Alien paradise

Chapter 322 Machine Soul

Just next to the VIP Q\u0026A room, the control room was in chaos.

"The steam is overloaded by 300%, and the pipeline will not be able to hold up!"

"Where's the pressure valve? Let the people below open all the valves!"

"But the pressure relief fan has not started yet. If it is turned on now, all the workers below will be burned to death——"

"Then burn to death! If the pressure continues like this, the whole company will be fucking blown to the sky! Did you hear that? Everyone will die!"

"Your Excellency, Chairman, please take refuge on the ground immediately. This place may collapse at any time." The chief engineer advised with sweating profusely.

"Fart, there's no way anything will happen to the Wanli Machine. I'm here to guard it, but I want to see what tricks Wilson is playing!" Lucis Haifa said angrily. The abnormality of the Wanli Machine was definitely related to Duke Long Jiu. Not long after he entered, there was a problem with the steam control system. Even if he said that the two had nothing to do with each other, he would not believe it. What's more, the voices in the question and answer room can be monitored here, and the other party's strange soliloquy seems to be telling others that he is here for another purpose.

But what did Wilson Longjiu do?

This is a question that Lucis is puzzled by. He is obviously still far away from the Wanli Machine. Not to mention the core of the strange structure, he can't even touch the outer shell. Is it possible that a few words can cause the Wanli Machine to collapse?

However, Lucis was sure of one thing. That is, Duke Longjiu will never allow the steam system to explode due to overload. Even if the entire academy company is buried with him, he will not commit suicide easily.

This may be his trick.

Let everyone here retreat, and then he will find an opportunity to approach the core of the strange structure.

Thinking of this, he walked to the No. 2 sound transmission tube and urged again, "How are the security team prepared? Come here quickly!"

"Your Excellency, Chairman, the first and second emergency teams have entered the No. 4 elevator and are expected to arrive in ten minutes!"

"What about the outside of the company? Have you noticed anything unusual?"

"I've asked the security guards, but there's no movement outside for now!"

"Very well, keep them on alert!"

Lucis's heart relaxed a little... Duke Longjiu had no reinforcements and no bodyguards. When the emergency team arrived, he was no different than a turtle in a urn.

Of course... Even if the Duke's army arrives, Gleick Academy will not be a soft persimmon. Lucis had not introduced the defensive strength of this place to the other party before, but it did not mean that Xingwei City was truly undefended. Since the entire city is built around the company headquarters, its defense measures can be said to be no less than those of the royal capital, and most of the artillery and machine gun towers are mechanically controlled, eliminating the need to consider morale issues. Relying on the advantage of the Wanli Machine, the academy's weapons are definitely the best in the kingdom.

"Is the door to the VIP room still locked?" Lucis turned around and asked.

"Yes! The guest didn't leave!"

In this case, all he had to do was stay calm and wait.

"Oh my god..." Suddenly someone whispered.

"The shell, the shell of the universal machine!"

shell? Lucis suddenly heard a series of roars! He walked quickly to the window and could hardly believe what he saw - the Wanli machine shell, which was a hundred times stronger than the city wall, was spontaneously collapsing!

what on earth is it?

Those steel shells have not been replaced at all, they are all welded together piece by piece! This is like two bricks suddenly growing gears and starting to bite and rotate!

Could it be... steam?

He looked at the chief engineer in disbelief, "What is the steam overload now!?"

“350%, no more increase!”

"Where's the limit of the pipeline?"

"The limit is this number..." The chief engineer also reacted suddenly, "How could it happen to be stuck at this point?"

"Damn it! The Wanli Machine is using steam to destroy the protective shell...can you stop it!" Lucis roared.

"Stop the Wanli machine? Sir... there is no such mechanism in the control room!" The engineer was confused, "Unless, unless we cut off the underground water supply and let the Wanli machine burn itself out!"

When the Wanli machine is running, it will emit a lot of heat energy, so it needs running water to cool down. This cooling system is not precisely controlled by people... Its pipelines are all over the Wanli machine, and the Wanli machine also manages the water inlet and outlet and drainage. Regardless of the gas capacity, it has been running very stably for decades and has never made any mistakes.

It is also regarded as a genius design within the company...people will be lazy and make mistakes, but strange structures will not. Let QiGou decide the operation of the circulating cooling system, which is an ideal closed loop that uses machines to manage machines.

No one thought that Wanli Machine would one day use steam as a tool to destroy the outer shell!

At this moment, the pressure relief valve under the tower has been fully opened, but the Wanli machine has also increased the amount of water inflow and put itself in a highly heated state, which makes it impossible for the steam pressure to drop at all.

What about water cuts?

This may lead to the complete destruction of the Wanli Machine... If the first-class strange structure is lost, what is the difference between the collapse of Glek Academy?

Lucis couldn't help but shudder.

No...the company must not die in one's own hands! No matter what, hold on!

"Your Excellency, the damage to the shell has reached nearly 30%. Do we need to send out a repair team?" the chief engineer asked stammeringly.

Idiot, that shell is not used to protect the universal machine!

Lucis yelled inwardly.

Its protective shell, which is like steel scales, is to limit the power of the strange core within the tower and to protect users outside!

As the rotating chairman, Lucis does not know the specific working principle of the core, nor does he know what harm will happen when it is exposed, but in the Wanliji memo, destroying the protective shell is an absolute taboo. When this happens When it happens, everything must be done to prevent it.

However, there is the biggest contradiction here, that is, what should Wanliji do if he does this on his own! ?

Perhaps the root of everything lies with Duke Longjiu!

"Your Excellency Chairman, the elevator for the emergency response force has arrived." A controller reported.

"You guys continue to stay at your posts! I'll take them to break down the door!" Lucis hurried to the No. 4 elevator. His body, over fifty years old, had never been as flexible as it was at this moment. He rushed to the door and waited for the bulletproof iron door to open. . However, when the door slid open to both sides, what he saw was a bloody hell. Members of the emergency force, who were armed to the teeth, fell to the ground in a mess, their bodies mutilated by bullets. Some had no limbs, and some only had half their heads left.

Blood, brain matter, and intestinal juices mixed together, emitting a disgusting fishy smell.

Lucis was stunned.

At this time, the clanging sound of mechanical operation came from the corridor.

He realized something and raised his head in despair. I saw that the mechanism hidden in the ceiling of the circular corridor had been activated, the hidden cover slowly slid open, and machine guns slid down one after another.

This is the company's internal defense device. When an enemy invades, this system will be activated. The problem is that it requires authorization from the board of directors and someone in the control room to operate it.

But Lucis never issued such an order at all.

The moment the gun was pointed at him, he turned to look at the tall tower in the cave. At this moment, the tower wall had collapsed more than half, and a strange light bloomed from its interior...

Is that you, Wanliji?

Are you in control of this?

This was also the last thought that came to his mind when the gun went off.

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