Alien paradise

Chapter 380: Leading the Way

The young man's eyes were shocked!

Even his steps were a bit slow.

He looked towards the other group of people as if belatedly, his eyes connecting with Zhou Zhi's.

"Wait, wait!" The man suddenly put away his shovel and shouted to everyone, "Put down your weapons. There is a misunderstanding!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

Misunderstand? Who among those who work here from morning to night has not heard of the bad reputation of the murderer Barif? How could there be any misunderstanding about this ruthless character who can make the residents of the Acropolis tremble even when he walks on the street! ?

Everyone is scared, but they still find it difficult to understand such ridiculous rhetoric.

Chaoyang already understood what was going on at the scene. Now was obviously not the time to save energy. He stroked his cheek with his other hand and changed his face to another look, "Do you still think I am Barif?" ?”

Everyone took a breath.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the young man had already taken the contract and pressed his fingerprints on the muddy water on the ground.

"Mr. Chao, is it you!"

"Who else could it be if not me... Are you Zhang Zhiyuan?"

"Yes, that Zhou Zhi, right?"

"Well, thanks to him, I knew you might be here."

"Not only me, Cui Zhenen and Miss Asahara are also in the cave! If I didn't contact them, I wouldn't be able to organize these people by myself."

The two of them exchanged basic information quickly.

"Lalotte, who is this person..." At this time, someone couldn't help but ask.

"It doesn't matter, just say it." Chaoyang signaled, "The legend of the church outside the paradise has already appeared."

" the spokesperson of the gods!" Zhang Zhiyuan took a deep breath and quickly entered working mode.

"God, God?"

"Why would such a noble person come to the cave?" Everyone present looked in disbelief.

"Aren't you a god? Why have you been demoted to a spokesperson?" Coco Moqi whispered in confusion, "Also, since he is your chosen one, why didn't he recognize you the first time?"

"Ahem... It should be the influence of the evil god, which has weakened my connection with the Chosen One. As for my external identity, the spokesperson of the gods is more easily accepted by the world." Chaoyang said deceptively.

"I see, it's because gods need to stay away from believers, but gods don't use them... I did neglect this aspect." Cocomoqi replied sincerely.

"In short, you don't need to waste your willpower to remain invisible. It doesn't matter if you show up now."

She did as she was told.

When the petite figure of the goddess of magic emerged from the darkness, there was another murmur of panic and surprise.

"Yes, this god is the Lord of Paradise, and the person next to me is the chief messenger of the god, Your Excellency!" Zhang Zhiyuan loudly announced, "He came here precisely because he listened to We are in trouble! Yes, he is here to help us!”

" here to help us?"

Everyone couldn't believe their ears for a while.

Chaoyang nodded to them and said in person, "Lalotte is also one of Paradise's believers, and his constant prayers led me here. Don't worry, as long as you follow Paradise's footsteps, the company will no longer be able to enslave you!"

As he finished speaking, a colorful firework exploded at the top of the cave, illuminating everyone's faces. This gorgeous scene seemed to prove his promise and left an unforgettable impression on everyone.

"It's just a deception, it doesn't take much effort." Coco Moqi smiled softly, "How about it, Yu's cooperation is good, right?"

In a slightly higher corner at the bottom of the cave, several oil lamps were gathered together.

Chaoyang and a dozen people sat cross-legged around the light source. Except for the four players and Coco Moqi, the rest were all worker leaders. There were even more people standing in the outer circle, as many as seventy or eighty. Although it was past midnight, everyone's faces were full of energy and not tired at all.

Zhang Zhiyuan was the first to speak, briefly describing the situation in the cave, and at the same time informed Chaoyang of his current situation through the consciousness channel.

On the first day he was taken to work underground, he was almost overwhelmed by the heavy hard work here. After seeing several people lying dead at the excavation site, he realized that if he didn't resist immediately, his body could only resist for three or four days at most. And when he was telling everyone about the necessity of armed rebellion at night, Cui Zhenen and Naruko Asahara recognized him and joined his persuasion. Fortunately, there are many like-minded people among the excavation workers. What they lack is a backbone, someone who can stand up and lead them to fight against the gangster overseers armed with long guns.

In fact, even if Chaoyang does not come here, Zhang Zhiyuan plans to launch a riot tomorrow night. Because the longer it takes, the less physical energy the workers have left. For example, Naruko Asahara's new body is not as good as Zhang Zhiyuan's. She was sick yesterday and has difficulty standing up today. If Chaoyang hadn't provided timely medical support, she might not have been able to survive the heavy work tomorrow.

As for the stalkers in the crossroads, it was Zhang Zhiyuan's arrangement - he would take time to encourage people these two nights, telling everyone about the power of the organization and how to resist gangs and companies that seemed to be much stronger than themselves. Worried that the guards outside would suddenly check the bottom of the cave, he arranged for some clever workers to hide in the interconnected forks to report information to prevent gangsters from discovering the clues.

However, the situation changed when a stalker discovered that the visitor was actually the murderer Barif. Zhang Zhiyuan realized that this might be a rare opportunity, so he decided to take action in advance. He also deliberately did not reveal the news that the other party was Barif, in case some of the rebels were afraid and their morale was shaken.

After listening to the other party's story, Chaoyang couldn't help but feel a little emotional. Zhang Zhiyuan was sent into a beach cave as soon as he woke up. On the first day, he didn't even know where he was or what was going on outside. However, even under such circumstances, he made the decision to organize a riot that day and paid the price. Regarding implementation, it is no wonder that this ability is valued by Gao Wei and Xue Quan.

"I understand your situation." Chaoyang looked around and said slowly, "The Lord of Paradise will not sit back and ignore your suffering. You don't even have to wait too long. At dawn tomorrow, your chance to eliminate the gangs will come. ”

"Really, what should we do?" a strong worker leader asked excitedly. People of his size are definitely rare among diggers.

"His name is Portland. He is a representative of the Sixth Group. He is very strong and has a strong will to resist. He responded to my call on the first night." Zhang Zhiyuan briefly stated his characteristics.

"Can you use a gun?" Chaoyang asked, raising his palms upward. In full view of everyone, a single-shot musket appeared in his hand - the same type as the one in the hands of the gang overseer.

Seeing this miraculous scene, everyone's eyes widened and they couldn't even utter a exclamation, as if their throats were blocked!

"I, I... haven't touched a musket. The speargun is alright..." Portland was so shocked that he stammered, and it took him a long time to answer.

"Practice tonight, you don't have to actually shoot. At least you should know how to hold a gun, how to load a bomb, and how to aim at the enemy." Chaoyang threw the gun to the opponent, and then "summoned" a large bottle of white pills, "Also , each come and get a piece, take it when you feel sleepy and dizzy, it will ensure that you are energetic for the next day, after all, you will not have a chance to sleep until the end of the battle tomorrow."

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