Alien paradise

Chapter 344 Where is Yu?

"But I don't know if she is willing to share these secrets with me..."

"Listen up, gods...I mean the post-gods. They will all retain quite a lot of their original characteristics." Mianyin suddenly said in a serious tone, "In other words, they are not too different from humans in some aspects. Big difference. How do you usually make friends with a stranger? This shouldn't be difficult for a demon who is good at seduction, right?"

Chaoyang clicked his tongue, "Could it be that you asked me to seduce a nine hundred year old..."

"Wait a minute, where are you thinking?" Xianyin quickly interrupted him, "It's not about temptation, it's about giving in to others! I don't need to explain this kind of thing in such detail! And... how could I let you seduce others? ——"

It suddenly closed its mouth mid-sentence.

Then there was a thump outside the window.

Chaoyang turned around and found Elodie knocking on the window outside, with a tied-up woman on her shoulders.

He quickly opened the window and let the angel in.

"Huh..." the latter let out a long breath, put the woman gently on the sofa, and then wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Fortunately, I have a lot of strength recently, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to carry her for more than a hundred kilometers. ”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The woman struggled hard, but her body was tied so tightly that it had no effect other than twisting her body.

"Why was she sent here like this?" Chaoyang twitched the corner of his mouth. There is no doubt that this person is Elize Ben, but now she has completely lost the dignified appearance of the eldest lady. The rope binding style on her body is very familiar, as if it was the work of a rope master, so much so that it triggered His passive memory.

"Mr. Anthony suggested it. He said that this person's muscles are not generally developed. He is probably of the same type as Miss Sandra. The effect of the anesthetic may be greatly reduced." Elodie walked to the desk and directly picked up Chaoyang's Teacup took a big sip of his own, "It turns out he was right. She woke up when I was halfway through the flight. If she hadn't been tied up, I would have had to knock her unconscious again and send her here to you. Yes. Yes. Oh... the one who tied her up was Miss Asahara Naruko, it was indeed quite strong.”

He is worthy of being the heir to the Asahara family, and his knowledge is indeed extensive.

Chaoyang thought.

And Elodie... It was hard for him to imagine an angel kidnapping others half a year ago, but now she talks about it without any psychological burden. She can only say that a good environment does create talents.

"Uh! Uh!" After hearing the words "bring it to you", Eliz struggled even harder, the sharp look in her eyes almost killing someone.

This time the misunderstanding is huge.

Chaoyang sighed and reached out to remove the cloth from her mouth.

"Ahem... You, you are the envoy of Paradise Sect!? Why are you here? Where is Master Coco Mochi!"

Unexpectedly, the first words Eliz spoke were not concerned about her situation, but asked him what he had done to the goddess of magic.

"She was fine, except for losing the competition."

"You're lying! How could the goddess of magic lose to a——"

Eliz was suddenly stunned.

What did Master Coco Moqi say before meeting the other party?

"...Perhaps he is the Lord of Paradise you mentioned before."

"Are you...the Lord of Paradise?"

"Uh-huh." Chaoyang reached out and brushed his face, and it instantly changed into another face - it was the face he used in his early days, and his identity was as a private detective, "I wonder if you still remember me?"

Eliz's eyes widened and she said in disbelief, "You are... the person who debated with me on the street at that time! In Glory Castle!"

"Good memory." Chaoyang nodded and changed back to his original state, "It's a bit rude to bring you here in this way, but I hope you believe me, we have no ill intentions."

"...Every extremely evil person will say this at the beginning." Eliz gritted her teeth, her face full of doubt, "I saw the news... A serious cult incident broke out on the Glory Castle."

"It's normal to have misunderstandings, but I think it will be resolved soon." Chaoyang looked out the door from time to time, "I will untie you, but please don't move around for now. I don't want to mess up the office. It’s a mess.”

"Office?" Eliz looked around and found that there were actually piles of various documents and books here. "Are you in charge of the government affairs of Paradise Church?"

