Alien paradise

Chapter 328 Interview

Ranch Brinton came to the top floor of the church and unexpectedly saw a few "old acquaintances".

"Hey...isn't this the former lord?" Kashi, the owner of the sawmill, looked at him and said, "He's here to see the bishop?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

Except for Kashgar, several others were also young men from aristocratic families. These few escaped because they did not participate in the plans of Baron of Thorns, Sergei and others.

But they were only exempted from liquidation. After the baron's vicious conspiracy was exposed, the reputation of the nobles and traditional businessmen plummeted. Even when they walked on the road, they would be looked at with a blank stare, which was very different from the glorious days of the past.

"You should come back later." Kashgar did not answer his words, but directly asked him to go back, "Today is an important day, and the bishop should not have time to see you."

Seeing him subconsciously rubbing his hands while talking and constantly looking at the office door, Lan Qi felt a sense of relief. Yes, the Brintons are left with nothing, but you are no better off. Today's Kashgar is as honest as a child waiting for his parents to scold him.

He found an empty chair and sat down, "Is it an important day? I think it's just important to you."

"What do you mean?" Kashi asked dissatisfied.

"Don't think I haven't heard about the Paradise Sect's plan to re-plan this city. Your sawmill, your leather shop... By the way, your pine cone processing workshop..." He pointed to places including Kashgar in turn. The several aristocratic businessmen inside "all have to be included in the overall plan, otherwise they will be gone. That's why you want to participate in this government open recruitment, and you want to save your family business by being effective. Am I right?"

At this point, Lan Qi glanced at the office, "And today is the date of the interview."

"How do you know?" Kashi asked in surprise.

Lan Qi looked away uncomfortably.

A nobleman reacted quickly, "Wait a minute, Mr. Lanci, are you here for the interview as well?"

"Ah? The noble former lord, His Excellency Earl Brinton, would actually choose to serve the Paradise Cult who took away his family fortune?" Kashi suddenly became energetic. He came up to Lan Qi and looked him up and down. "Seriously, you won't be able to be a lord again after doing this."

According to the laws of the kingdom, feudal lords have the responsibility to defend their territory, and it is better to surrender to the enemy than to surrender.

Although he had already done some psychological preparation and knew that he would have to face this day sooner or later, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he was teased in person. "Really? But it was the Kingdom Army and the Elko Battalion that took away my family property. Even if the Paradise Cult did not come, this position would not be back to me. On the other hand, didn't you get along well with Sergei and the others before? Now that their heads are hanging at the city gate, you want to join the paradise. It must be a good story if word spreads."

"You..." Kashgar glared at him fiercely, "The bishop said, one thing comes to another. Even sinners have a chance to turn back and make amends, not to mention I am not a big evil person."

This is true.

Because after the Paradise Cult wiped out the underground gangs, they screened nobles and high-level executives of large companies. Anyone who commits a serious crime will basically face jail time. For example, Blake, who surrendered, was still sentenced to three years in prison after many reduced punishments. The fact that these people in front of them can still come out and move around freely shows that they have passed the approval of the Paradise Cult.

"Exemption from punishment does not mean innocence. You know it yourself." Lan Qi crossed his arms and said, "I don't think it's that easy for you to join the paradise."

"Hmph, let's see." Kashgar groaned.

At this time, the door opened, and a nun poked her head out, "Is Mr. Ranch Brinton here?"

"I'm here." Lan Qi quickly stood up from his seat.

"Please come in."

He straightened his collar and walked into the office.

There were three people sitting in the room except the nun who was doing the job. Lan Qi has seen them all. They are the Archbishop of Paradise, Mr. Xue Quan, whose position is unknown but second only to the emperor, and His Excellency Wang Shengli, the executive who directed the city's operations during this period.

He came to the center of the room and bowed to the three of them, elegantly and standardly.

"Hello everyone, I am..."

"Okay, you're qualified." Chaoyang waved to him, "Come and take a look at these positions and choose one you're good at."

The second half of Lan Qi's words was stuck in his throat.

Is this the interview taught by Paradise?

Lan Qi walked to the table hesitantly and saw several pieces of paper on it, with the name of the department and job requirements written on them. The salary was almost the same, and it could reach the level of twenty-five Thriels a month, which was almost the same as that of a small child. The income from the nobles' estates was approaching. They are the Ministry of Construction and Development, the Ministry of Economy and Trade, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Population Coordination. The others are easy to understand. It is the Ministry of Population. Just by looking at the title, he thought that the Paradise Cult planned to traffic humans.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that this department is actually responsible for coordinating the population size of the territory, ranging from whether there is a job and the level of education to life, old age, illness and death. For example, if there are too many unemployed people, the ministry will have to create jobs and accept more people... Seeing these fresh descriptions, Lan Qi only felt that his previous role as a lord was too simple and unpretentious.

Finally, he thought about it and selected the paper from the Ministry of Economic and Trade.

"Are you good at this?" Chaoyang asked.

"I have never done this before, but I have discussed and learned from the Minister of Commerce. The family was also involved in business before becoming a lord. My grandfather often said that the essence of business is a game of competitive relationships, and nobles have an inherent advantage." Lan Qi replied cautiously.

"Okay, then you can try this department, starting with the deputy minister."

"May I ask if the minister is..."

"It's me." Xue Quan smiled, "Of course this is only temporary. Considering that you are not familiar with the leadership method of the park, Professor Wang and I will participate in all departments. I will go to work at the Thorns Mansion tomorrow, which has been transformed into The sect’s office.”

Lan Qi nodded in a daze and asked uncertainly, "Is there really no need to do other tests?"

"If you had worked for Paradise Cult from the beginning, you might have become the head of the department now." Chaoyang shrugged, "Your resume is very clean, which is rare among nobles, and now you have lost Everything is a very suitable candidate. If I have to ask...that is why you decided to join the paradise now, but I can guess a few things about your answer, so I'll leave it alone."

Lan Qi smiled bitterly in his heart, indeed... because he has little hope of getting the lord back, because he and Alice's life will continue, because the Paradise Cult has shown unimaginable strength, and because miracles have appeared repeatedly here... As the other party said, most residents in the city have now become believers in the Paradise Religion, and the reasons are none other than the above.

"So...can I get a believer's seal?"

Chaoyang raised his head and glanced at him, "No."

Unexpectedly, he would be rejected so bluntly. Lan Qi couldn't help but feel cold, "You...can you tell me why?"

He had applied to the church before, but the result had not been heard yet. Even many ordinary people had received their own believer seals. He thought it was because he had not agreed to the invitation from the paradise before, but now he had passed the interview, but was still rejected by the bishop.

"Because you are not a believer." Chaoyang replied extremely frugally, "Only believers can use the jade seal."

"I am willing to believe in the Lord of Paradise!" Lan Qi emphasized.

He shook his head, "You can't just talk about this. Let's look at it again when we have the chance."

Lan Qi was unwilling to accept it, "You said that I am not a believer, but you agree with me to work for the Paradise Cult... Is this unreasonable?"

Chaoyang laughed, "When did I say that only believers can work for the Paradise Sect? As long as anyone has the ability, we are willing to accept them and provide them with a salary commensurate with their position. What's more, the Paradise Sect is not just around The Lord of Paradise is an organization. God hopes to turn the whole world into a paradise. In other words, everyone can live a life without worries about food and clothing. If you resist this view from the bottom of your heart, I am afraid it will be difficult for you to become my Lord in the future. believer."

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