Alien paradise

Chapter 341 Silver Giant Bird

On the other side, there was some commotion among the main force of the crusade.

Count Franconian had given the order to continue moving forward, but the stalled team was slow to resume its normal march. Since this force of more than 20,000 people is nearly four kilometers long from front to back, he cannot confirm the situation in front of him at the center.

"I'll also send someone to take a look." Sir Hollis called a messenger and asked him to supervise the soldiers in front. Then he turned to comfort the earl and said, "Don't worry, this is not a big deal. The army will It is inevitable that various problems will arise if there are too many, especially since everyone was attracted by the movement from behind just now and may not have recovered for a while. "

Franken nodded, and glanced behind him with some worry, "I don't know what the respected Lady of Magic is thinking, to actually make the momentum so shocking."

Although he kept saying respect, his tone clearly showed dissatisfaction.

"The ancient gods are used to acting naturally and indulgently, so they don't worry about what mortals think." Mekfa said unconcernedly, "I guess she wants to show off her tricks and scare the messengers of the Paradise Sect. Look. …Isn’t there nothing going on now? I guess that adult still has some sense of proportion.”

Indeed... Franken was really startled when a fireball with billowing smoke suddenly appeared in the sky. If that thing fell to the ground, the ground would probably shake. The kingdom's army was well-trained and could control their emotions, but the same could not be said for the large group of soldiers under his command.

Now that the troops have not resumed their advance, it may be caused by their own soldiers. Count Franken was patient and did not lose his temper because he was worried that he would be embarrassed in the end.

"How did the Royal Army handle this situation?" Sir Hollis asked proactively, probably wanting to lighten the atmosphere.

"Soldiers will receive similar training in the military academy. If we don't receive the commander's order to stay, we will not stop even if a knife is put on our head." Mekfa shrugged, "Of course, such a request must be Supplemented by military law, strict restrictions will be imposed. If violated, there will be punishments such as whipping. "

"As expected of a regular army," Jazz nodded, "I really hope those people I brought here can also learn from them."

"With all due respect," Moses, another member of the Royal Guard, took the opportunity to interject, "If you want to defeat Duke Longjiu, in addition to the help of the gods, the combined forces must also integrate as soon as possible to become a force that can handle everything." Okay. A professional army needs to be equipped with professional generals, and it is obviously not feasible for the three parties to maintain their own establishments as they are now."

"Well..." Hollis felt a little embarrassed for a moment, "I will report your proposal to Lady Rosia."

Franken frowned and was about to put forward a different opinion when a dispute suddenly came from the front of the team, and the messenger sent by Hollis was rushing towards this side with an anxious look on his face.

He didn't slow down at all on the road, and it wasn't until he got close to Jazz that he pulled the reins sharply, using his excellent equestrian skills to make the horse stop. Obviously, the situation was not as simple as everyone expected.

And as soon as he opened his mouth, the news really shocked everyone.

"Sir... it's not good. There was a conflict between the Royal Army's forward and the Western Army. The two sides were quarreling, which made it impossible for the large army to move forward."

Internal strife?

This is no small matter!

Mekfa's face suddenly became very ugly, "Our people and the Western Army? Have you asked clearly about the cause of the conflict?"

"It seems that it was caused by a soldier named Ryan Kerry." The messenger quickly replied, "He asked his team to disperse into the forest to hide, and asked other soldiers to do the same. The Western Army believed that this move was cowardly. A fight broke out with them!"


Hearing the name, Mekfa's fists clenched.

Sandra ran away that night, and Ryan was the last person to see her, so he was naturally a serious suspect. He objected to letting Ryan participate in this operation from the beginning, but the other party was a master-level warrior. Duke Rosha believed that the coalition army should not cut off its own limbs; in addition, the goddess of magic appraised his loyalty and confirmed that he had not rebelled. Then he was reluctantly incorporated into the team and entrusted with the command of the forward centurion.

As a result, something like this happened before the enemy was engaged. The opponent was a member of the Royal Guard. Where did this make Mekfa, who had just boasted that the Kingdom's army puts discipline first, put his face?

"What about the other soldiers of the Royal Army?" Moses questioned, "They can't all run away with Ryan, right?"

"It seems that three to four hundred people have left the team. I haven't counted the specific number. Although the other Royal Army soldiers present did not listen to Ryan's suggestion, they are all dissatisfied with the insults they received from the Western Army, and now they have all retreated to the roadside."

"Absurd!" Mekfa cracked his whip, "I will go there myself. If this is true, I guarantee that he will be punished as he deserves."

However, before he could move, he heard a strange buzzing sound - the sound seemed to come from a very far away place, like continuous thunder, but also like the unique vibration of machinery.

Each of the royal guards had keen senses, and Moses beside him had already raised his head to look at the southern sky.

"what is that?"

Mekfa also followed his gaze and saw a few strange big birds vaguely appearing on the horizon. Their wings are straight and slender, and their bodies reflect silvery white light under the sunlight.

The reactions of Count Franken and Hollis were significantly slower.

It wasn't until the birds emerged from the clouds that they noticed something strange in the sky.

"Damn it, that thing is not a bird!" Mekfa roared, "It is a machine creation, some kind of strange structure! Give me my order, and everyone is ready for battle!"

Although he has never seen such a strange structure, the thing flying from the south and specifically targeting the Union Army is definitely not a harmless thing! There is a high probability that it came from Thousand Limburg. The purpose of the envoys was not to negotiate peace, but to delay their actions so that these strange creatures could take advantage of it.

However, the "Silver Big Bird" did not lower its altitude further. They maintained a distance of eight or nine hundred meters from the ground and lined up in a straight line. At this distance, let alone guns, even artillery fired from above would be difficult to hit. What frightened Mekfa even more was that these strange structures were incredibly fast. They were still on the horizon when he first saw them, but they were already close to the forward troops in less than half a minute! Thirty seconds is not even enough time for the ordering soldiers to run through the entire formation and pass the order to the ears of the generals at all levels.

You must know that in conventional cavalry field operations, you can give orders after visualizing the enemy, and you will have plenty of time to arrange tactics and form formations for your men.

Too fast... They are hundreds of times larger than birds, but they fly faster than birds. This is definitely not good news for the Union Army!

But how can they attack when they fly so high? Or... the enemy sent these strange structures just for reconnaissance?

The question in Mekfa's mind was quickly answered.

Because he saw that the "mouth" of the strange structure's abdomen was open, and the belly below it was hollow. Then many black lumps fell out of his stomach and hit the forest path accurately.

When they landed, flames, smoke, and explosions erupted at the same time. The ground beneath their feet trembled, and the entire forest seemed to boil!

Now Mekfa is familiar, it’s shelling!

"Spread out! Get down quickly!"

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