Alien paradise

Chapter 379 Two-front operation

At the same time, Chaoyang, Zhou Zhi and Coco Moqi also came to the beach cave.

After nine o'clock in the evening, the excavation work will come to an end. It's not that Balif doesn't want to work three shifts, but that the gangsters guarding this place need to rest. Through the assistant's memory, we learned that all the guards would exit the cave at this time, and then seal the door of the cave, allowing the workers to rest in the stuffy and damp cave. If you sleep directly on the slippery ground without a bed after high-intensity physical labor, people with slightly weaker physical fitness will lose body temperature without even realizing it, or even fall asleep without waking up. The first thing the guards do when entering the cave every day after dawn is to take away the corpses and then fill them with new diggers.

It's not that the company didn't know the consequences of doing this, it was just because it was easier to manage to lock all the workers in the cave, so they did it.

"Is this distance okay?" Chaoyang asked softly.

"Well... the invisibility technique doesn't consume much energy, so leave it to Yu." Coco Moqi stretched out his hand and patted the chests of both of them. Soon, they found that their bodies became transparent, like flowing water.

"It's amazing...this magic is amazing!" Zhou Zhi said in amazement.

"Of course, magic is a miracle." The goddess of magic nodded with satisfaction, as if the praise of the chosen one was quite useful, "Then we will meet at the door."

"Let's go." Chaoyang connected Zhou Zhi's vision, "Follow my footsteps."

Even for Barif, it would be quite strange to visit the cave at this time. In addition, he would have to pass through the gang's blockade camp, which would undoubtedly alarm a lot of people, so the identity of the project leader was not easy to use at the moment. When Chaoyang was still thinking about how to sneak into the cave without anyone noticing, Coco Moqi provided him with his own plan.

It turns out that invisibility really saved him a lot of trouble.

He and Zhou Zhi walked through the iron fence of the camp as if there was no one around, passing one after another dozing night guard, until they came to the cave door, no one made any reaction. There are naturally guards here, but none of them are guarding the door. Instead, they are all huddled on the grass next to the cave and sleeping soundly. In the eyes of these people, the door is locked from the outside, and the coolies in the cave cannot escape at all. As long as the brothers in the outer circle do not call the police, the people in the inner circle can naturally sleep peacefully.

Coco Moqi fell from the sky and landed at the gate - for her, flying was less expensive than being invisible.

"I'll open the door." Chaoyang took out Barif's key, easily unlocked the door, put the Magic Goddess and Zhou Zhi in, and then carefully closed the door, "The invisibility spell can be cancelled."

Zhou Zhi took out the torch he had prepared in advance and lit it, illuminating the ground beneath his feet. "Did they all be sent here to work? The air is really dirty."

"Because the fan used for ventilation will only be activated during the day." Chaoyang also lit his own torch and walked at the front - after all, he had been here once before, so he was familiar with the journey. "If you see Zhang Zhiyuan again, can you recognize him?"

"No problem, I remember his face. But... what if he is not Brother Zhang?" At this critical moment, Zhou Zhi became a little unconfident.

"The worst result is just a wasted trip." Chaoyang is quite optimistic. He found Coco Moqi through the location rules, which has proved that this "theory" is feasible.

In this era where people are unfamiliar with the place, one more person is equal to more strength.

The three of them walked less than a hundred meters before Chaoyang whispered "Huh".

"Someone is watching us."

"Who?" Zhou Zhi resisted the urge to turn around and look back, and replied consciously.

"I don't know. There are two of us, hiding in the side road."

As the power of wish increased, the perception range of Chaoyang Lingxi Eye recovered a little. He could capture the breath of people moving in the deep and dark forks behind, but this feeling was fleeting and he couldn't be like an angel. Keep tracking that way.

His judgment was that the two men immediately left their original location after discovering them. It was not easy to find each other now.

"Then shall we move on?"

"Of course, we remain unchanged in response to all changes." After Chaoyang finished speaking, he waved to Coco Moqi, leaned over and whispered a few words in her ear. The latter nodded and then disappeared from their sight.

"She will support us from the dark."

To be honest, Chaoyang was also very curious as to who could be following him. The gang guards have long since withdrawn from this place. The excavation workers who have worked hard all day must just want to fall asleep at this moment. Is there still a third party hidden in the cave?

After a quarter of an hour, they finally reached the bottom of the cave.

The air here is even more polluted, and the air is filled with the stench of excrement. Only two or three oil lamps hanging on the wall were still burning, making the place look extremely dim. There were about a dozen people lying on the ground in random directions. They put their clothes under their bodies and leaned closely against each other, using this method to resist the cold and dampness of the night. The cave was eerily quiet, only one or two painful groans could be heard occasionally.

"Why are there only a dozen? Didn't you say there are hundreds of workers here?" Zhou Zhi walked forward lightly and began to check their appearance.

"They should disperse to the forks in the cave. This is not the way to go. I'd better call all the workers over." Chaoyang thought for a while and decided to ring the assembly bell. Although Barif's face might bring panic to them, it was unrealistic to go through all the different roads to find someone. Coupled with the unknown identity of the previous stalker, a hasty intrusion may bring additional dangers.

The assembly bell is next to the metal wall. Balif has stipulated that the bell will be rung three times in the morning. Those who fail to show up after three times will be punished with ten lashes. To the workers in the cave, it was almost like a reminder.

However, before Chaoyang could reach the bell, dense footsteps suddenly came from the exit cave!

Almost at the same time, the people sleeping on the ground jumped up. One of them rushed towards Zhou Zhi, hugged her tightly, and quickly distanced herself from Chaoyang. The other ten people actually took out shovels and hammers from under their clothes and pointed them at Chaoyang!

"Oh my's Barif!"

"That murderer!?"

With the help of the light of the torch, these people finally saw the rising sun clearly. Fear and panic flashed across their faces for a moment, and the hands holding the "weapons" trembled.

"Don't be afraid! If you don't resist, you will be no different from lambs to be slaughtered. You will die in the end! But dying in the cause of struggle will at least give the company a taste of fear!" Someone shouted at this time.

With his loud shout, everyone's morale was temporarily stabilized.

"Do you want to take action? Yu has prepared range attack magic." Coco Moqi's whisper came from behind.

"No, they are not our enemies." Chaoyang followed the sound and saw that the caller was a young man. He and seven or eight other people walked out of the exit passage, blocking Chaoyang's escape.

"He...he is the person next to Anthony!" Although Zhou Zhi's mouth was covered, he could still communicate with Chaoyang through his consciousness.

"If you don't dare to take action, then I will be the first!" The young man picked up a shovel and steadily came closer. "I originally wanted to win over more people and prepare for a few more days, but now that something is coming Big fish, it won’t hurt if we start early!”

Without changing his expression, Chaoyang summoned a contract and handed it to him. At the same time, he said in a tone full of compassion and pity, "It's time to return to paradise, child."

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