Alien paradise

Chapter 346 Journey to Thousand Limburg

This was the first time for Coco Moqi to listen to a human tell his story for such a long time, let alone one who was not yet his believer.

But when Ryan wisely placed barbecue, bread and mushroom soup in front of her, this complaint disappeared.

"It turns out that you have been in contact with the Paradise Cult a long time ago." She dipped a piece of bread into the mushroom soup, then wrapped the roast and put it in her mouth. The juicy taste made the goddess of magic feel more comfortable. When her willpower was sufficient, she would neither feel hungry nor have any interest in the delicacies of the world, but now she had the illusion that being hungry occasionally wasn't so bad. The true value of some things can only be appreciated after they are lost and recovered. "Since you said that they also have a high willingness to deal with the Longjiu family, why not unite with the Land of Mountains?"

Ryan was stunned, "Isn't Qianlimbao sending the envoy this time for peace talks?"

Coco Moqi froze, and Burrito's hand also stopped in mid-air.

That seems to be the case.

But I simply didn’t believe that a new sect and a young god could resist the God of All Opportunities at his peak, so he finally decided to use force to convince the other party.

Is this how you messed up the peace talks?

No, no, no... She recognized the results of the competition, and keeping her word is the basic quality of a god. It was Infino, the hero god, who messed up the peace talks, not her.

"Ahem... I think that the hope for peace talks has not been completely cut off. However, I still think that the Paradise Sect is too arrogant. The power of the God of All Machines has adapted to the times, and he is still devouring other gods. , even Yu can’t imagine what kind of monster it will become in the end.”

Coco Moqi has never fought against Cosmos head-on, but she has experienced the peak and knows how powerful the god is in this state. What's more, various man-made wonders are now in the stage of explosion, and the power of the other party's faith is expected to reach a new height. "You think that the coalition's too scattered will cannot defeat the Longjiu family and the Shenji Cult. Could it be that the Paradise Cult can do this?"

"You don't think we are deserters?"

"From the perspective of Star Reaching City's military law, you are; but for the ultimate goal of the United Army, you are not. Considering the special nature of the kingdom's royal guards, I can understand your approach." Coco Moqi nodded, "But This does not mean that I think this is the right thing to do.”

"I'm very grateful for your reasonableness." Ryan also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he didn't want to be targeted by the gods. After seeing Elodie's warning, he did not leave the road immediately, but tried his best to persuade other kingdom soldiers to evacuate with him. Fortunately, many soldiers were willing to follow his advice, and some even remembered his name - the best cadet in the fifty-fourth class of the military academy. When Thousand Limburg's aerial wonder appeared, Ryan already understood that the victory of this crusade was decided. The Western Army, which always insisted on standing in the middle of the road, made him realize that this combined army was like scattered sand and there was no one at all. There is no future at all. Instead of going back and being held accountable, it is better to switch to Qianlimbao and continue his unfinished business.

But he didn't expect that half of the hundred-man troops he led decided to go with him.

"As for the Paradise Sect being very arrogant... To be honest, I had the same idea as you before. Especially Mr. Chao, he always likes to put forward some exaggerated and unrealistic ideas, making people wonder whether he has any common sense." Ryan smiled, "But after only staying with them for less than half a month, I realized that maybe I am the one who lacks common sense. Any unrealistic idea can become a reality in Glory Castle..."

"Sandra realized this earlier than me and decided to go to Qianlin Castle alone."

At this point, Ryan paused, "Excuse me, Lord God, why are you going to Qianlin Castle? And judging from your seems that you didn't bring any attendants or priests..."

Coco Moqi raised an eyebrow, "This is a secret. I have an agreement with the Lord of Paradise, and now is the time to fulfill it."

"I see... But we decided to take a long way around to avoid the Union Army's spies. How did you find this place?"

Coco Moqi put the last piece of dough into his mouth, "This is the miracle of magic guidance. Even if I say it, you won't understand."

"Ah..." Ryan nodded doubtfully.

"It's very late, I need to rest."

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore." He stood up and walked out of the tent.

"In addition, I agree to my colleague's proposal." Coco Moqi said before he was about to leave the tent, "I will go to Qianlin Castle with you tomorrow."

"Yes." Ryan stroked his chest, "As you wish."

Two days later, this team entered the territory of Thousand Forest City.

From a historical perspective, this city can even be traced back to the pioneering period of mankind, and is far older than the royal city of Sancia. But just because it has always been the territory of the God of Hunters, Coco Moqi has never really come here to take a good look.

But the moment she walked out of the forest, she was secretly surprised - the entire city was enveloped in a layer of gray-white light, including the simple bungalows outside the city. This is the realm that belongs to the Kingdom of God, and it is also the unique glory of the Lord of Paradise!

A divine kingdom that encompasses an entire city?

The magnitude of this wish is indeed too rich for a new god!

It's not that she has never reached such a state, but at that time she was almost the king of the north. There were hundreds of cities that believed in her, and the Kingdom of Snow was just one of the forces.

Because she has achieved it, she understands how difficult it is to achieve this - not all believers will provide wishes. For followers of the goddess of magic, often only those who have personally mastered the power of magic will believe in the gods from the bottom of their hearts. . Most mortals are just pan-believers. They actually don't even understand what they want, and they just spend their lives following what others say.

According to the information given by Ryan, the Paradise Cult only owns two cities, Brilliant Castle and Thousand Limburg, with a combined population of one million. How can it provide such a surging will power?

How did the Lord of Paradise do this?

Coco Moqi had mixed feelings for a while.

She knows that her era has long passed, but she can't even defeat a small clone of her descendants. Is this change of times too much?

There was also the weird red light that broke the magic effect... Although she didn't think the other party was an evil god, it was really strange that the light appeared in the hands of a queen god.

And all the mysteries obviously lie in this city.

Suddenly, Coco Moqi noticed that the ball of wish power in front of him had dissipated. A large amount of will power surged out from it, rushing into her body like a tsunami. In an instant, she felt her strength coming back, and even the fatigue from the journey disappeared without a trace.

What, does this count as a contract?

To say it was a trip to Qianlimbao was quite literal. She originally thought that she would be restrained or restricted to some extent, but in the end she did not even enter the inner city, but only stepped into the suburbs of the city, which satisfied the conditions of the contract. The owner of the Emotional Paradise cheated when he induced her to sign the contract, but was it actually a gentleman's contract?

In other words, if she turns around and leaves now, there will be no problem.

But... you’re here, why not go in and have a look?

Coco Moqi brushed her hair and followed Ryan and his group towards the lively long street not far away.

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