"What's wrong?"

"Gods... don't pay attention to the common things in the world." She said a little hard to understand.

" can only be said that the temperament of each god is different." Chaoyang spread his hands, then snapped his fingers, and the rope on her body suddenly disappeared - the equipment carried by the player was naturally shaped by his will. Yes, you can cancel at any time if you want. "There is another old friend who wants to see you. She has already arrived."

Before Eliz could react, there was a knock on the door, "Mr. Bishop, I'm here. What do you want from me?"

The door was pushed open, and the person who walked in was Sandra Allen.

The moment she saw her friend, Elise opened her mouth, then clenched her fists, "You really - betrayed me! I shouldn't -"

"Eliz?" Sandra was obviously stunned when she saw the eldest lady, and then she quickly ran over and hugged her, "Great, you're here too! I was still worried about what would happen if I left. , will you be made things difficult for them..."

"You have already taken refuge in the Paradise Cult... Why do you still care about my situation?" Eliz did not expect that she would treat her so enthusiastically, and she was also very surprised.

"I didn't betray you...especially after knowing what happened in Qianlin Castle, I think leaving the Kingdom of Snow is the right choice." Sandela obviously knew what her friend needed most, "But we can talk about these later, The Paradise Cult is not an ally of Duke Longjiu. On the contrary, they are willing to wipe out the greedy Shenji Cult and Longjiu's army. From this point of view, the Kingdom's army is not the enemy of the Paradise Cult. "

"But they used force to tie me here..."

"Because you definitely wouldn't agree to come to Qianlin Castle at that time, right?" Sandra glanced at Chaoyang, "I understand your feelings, but please believe me, this Lord Chao is definitely not a sinister person. Didn't you say that before? Tell me, do you want to introduce someone to me? In fact, that person is..."

"Yes, I realize now that I actually tried to introduce a god. I was ignorant..." Eliz laughed at herself.

"Why don't you just use the dream spell to explain the situation?" Elodie whispered.

"No," Chaoyang replied, "Implanting memories at this time may be counterproductive. Let Shantara explain slowly, we are not short of this time. And I know... Eliz will definitely believe the other party."

The two did talk for a long time.

We talked almost from afternoon until late at night.

When Chaoyang finished his work and returned to the office, Sandra and Eliz were still chatting, with a pot of black tea warming on the stove beside them. This time, Elise's eyes looked at Chaoyang, without the previous alertness and hostility.

She even stood up, pulled up the hem of her non-existent skirt, and gave him an aristocratic salute. "Sorry, I thought the Paradise Sect was an evil sect before. I didn't expect that it was you who foiled the evil sect's conspiracy in Glory Castle."

"It doesn't matter. The Paradise Sect is a new sect after all. It's normal for outsiders not to understand it." Chaoyang said indifferently.

"I would like to ask a question...Mother Goddess of it really nothing serious?"

"You care about her?"

Elise hesitated for a moment, "After the disastrous defeat of the Royal Army, I thought that no one in the world could stop Duke Longjiu and the Shenji Cult. It was she who made me see the hope of victory again..."

I see. Knowing that the gods who normally see little dragons suddenly gather together to assist the loser group in their resistance movement is indeed like a life-saving straw for people who have hit rock bottom, and sometimes it even turns into belief in the gods. Chaoyang nodded, "Don't worry, we were just having a friendly discussion, and she was not harmed in any way. And if I guessed correctly, she might come to Qianlin Castle again. If you wait a day or two, maybe you can see it in person Meet the goddess of magic.”

Eliz couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Is this true?"

"None of the words I have said to Master Chao so far have been false." Sandra was very confident about this, "Just wait and see."

At the same time, north of Qianlin Castle, in the dark virgin forest.

Coco Moqi staggered forward in the woods with one foot deep and one foot shallow, floating up from time to time to look around, but no matter how she looked, she could not find the firelight of the city.

After some thought, she confirmed the current situation——

She is lost.

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