Alien paradise

Chapter 310 Night Talk

The scene when the two sides were fighting had already appeared in Sandra's mind.

The wilderness outside the west gate of the royal city is full of trenches and sand barriers dug by the defenders; artillery troops are deployed behind them. As long as Long Jiu's army launches an attack, they will be hit by artillery shells in turn before they can engage the enemy. The side fighting in the field could not build fortifications quickly, so they had no choice but to rush in. Even if they captured the outer positions, the Imperial Guards could retreat into the city and open up a second battlefield.

There is no problem with General Farrus's arrangement.

If she were in charge, the early stage should be about the same.

"Then what...?" Sandra couldn't help but ask.

"I was not at the scene. I heard about the battle from Ruila..." Eliz's eyes were a little dazed, as if she had returned to the most frightening moment. "The rebels used an unseen weapon." Strange structures, and used on a large scale. They look like giant armors, enough to fit an adult into them. These steam armors are far more flexible than the previous mechanical strange structures, and they can run and jump almost like ordinary bullets. To stop the advancement of the strange structures, only artillery shells can hurt them, and the weapons they hold look like guns, but are actually small-caliber hand cannons similar to steam guns. Every shot can make our soldiers fly with blood... "

What a strange construction!

Sandra closed her eyes in pain. This is what the Longjiu family is best at. Their family's products are sold all over the country. Even in Brilliant Castle, you can see the steam cores and mining machines produced by Longjiu Company.

It is said that half of the country's strange construction research institutes are in the southwest of the Old Continent. The Long Jiu family invests hundreds of millions of R\u0026D funds every year, but they did not expect that they could hold back their trump card until they attacked the royal capital.

"Can't the army come back?"

"Father gave the order to retreat, but the front line was defeated too quickly. A large number of fleeing soldiers were overcrowded, and the retreat turned into a rout. The troops that originally returned to the city still had fighting capacity, and with the support of the Royal Guards, they blocked those humanoid figures. There is still hope for the advancement of Qiqiu. But... there was no response to my father's order, and only then did we know that there was a traitor in the guard. "

"I don't know what happened next. My father sent Ruila back to the mansion to pick me up. He hid in a safe house for one night and escaped from the royal city the next day."

Despite some emotional fluctuations, Eliz still firmly told her personal experience.

"Thank you for your hard work." Sandra held her hand and comforted softly.

"It doesn't matter, I can hold on." My good friend said slowly, "I will never fall before Duke Longjiu dies! Don't worry."

It has to be said that there are still many doubts about this battle, such as why the army's reconnaissance force did not detect the new strange devices hidden in Long Jiu's army; why the Royal Guards soldiers who regard honor as everything betrayed the Laurel family; the rebels in the kingdom Why not directly attack His Majesty the King and so on... But I'm afraid it's impossible to know now.

Sandra waited for Eliz to recover for a moment before asking, "Then why did you come to Star City? I have never heard of an army base camp in the mountains of Northland before."

"The lord of Star Reaching City, "Mrs. Xia Guang", Duke Rosia is a loyal supporter of the Yue Gui family, and is usually quite close to her father. I really didn’t know about this relationship before, or Ruila brought me here. "Eliz explained in detail, "Not only the remnants of the Kingdom's army, but also the Madam has attracted all the forces nearby who are determined to attack the Longjiu family. Now everyone is gathered in Star Reaching City, waiting to discuss the next plan. "

"Really? That's great!" Sandra couldn't help but feel a little excited, especially after seeing the nobles of the royal capital who surrendered to the wind, "Who are these people?"

"It's roughly divided into three factions." Speaking of this, Eliz's tone became more cheerful. "One faction is dominated by Rosia, mainly the lords and nobles in the northeast. Once they raise an army, they can immediately pull out a ten-man army. An army of ten thousand people. The representative of the other faction is "King of Obsidian" Franken Earl Hearthfire. He represents the mountain people camp and is a refugee force from the west. "

"Wait a minute...this group of troops comes from the power territory of the Longjiu family?"

"Well, according to Count Franken, not everyone in the west is happy to be ruled by Duke Longjiu. There are also many rebels, but unfortunately none of them can succeed. The Obsidian King himself has little strength, but he represents the west. The resistance forces have recently moved to Star Reaching City from the west. After the Earl gathered them, they can be regarded as a useful fighting force. Of course... his most important role is not this, but the people behind him. The power of representation.”

"What power?"

To Sandra's surprise, her good friend didn't answer her immediately, but kept it secret.

"This... is not suitable for me to talk about. It should be witnessed by you yourself."

"...Okay." She decided to believe the other party, "What about the last group of troops? It should be the Royal Army!"

"Not bad." Eliz drank another glass of wine, "We have gradually gathered 60,000 people, and it is still growing. You also know that in addition to the Royal Guards, the Kingdom's army has troops stationed everywhere. Including some new continent development areas. We have issued a notice to let them rush to Star Reaching City as much as possible to eliminate the Long Jiu family and his rebel forces. This is the highest priority of the army at the moment. "

Sandra frowned subconsciously.

If the troops in the New World were withdrawn... wouldn't the development work be completely suspended? What's more, the living environment there is dangerous and there are also the erosion of cultists. If a certain pioneering area is destroyed because of this, the loss will be too great.

"Are you sure they can come back? The Royal Navy seems to have surrendered to Duke Longjiu." However, she did not immediately veto the army's decision, but suggested tactfully from another angle, "If they only rely on merchant ships for transportation, they may Before they reach the port of the Old Continent, they will be captured by the rebels."

"You are wrong, the Kingdom Navy did not join the Long Jiu family." Elise shook her head.

"What? But Ryan's visiting fleet was obviously attacked by them..."

"They want to establish their own maritime kingdom, use each port as a stronghold, and become another independent force." A good friend corrected, "I only found out after escaping here that the group of people from the Kingdom's Naval Command wanted Not one or two titles, but the title of king!"

Sandra was stunned for a long time, "These...bastards!"

"Yes, they are all bastards and should all be hanged. But this means that the sea routes are not completely blocked. We can exchange benefits to allow the troops in the New World to return home."

Damn it, the price of this compromise is too high!

Sandra couldn't help but punch the table hard.

For the general's daughter, this move was tantamount to a great shame and humiliation, but Elise was able to say it calmly, which shows how heavy the oppression given by Duke Longjiu was.

Probably seeing the dissatisfaction in her heart, the other party took the initiative to change the topic to a lighter topic, "By the way, after I left Glory Castle, did you find the person I invited? With his level of understanding of strange structures, no It should remain unknown."

"Invited person?" Sandra didn't react for a moment, "Who?"

"Did you forget that dinner party? I originally wanted to introduce it to you..."

"Cough, cough..." She suddenly remembered.

"I remember his name is...ah, he said his name was Chao." Elise looked at her friend who was choked and asked with concern, "...are you okay?"

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