Alien paradise

Chapter 329 A bigger stall

"Is this why I can't use the Believer's Seal?"

After Lan Qi left, Xue Quan asked with some concern.

When Chaoyang showed him the first sample, he was still a little skeptical - because it looked like a polished stone. And no matter what he did, he couldn't achieve the effect of remote calling. It wasn't until more and more people started talking based on the believer's seal that he had to admit that this kind of stone was beyond the scope of common sense.

"Who knows?"

Chaoyang said noncommittally.

In fact, the process of determining whether the believer's seal can be used is very simple, that is, to see if there is a thread on the top of the other person's head that provides the power of will. He cannot forcefully give someone the qualification to use the Believer's Seal. Even Xue Quan, who has contributed a lot to Paradise, cannot use this jade stone.

What's even more incredible is that he didn't make this thing himself.

When he sent out the greeting "Welcome to Paradise" to all believers, the jade seal appeared in his hand. There is no doubt that this is something created by the Kingdom of God in order to realize his requirement for "interconnection".

Now the statistics interface of Kingdom of God has been completely separated from Lingxi Vision and has become a separate ability. When Chaoyang switches to this view, not only can you see the statistics of the number of people connected to the Kingdom of God, but you can also see the count of believer seals, including the number of holders and unallocated seals.

That's right, this thing will grow by about two hundred every day, and only the rising sun can materialize them. The distribution work does not require him to do it himself, and it will identify whether the holder is a believer. If not, then it is just a full and shiny jade.

As for why the material is like jade, this is also decided by the Kingdom of God. Chaoyang guesses that this is probably related to his life experience.

"Can I take a piece back to the prevention and control center for research?" Xue Quan asked again.

"What should I say?" Chaoyang did not answer immediately, but consulted silently in his heart.

The person he consulted was naturally Mianyin.

Although the slime looked unreliable, it was actually quite unreliable, but that was before it could see the real thing. Perhaps as it says, the God of Cause and Effect holds all the mysteries of the world, but because of differences in thinking methods, humans cannot understand what it is thinking.

"It doesn't matter. It is a product of the rules of the Kingdom of God, and it is meaningless without the Kingdom of God. You should understand now what it means to operate relatively independently of the Kingdom of God, right?"

Chaoyang couldn't deny it.

Before personally experiencing it, it was difficult for him to imagine that a thing was born of his own will, yet could transcend his will.

"This is also my difficulty. I know the consciousness of the stars, but until you see it with your own eyes, I can't find a bridge to communicate——" Although he said it was his difficulty, the other party's tone was full of uncontrollable pride. .

"Okay, okay, your boasting makes my ears tingle." Chaoyang interrupted it directly, and then "transformed" a jade seal and handed it to Xue Quan, "No problem, remember to send me the research results. "Although I bet you can't figure it out."

"Although I can't use it, but according to Mr. Chao, it can be changed as the park grows in the future?" Professor Wang asked curiously.

"Yes, the organization is working intensively to develop new functions for it. In a sense, its final form is an all-powerful personal terminal."

Chaoyang said, half sure and half deceived.

He didn't know the principle of this thing, and he didn't know how to make it, so how could he possibly plan an improvement route for it? But he is not just talking nonsense, because the core of the Kingdom of God is the Internet, and just having a dialogue between the two parties will definitely not fully summarize this concept. What's more, the power of the Kingdom of God has nothing to do with the demon's awakening. It continues to absorb the power of will, expanding from a small gray-white circle to a huge area that can cover the city. This shows that as long as the power of will continues to accumulate, it will continue to strengthen itself. .

"What if one day the Paradise Sect ceases to exist?" Professor Wang asked again.

Chaoyang was slightly startled.

He had never considered this question before.

"Maybe it won't work anymore, right?"

"It's not that simple. If the Kingdom of God cannot absorb the power of will, it will drain every bit of power from you. The final outcome will be the collapse of the Kingdom of God and the fall of the gods." It's not a big deal to pick up the music and watch the excitement. , "If you hadn't decided on the core of the Kingdom of God before and just kept it in the foundation stage, now you have no way back."

Chaoyang was shocked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier!?"

"You didn't ask me." The other party crawled out from behind, put it on his shoulder and yawned, "Besides, would you give up on becoming a god if you knew the consequences? That is the dream of countless people, and you can't even exchange your life for it. Opportunity. Even the ancients knew that it was okay to die in the morning and in the evening, so don’t complain about this small price."

Now it's better. He just thought he had achieved the freedom of his will, but he didn't expect to be saddled with a bigger burden.

The green-skinned orc's soul question is indeed universally applicable.

Seeing the rising sun, he thought deeply and said nothing, then picked up the sound and added another sentence,

"All in all, the benefits it brings to you are much greater than the costs. Take the believer's seal as an example. Such a magical thing is basically a wish harvester. In order to crave such convenience, people will spontaneously believe in you. This is comparable to your It’s much faster to sign contracts one by one to fulfill your wishes.”

"When you expand the Kingdom of God to cover the entire world, your will will become your inexhaustible force."

"It's such a pity." Professor Wang thought he was thinking about the situation after the believer's seal expired. "After people enjoy the convenience of the telephone, I'm afraid they will never be able to return to the era of letter paper."

"Let the next one come in." Xue Quan ordered the nun guarding the door.

The latter nodded, opened the door and walked out.

At this time, there was suddenly an uncoordinated noise outside.

"Wait a minute...who is this woman?"

"Hey, stop!"

"Sorry, I'm cutting in line."

The person who walked in was not Kashgar, the owner of the sawmill, but a tall woman. Chaoyang was stunned for a moment when he raised his head.


"I wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't notify you in advance..." The moment Sandra saw the rising sun, her whole body relaxed, "I guess it didn't scare you, right?"

"Miss Sandra, why are you here?" Xue Quan also stood up enthusiastically and said, "There are black tea, green tea and coffee here, which one do you want to drink?"

"I-cough cough cough!" Halfway through her words, Sandra suddenly covered her mouth and coughed violently. When she removed her palm, there was blood seeping from the corner of her mouth.

Only then did Chaoyang realize that she looked quite abnormal, her cheeks were horribly red, and she was gasping for air the moment she entered the door.

"What's wrong with you?" He left his seat, walked around the long table and walked towards Sandra, wanting to check her situation up close. But as soon as she reached the other party, Sandra was unable to stay standing and fell straight towards him.

Chaoyang quickly supported her, then hissed, and saw two broken arrows stuck in her back, and the blood almost penetrated the outer leather armor. Although she couldn't see how deep the arrow tip was inserted, judging from the blood in her coughing, it was basically possible to judge that the wound had spread to her lungs.

To make matters worse, the blood was darker in color and partially coagulated, indicating that this had not just happened. It has been at least two days since she was hit by an arrow!

Such a serious injury coupled with an infection that penetrated deep into the lungs was basically a death sentence for people of this era.

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