke out in the palace! At that time, the guard There were eight members of the Royal Guard in the city. When my father ordered them to support the front line, no one responded. I heard from Rila that the guard who was sent to notify came back with a pale face and reported that only two masters were found. The bodies of the soldiers and the whereabouts of the rest are unknown.”

"Rebellion? How could..."

Sandra was greatly surprised. Being able to become a member of the Royal Guard can be said to be the highest honor for a military academy student. These people lack neither status nor money, and can even enter and leave the palace freely. Therefore, each of them regards reputation as more important than life. How did Duke Longjiu buy such people?

"The betrayal is a fact! Except for the two victims, the other five people are suspects!" Eliz clenched her fists, "Sooner or later I will find out who the traitor is who defected to the Long Jiu family!"

"What about the other troops?"

"There are still six members of the Royal Guards fighting in the outer city... They are dealing with the executive priests of the Shenji Cult. The main force of Sancia is deployed at the west gate of the royal city and engages in head-on firefights with the rebel nobles. According to my father's plan , The Royal Army has a very high chance of winning, because we not only have a numerical advantage, but also a firepower advantage. With the city defense artillery behind us, no one can cross the west city gate. "

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