Alien paradise

Chapter 340 Falling apart

No one at the scene could react, including Coco Moqi.

By the time she came to her senses and fell to the ground, Chaoyang's body had long since expired.

"how so……"

she murmured.

"Isn't this natural?" The man withdrew his giant sword, stared at Chaoyang's "corpse" and said in a solemn voice, "It is impossible for a real god to die from such an attack. The reason why he died is because he is not a true god, but It's just a fake. You saw that weird red light just's more like a cultist's method."

"Can you even pretend to be the Kingdom of God?"

"Perhaps with the help of the power of the evil god." The man looked serious, "These people are not messengers at all. Just now, they attacked the reception troops who stayed. Those four or five guys were ordinary people, but they dared to provoke several times Regarding our own army, what is this if it’s not a cult? Although I don’t know what their purpose is, this group of people is definitely not here for peace talks.”

Is this the case...

Coco Moqi always felt that something was wrong - I couldn't say that Infino's view was unreasonable, but when I thought about it carefully, there were many subtle deviations. For example, the red light that resembled a swarm of snakes indeed seemed to be a trick of a cult, but as someone who faced it directly, she did not feel the suffocating sense of oppression contained in it, nor the indifference that regarded all life as nothing. ruthless. There is also a black pointed spear that penetrates the magic of the meteorite. It can obviously give her the final blow, which will greatly weaken her will and even collapse the kingdom of God. However, the other party does not do that.

In other words, the Lord of Paradise is indeed conducting this battle through discussion or forceful persuasion.

But now he is dead.

This situation made Coco Moqi feel confused.

"You're tired." Seeing that her eyes were a little out of focus, the man lowered his voice and comforted him, "I'll go to the tent to check the damage. You can rest where you are for a while. It doesn't hurt to tell Count Franken about this later. ”

"Well, I need to think about it carefully."

Not long after Infino left, Coco Moqi suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her heart! She covered her chest in surprise, trying to find out the cause of this pain - she wasn't sick or injured, so how could she feel heartache like a mortal? But soon she realized something was wrong. Her willpower was slowly being stripped away, and it spontaneously condensed into a ball above her head.

"This contract is mandatory. It belongs to the authority of the gods and is different from a mortal contract."

The voice of the Lord of Paradise suddenly came to mind.

"This contract is mandatory. It belongs to the authority of the gods and is different from a mortal contract."

"If you don't comply, the price is to pay one-tenth of each other's willingness to break the contract."

One-tenth of each other?

Does this mean that you have to pay one-tenth of your wish to the Lord of Paradise? Coco Moqi didn't pay attention to this clause at first. After all, the other party's kingdom of God was so small, and he would not have too much willpower. What's more, it's hard to say whether this kind of contract is effective, and she doesn't think she will lose to the other party.

Is this a sign of contract execution?

As the will power continued to pour out, Coco Moqi finally discovered that there was a big problem here! That means one-tenth of the will power is far more than she imagined! Although she didn't know the specific amount demanded by the other party, judging from the current trend, she couldn't afford the price!

Once the power of will is completely exhausted, the god will fall. This is more effective than killing any god!

Wait, wait, I am willing to go to Qianlin Fort!

Before the words were even spoken, as soon as this thought came into his mind, the leakage of his willpower was suppressed. The dark blue power ball that had been condensed before was hovering quietly in front of her eyes, as if measuring her next move.

Coco Moqi felt a sudden chill rising from behind.

This contract can actually take effect on the gods, and I can't find any way to counter it!

She couldn't help but turn her head and look to the distant south - beyond the layers of woods, there was Qianlin Castle, the headquarters of Paradise Sect.

What terrible things are waiting for me there?

Infino hurriedly ran towards the location of the goddess of magic. Although he had asked her to have a good rest before, he now realized that the trouble was getting bigger.

There were several corpses lying scattered around the tent, but none of them belonged to members of the envoys. As for the men who originally belonged to Count Franken, none of them were missing! Based on the situation at the scene, it is not difficult to judge that these hundreds of people not only failed to control the envoys, but were killed by the enemy by surprise, which eventually led to a rout!

Was it the panic caused by Coco Moqi's magic that caused the entire army to flee? Then why were these people sent by Qianlinbao able to respond calmly without any panic?

The messy footprints on the ground are enough to piece together the scene at that time - the five people always hugged each other and retreated down the hillside while firing; and the footprints of the count's men were everywhere, as well as the handprints and fingerprints left by rolling on the spot. The armor indentations were in stark contrast to the enemy.

It would be fine if this group of people were completely defeated. The trouble was that he didn't find Elize Ben's body or the footprints of her departure! This person has been standing on a small piece of flat grass since he ran out of the tent, most likely watching the showdown between the goddess of magic and the false god. After that, she only moved two short steps before her footprints disappeared suddenly. She was obviously carried by someone from the envoy group, making it impossible for her to leave any valid information.

Infino didn't know much about the woman Elize Ben. She only knew that she was the daughter of General Fares Ben. Some soldiers in the kingdom's army regarded her as a replacement for the general. Although her commanding ability and fighting talent are mediocre, and some senior generals do not recognize her status, she is crucial to maintaining the stability of the coalition. At least for now, no one in the Royal Army can completely replace her.

Now Elize has been kidnapped by the dead soldiers sent by Qianlimbao?

Or in front of two gods?

It’s too unbelievable to say this!

Infino knows his own strengths and weaknesses. He is good at close combat and is the pinnacle that all warriors dream of. However, it is not easy to find a few escaped people in the vast dense forest. If the other party knows a little bit about counter-reconnaissance methods, such as removing odors and erasing footprints, then he is no different from ordinary people.

But Coco Moqi is different.

The power of magic allows her to see through all disguises and eliminate all misunderstandings. No matter how the enemy hides, she can pinpoint the location of these rats!

It is impossible for mortals to escape the hunting of gods with only their legs.

Yingfeinuo quickly turned back to the big pit blasted by the goddess of magic, but was shocked to find that Coco Moqi was no longer where she was.

Not only that, even the body of the false god disappeared, and there was deathly silence in the forest. Even if he shouted loudly, no one responded. Except for the surrounding woods that were flattened by broken stones and the remaining 100-meter-deep pits on the ground, which indicated that a fierce battle had occurred here, he could no longer find any trace of the other party's existence.

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