Alien paradise

Chapter 345 Accidental Encounter

In order to balance consumption, Coco Moqi has reduced the range of the Kingdom of God to about ten meters. The usual weightless technique has also been canceled and can only be used occasionally now. The guidance spell also doesn't work - it can only point to the marked person or thing, and she has never left a mark in Qianlin Castle, and casting this spell now can only guide her back to Star City.

But she can't look back now.

Even if the thought "It's better to go back" comes to her mind for a moment, the will power will continue to be sucked out of the body, so she has no other choice but to keep moving forward.

Of course, Coco Moqi also resisted.

Magic is a miracle.

Then there are also miracle spells that restore everything.

She tried self-healing and restoration techniques successively, but in addition to wasting her willpower in vain, the situation could not be changed. Until this moment, Coco Moqi finally realized how cunning the other party was. The power of the contract was far stronger than she imagined, and even surpassed the Kingdom of God in terms of the degree of distortion of the rules.

This is the biggest crisis since her birth!

"Well...I'm tired."

Coco Moqi couldn't help but sit down against a tree and rubbed his sore knees.

She usually relied on the weightless spell to survive, but now that the spell was gone, she realized that the strength of this body was not much different from that of ordinary people.

How about... use the restoration technique.

She raised her hand, hesitated for a moment and then put it down again - no, her will power was very low now, and she had to use all her strength to protect herself. Fatigue would allow the body to recover on its own.

In the final analysis, she failed to control her impulse and used several high-level magics in a series to get herself into this embarrassing situation.

And she can usually face various problems very calmly.

Why did you lose your normalcy in front of a junior?

That guy...did he use some sorcery?

Or was she inexplicably annoyed to see a junior who didn't understand anything and was so self-righteous?

And that fool Infino took action without knowing the situation at all... Coco Moqi finally figured it out. The reason why the Lord of Paradise was "killed" was because it was not his true form. The fact that the contract has not yet been concluded is proof that both parties who signed it are still alive. This may also explain why the opponent's Kingdom of God is pitifully small, which is quite inconsistent with the tyrannical strength of the Paradise Sect.

This method of relying on clones to move around was something she had heard of before that some gods liked to do this. It's just that the clone will take away a lot of the willpower. The more it shares, the weaker it becomes. It is so weak that even a mortal can kill the clone, so it has not become mainstream. Just like the owner of the paradise, the loss this time is definitely not small, and maybe he will blame himself for the resentment towards Infino.


Coco Moqi suddenly heard a series of squirming sounds coming from his stomach.

She was actually hungry.

Magic is a miracle.

But there is no magic that can fill the stomach out of thin air.

This is a new crisis!

She suddenly realized a serious problem. Although the restoration technique could restore her to a few hours ago, what if she continued to be lost? What if I can't get out of this forest for a year or two and my willpower is completely exhausted? She can't be the first god to starve to death!

No, no, no, she doesn't have to hold on to that point. There are still her believers in Star Reaching City. If that doesn't work, she can send messages to the believers and ask them to bring food and pathfinding tools to search for her in the deep mountains and old forests.

But the question is...if a god is reduced to asking for help from his followers, what's the difference between that and death? Just thinking about it makes Coco Moqi feel ashamed. She might as well just lie down on the ground and close her eyes!

At this moment, a seductive fragrance floated into the nose of the Magic Goddess.

Coco Moqi's eyes lit up instantly.

This is...the smell of barbecue!

What you eat is not the most important thing, beasts don’t know how to light a fire and roast meat! It means that someone is nearby, and it is either a robber or a hunter. In short, it must be someone familiar with the forest, otherwise it would be impossible to choose to stay here late at night!

She gave herself the weightlessness technique again and climbed to the top of the treetops.

This time, she saw the fire - less than a kilometer away from her, and there were a large number of figures moving around the fire.

very good! They must have the information they need.

Coco Moqi flew towards the fire without hesitation.

As for who the other party is, she doesn't care. Even bloodthirsty bandits pose no threat to her.

However, she did not expect that a group of Royal Army soldiers gathered here. They had set up tents and bonfires and were cooking a belated dinner. Everyone looked a little bleak, but the atmosphere was relatively relaxed, and they were chatting and laughing while they were busy.


This thought ran into Coco Moqi's mind.

Even if she does not interfere in secular government affairs, she still knows how to deal with deserters - basically there is only the death penalty, and most of the time, they will die in a very painful way. In this way, people warned their comrades that there was no honor in running away.

Coco Moqi does not dislike this approach. Human beings are a collection of contradictions. Sometimes killing is for greater salvation. As long as she thought about it, she could make these people die without realizing it, but after thinking about it, she finally did not do it, but floated directly into the temporary camp.

It didn't take long for someone to notice her. With a warning, everyone drew their weapons and aimed at her from all angles. Even if they are all Union Army soldiers, many of them have never seen the true form of the god, and fear is unavoidable.

For a moment, Coco Moqi regained a trace of her former dignity.

A senior once told her that she would rather stay away than approach. The thirst for the unknown is also a major source of power of faith.

"Put down your weapons! She is not an enemy!" Someone suddenly shouted, "This is the goddess of magic, Lord Coco Mochi!"

Coco Moqi looked at the speaker... She remembered that this person had been independently reviewed by herself. He was a skilled warrior, and his name seemed to be... Ryan?

"Who are you……"

"My name is Ryan Kerry. I have met you two or three times." Sure enough, the other party replied readily, "Is the Lord God here to chase us? But I also have something to complain about. If you think we are unreasonable, don't do anything again. Not too late."

"No, I have no interest in chasing deserters." Coco Moqi directly objected, "I just want to ask you a question, which direction is Qianlin Fort?"

Ryan and the others looked at each other, "You... are going to Thousand Limburg?"

Coco Moqi didn't answer, but the expression "This has nothing to do with you" was already on his face.

However, Ryan did not stop the topic knowingly, "We happen to be going to Thousand Limburg, how about you come with us? The mountain roads and dense forests here are very complicated. I can't give you an accurate answer just by giving you directions. . In addition, we are not deserters, at least we have not betrayed our own purpose, so even if you are traveling with us, you are not assisting the defectors. If you don't believe it, you can examine any of us."

His eyes did not flicker, and he obviously had a clear conscience about what he said.

Coco Moqi couldn't help but become curious.

"What happened to the expeditionary force? Since you were not deserters, why are you here?"

"The troops were blocked by the firepower of Thousand Limburg. Not long after the fireball that reflected the red sky appeared... I guess the negotiations between the Union Army and the Paradise Cult broke down, right?" Ryan pointed to the tent and made a greeting. Gesture, "As for the reason why we left the main force... this matter is a bit complicated. If you don't mind, let's go inside and talk about it. I can tell you all about it."

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