Alien paradise

Chapter 321 The Secret of the World

"Hahaha..." Lucis glanced at him a few times, and then laughed, "The Duke is joking, we are just an academy, and we have no direct competition with other companies. Speaking of peers... newspapers and bookstores everywhere They are one, but they are not on the same level as Wanliji. Why, do you want to provide protection for our academy?"

"If the kingdom can be pacified, I can do this. But unfortunately, there are still a large number of remnants of nobles who are colluding with the cult, and I really can't spare the strength to protect your company."

"I can understand. There will be a long time to come, and we will definitely have many opportunities to cooperate."

Lucis took Duke Longjiu to the atrium of the headquarters, and then walked into an elevator that was comparable to a luxury guest room. After entering the password, the panel made a clicking sound, and the "room" began to move slowly downward.

"There is no elevator of this size even in the Royal City." Wilson sighed.

"In fact, it was a freight elevator during construction. In order to build the protective shell of the Wanli machine, a large elevator was needed to load the materials. It was later modified into its current appearance, which can be regarded as making the best use of it." The other party introduced , "But then again...won't your followers go down with you?"

"As far as I know, face-to-face questions and answers are charged per person. If they go down with me, won't they have to pay a lot more?"

"Ah...hahahaha," Lucis was stunned for a moment before laughing, "You are so funny, how could the majestic Duke be reluctant to part with such a small amount of money."

"I'm not kidding. We're still fighting, and money is needed everywhere. It's better to save a little." Wilson walked to the sofa and sat down - the same posture as when he was standing. It's as steep as a rock wall. "Not to mention that you need bodyguards and guards to follow you when you go to dangerous places. Gleick Academy is not a dangerous place."

It took almost ten minutes for the elevator to stop.

"Which underground floor are we on?" the Duke asked curiously.

"Fifty floors. Of course...just calculated based on distance." The chairman replied proudly, "This should also be the deepest basement in the kingdom."

More than just the basement. When the two people stepped out of the elevator, a huge underground space appeared in front of them. It seems to be located in a natural cave, surrounded by a circular closed walkway made of steel plates; beautiful glass windows are evenly installed on the inward side of the walkway, and through the glass, the body of the Wanli Machine is also revealed. It stands like a steel tower in the center of the cave. If you think of it as a finger, then the circular walkway where the two of you are sitting on is like a precious ring worn on it.

"It's amazing." Wilson Longjiu said sincerely. "Although I have heard of the name Wanliji for a long time, when I actually see it, I still find it incredible."

The Steel Tower is not lifeless.

Its outer shell resembles intertwined dragon scales, and steam comes out from the inside from time to time, as if it is breathing. What's even more amazing is that it will flicker with light from time to time... It's not as dim and monotonous as a candlelight, but bright lights of many colors, including red, green, blue and purple; they are bright from time to time. It rises and sometimes goes out, giving people the illusion of alternating stars.

It's not a pure machine.

Wanliji seems to be a living thinker.

The two came to a quarter of the way down the aisle. There is a door here, and inside the door is another guest room with a sofa and desk. Lucis did not move forward, but made a gesture of invitation, "This is the inquiry room. You can stay in it for thirty minutes. There is no limit to the number of questions. When the time is up, I will come to pick you up and leave. ”

"Isn't it still some distance from the Wanli Machine?" Wilson nodded towards the steel tower, "I can't go there?"

"Sorry, only board members can get close to the main body of the Wanli Machine, and more than three people must be present at the same time." Lucis shook his head regretfully, "I have never been to the depths of it since I took over as the rotating chairman. Not to mention you. There is no need to be so close to the Wanli machine. There is a sound transmission device in this room specifically for communicating with it. "

"It seems that you really don't want to reveal any secrets." Wilson smiled, "Okay, let's start the timer now."

He walked into the house and Lucis closed the door for him himself.

At first glance, this place is no different from a regular guest room. Except for being smaller in size, the decoration is absolutely luxurious. The side facing the Wanli machine is an open floor-to-ceiling window, and a set of speaker-like devices extends from the top. Obviously the designer's original intention is to allow guests to face the Wanli machine for Q\u0026A.

Wilson also noticed that there were many pictures of people hanging on three walls of the house. He stepped forward to check and found that they were all famous people. The date they came to the headquarters of Gleick Academy was also marked under the photo.

It costs 50,000 thyres to leave your name on the wall, which is a good business idea.

The Duke skillfully took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, poured it for himself, and then walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass window with the wine glass in hand. The Wanli machine opposite was flashing green light, as if waiting for his inquiry.

"With such a long distance, do you think it's possible?"

He reached into his arms and took out a palm-sized copper block, then raised it and placed it on the trumpet.

At the same time, the mechanical typewriter on the side began to type on its own.

"Unable to understand the problem, please describe it again."

The copper block gradually deforms.

Its edges split into many pieces of metal, and then it lifted itself up. These metal pieces can rotate freely, just like the parapodia of arthropods. It turned around the mouth of the bell, then got into the pipe hole, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It seems okay."

Wilson laughed, sipped the red wine, and looked at Wan Liji leisurely, "How long have you been dead? Is this your cemetery?"

The paper keeps sliding out.

"Unable to understand the problem, please describe it again."

"Unable to understand the problem, please describe it again."

"Even after you die, your legacy is still being used by others to create endless wealth for them. Unfortunately, under the guise of bringing knowledge to the world, they are actually monopolizing knowledge. For example, standing on I here... obviously don't need your answers, but I can stand in the best position to ask questions, while many people who are thirsty for knowledge are turned away from the academy because of their lack of money. "


The typewriter slowed down.

"It doesn't matter, I will reuse your legacy and bring new changes to the world. If gods are really born to benefit mankind, then I will not let you down."

A large amount of steam suddenly spurted out from between the shells of the Wanli machine.

The piercing sirens resounded throughout the underground space!

"What did you do!?" Lucis roared from the rooftop, "Why did Wanliji lose his response!"

"Oh? It turns out you can hear me... This is an invasion of the guest's privacy." Wilson replied nonchalantly, "If I really asked about any business secrets, wouldn't it be possible for you to play with me?" In the palm of your hand?”

"No... no matter what you did, don't even think about walking out of the company today!" Lucis didn't bother to use honorifics at this moment, "Duke Longjiu, we'll see!"


Accompanied by crisp explosions, the shell of the Wanli machine began to fall off, falling into the depths like scales!

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