Alien paradise

Chapter 342 Machines and Blades

The flames bloomed along the marching road, and the mud pillars raised were more than ten meters high! The soldiers who marched in the middle of the road were caught off guard. Many of them had no time to escape into the woods before they were blown up by the bombs.

For a moment, the large army fell into panic. Many soldiers did not disperse to the woods on both sides, but turned and ran towards the rear, as if they wanted to escape from the spreading sea of ​​​​fire in front of them. But how could it be possible for two legs to outrun a flying bird? In Mekfa's view, this foolish behavior would only block the road and cause unnecessary casualties to the rear troops.

"Moses! Protect the Earl and General Hollis!"

It is not difficult for the Flower Divine Sword to dodge this kind of bombardment, but it is different for the two nobles. Although he looked down on these two people, they were still the commanders of the army. If they were seriously injured here, the Royal Guards would not be able to escape the blame. Mavis saw the explosion heading towards the center of the army. He simply turned over and stood on his horse, holding his sword in front of his eyes.

He could see that the falling speed of this kind of bomb was much slower than that of ordinary artillery strikes, which also meant that as long as the sword was fast enough, it could chop down or knock away all the bombs.

And what he is best at is the fast sword!

When the giant bird flew over Mekfa's head, he suddenly jumped up and slashed out the long sword in his hand - this sword was named Fanhua because it could freely expand and contract according to the user's will. Like scattered flowers. It is a third-class strange structure, and it is also a secret weapon that humans cannot replicate!

In an instant, a protective net composed of layers of sword light appeared above the heads of the core troops. All the falling iron lumps were shot away, and none exploded in the formation.

But even if Mekfa used all his strength, he could only protect an area of ​​more than thirty meters around him. The bombs dropped by the giant birds quickly passed them and fell into the road behind them.

And all generals know that the damage range of artillery strikes is far more than a few dozen meters, and some shrapnel can still have a fatal effect after flying hundreds of meters.

If there were still soldiers in front who had no time to disperse to block the explosion, the soldiers behind had basically withdrawn into the forest, leaving the entire road without any cover.

"Please leave the next step to me." Moses took a step forward and stood in front of Mekfa.

He took off the thick-edged sword from his back and slashed three sword winds backwards. Each one was like a roaring wall of wind, sweeping away all the flying gravel, tree roots and soil. When the explosion shock wave collided with the wind wall, everyone could even hear a double explosion no less than when a bomb detonated!

Relying on the protection of two royal guards, the center where the commander was located hardly suffered much damage.

The iron birds soon flew over a distance of four kilometers, and they began to turn, as if they were planning to do it again. But this time, someone stopped them.

Mekfa could only vaguely see a figure rushing out from the forest and quickly shooting at one of the iron birds. As a flash of light flashed, the big iron bird was cut off from the middle, and then a violent explosion occurred in the air. of explosion. And that figure popped up like a phantom and hit another iron bird diagonally!

Even with his powers of observation, he couldn't clearly see the outline of the figure. If the smoke and dust of each explosion did not reflect its path, Mekfa would even mistakenly believe that the explosion of these strange structures one after another was not caused by external forces, but by internal malfunctions.

And the shadow shuttled back and forth in the air, not as if it was flying, but by kicking with extremely terrifying foot power! Every time it leaves the iron bird, the latter's shell will deform violently, and its running route will be a straight line without any change of direction in the middle.

There is no doubt that this is beyond the scope of human warriors.

There was only one figure he could imagine: Infino, the legendary god of heroes.

Although Mekfa knew that there was such a prominent figure in Star Reaching City, he had never actually seen him. According to Duke Rosia, this god doesn't want to be seen, nor does he want to interfere in mortal affairs. It is only guaranteed to take action when dealing with the God of All Machines. Most of the time, even the Duke himself doesn't know where it is.

Now Mekfa is clear.

It turns out that the God of Heroes has been following this team.

When the enemy's strange structure fell to the ground, a few cheers briefly erupted on the scene, but soon the moans and howls overwhelmed everything.

"Where are my men? Jock, Jock, where are you?" Earl Franken looked around blankly, and it took him a while to find his own soldiers in a crater on the roadside. It's a pity that this young nobleman only has half of his body left at this moment, and his two legs are missing.

The scene ahead was even more embarrassing. The forest trails used for marching almost no longer existed, and injured soldiers and burning corpses could be seen everywhere. Judging from their attire, the vast majority of the casualties belonged to the Western Army forces, that is, the people brought over by Count Franken. The Royal Army also suffered losses, but thanks to the previous internal strife, the number of injured seemed to be far less than that of the Western Army. For example, almost all the soldiers rushing around to save people are wearing military uniforms.

"Where is the priest? We need help here!"

"Help, help me..."

"I can't see my eyes anymore, it hurts so much!"

Mekfa glanced at the people who were dealing with the aftermath... and his mind went blank for a moment. It's not like he hasn't experienced war scenes. Whether it's the battle to annihilate the cultists or the head-on confrontation with Long Jiu's troops in the west, the aftermath is always a mess, with the dead and corpses strewn everywhere. But those battles have a process after all: a process of losing or winning from the beginning to the end. If you lose, retreat, if you win, take advantage of the victory and pursue it. This is all taught in detail in the military academy.

The question is what is it now? Did they win? They didn't even see the enemy, and they were at least a day and a night away from Qianlin Castle, but they were bombarded by several flying strange structures that they had never seen before, and they didn't even know who to choose as the target for pursuit. Did they lose? The strange structures were completely wiped out, but this joint army was still there... Everyone has not been defeated yet.

Of course, it's only not defeated now.

The battle lasted less than ten minutes in total, and I'm afraid most people still don't understand what happened. If the enemy attacks like this again, the situation may be quite bleak.

Mekfa didn't find a similar example in the past examples, and he didn't know what to do next, until a kingdom soldier ran over and asked, "My lord, the vanguard has regrouped, what should we do next?"

He then remembered that it was Ryan Kerry's extraordinary behavior that allowed the vanguard troops to escape. If he hadn't asked these soldiers to disperse into the woods for concealment, the losses of the vanguard would definitely be much more severe than those of the Western Army!

The question is, how did Ryan know that the enemy's attack was coming?

He even knew that the enemy would bomb all the way along the road! It would be strange if there is no ghost here!

"Is Ryan here too?"

"No... I didn't see Sir Ryan. His subordinates have all returned, but he is the only one missing." The other party shook his head.

So... he is also a traitor!

Just like Sandra!

"He can't run far! The main force will rest on the spot and place the wounded. Moses, you will chase him with me!" Mekfa finally had a goal, and his blank brain started to work again.

"No, we can't move forward. This expedition is a trap." Someone interrupted him and said, "Retreat to Star City first, and then discuss how to deal with Paradise Church next."

It was not the voice of Sir Hollis or Franken. Furnace.

Mekfa turned around angrily, but saw a translucent man standing behind him. Looking at the two commanders' silent attitude, he instantly realized who the other party was, "But Your Excellency..." "We have lost the Magic Goddess and Iris Ben. If we delay any further, the morale of the troops will collapse sooner or later." Infino said seriously, "This army no longer has the capital to continue advancing."

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