Alien paradise

Chapter 450 The Performance of Fate

The scheduled time soon arrived. At 9 p.m. on the East Continent, the control center officially started sending live broadcast signals to the world.

In order to ensure smooth live broadcast, major network providers and railway companies built a dedicated system covering software and hardware for it. The server alone occupied most of the parking lot.

"Five hundred million... one billion... more than two billion!"

Traffic monitoring showed that in just five minutes, as many as two billion connection signals entered the "live broadcast room"! Many of these signals did not come from individuals, but from huge display screens set up in commercial plazas, parks, and buildings; in other words, the actual number of viewers would only be more than this.

"This is probably the live broadcast event with the most viewers in human history..." Xue Quan exclaimed.

"No need to worry, judging from the data, it is the best in the world." Gao Wei paused, "If we fail, we should not be the last."

"Don't be so pessimistic." He rarely took out a pack of cigarettes and took out one of them, "Do you want one?"

"No smoking here."

"It's time to break the law, it's not a big deal, right?" Xue Quan smiled, then lit a cigarette and put it to his mouth and took a deep breath, "After all, these tobaccos are pressed by machines, and we can't enjoy them in the handmade era."

"What do you think his chances are?" Gao Wei tilted his head to look at Chaoyang standing in the open space.

It's hard to imagine that such a young man would be a demon who changed the world.

If you look at it alone, he is no different from an ordinary person in his twenties.

But now the fate of the world seems to be in his hands.

Not only can people not catch him, but they have to do their best to cooperate with his plan.

Of course... Gao Wei now knows that even if he catches the demon in front of him... or Wuwang, it is meaningless. Before the plan began, Chaoyang told them directly that he had multiple bodies, and there was no distinction between the primary and the secondary. So unless they could catch all his clones at once, they would only anger the other party for nothing.

At this point, the other party has already transcended the law and rules.

The only good news is that the creator of the paradise seems to be normal... at least much easier to deal with than the God of All Machines who controls the power of the machine.

"I don't know." Xue Quan took a deep puff of cigarette, "From the information we have obtained so far, the first gods are a kind of existence beyond our imagination. Dealing with them is full of uncertainty. No one knows what the result will be until the end."

"I thought you would always make decisions after planning."

"That's when the opponent can be planned." He shook the cigarette butt in his hand, "But you don't have to look so solemn, after all, the 'savior' also holds the power of the first gods. Compared with the countless battles that our predecessors have experienced in the past, this situation is far less bad."

"I hope so." Gao Wei nodded without knowing whether to agree or not.

"Director Gao, the heroes have entered the decisive battle." At this time, the chief director's reminder came from the headset.

Xue Quan also heard the notification. He turned his head to look at the display screen beside him, and saw six heroes who were inspired flying over a gloomy city, and below was a terrifying monster mixed with gears and flesh.

Of course, this is not what really happened.

The so-called live broadcast is all special effects animations prepared in advance.

From gathering to enter the portal, to approaching the enemy in the flesh, and finally launching a desperate attack, this is the whole content of the "live broadcast".

Yes, Chaoyang's plan is equivalent to deceiving the whole world.

Everyone thought that these extraordinary compatriots had shouldered the fate of saving the earth and went to another mysterious world, but in fact, only Chaoyang and Elodie were standing above the royal city.

Xue Quan walked to the other Chaoyang, "Everything is ready."

The latter nodded, "Let's start."

These two bodies are the clones constructed by Chaoyang with all his remaining willpower, and the range of their kingdom of God is about half a meter. After saying the start, he pulled all the believers in the three cities who were waiting for the call of the gods into the bodies prepared in advance by the prevention and control center at once - these believers naturally included Dane, Judy and others. They were the most determined followers of the paradise. No matter how weird Chaoyang's request was, they were willing to give it a try.

In an instant, the two thousand bodies placed in the central hall slowly woke up! They saw with their own eyes the hometown where the gods were born, the snow-white walls, the bright ceiling lights, the almost transparent glass... All these incredible scenes shocked them, but everyone still remembered the requirements of the Lord of Paradise, and no one left the place after waking up without permission.

Chaoyang pulled the believers here naturally not for them to come for sightseeing. Due to the significant change in the number of anchored souls, the time flow rate of the two worlds suddenly deviated! If the earth time is taken as the normal standard, the time flow rate on the other side of the world is obviously much slower.

If the previous change range is followed, the difference of two thousand people is enough to reduce the time of the other side of the world to almost static, but now it can't be done. Maybe a portal appeared in M ​​City, weakening the anchoring effect when Chaoyang pulled the soul.

But as long as it can slow down, it's fine.

Chaoyang estimated the difference between the two sides, which is about three times, that is, one minute here is equivalent to three minutes on Earth. Under such a time difference, even the connection under the contract became intermittent. The only thing that can maintain normal communication is his internal consciousness communication, that is, his various clones.

Through the clone of the control center, Chaoyang saw that the "heroes" had already launched an attack on the terrifying God of All Machines. They swooped down from the sky and fought with countless mechanical birds floating in the air!

He nodded to Elodie.

"I believe you can win." The angel suddenly kissed him lightly on the face, and then released his hands.

Under the action of gravity, Chaoyang's body continued to accelerate, just like the scene in the video, attacking the palace from an altitude of 5,000 meters.

"Counting: 213 seconds." Chaoyang on the other side said expressionlessly.

213 seconds - 71 seconds on the other side of the door, which was also the remaining time for him to fall directly into the palace from the air.

"Turning point clip." The chief director estimated the time while switching the video prepared in advance. At this point, the heroes' attack was no longer unstoppable, and the counterattack of the God of All Machines became more fierce. A large number of flesh and blood tentacles emerged from the ground and slapped these warriors fighting for mankind. Everyone was in a panic for a while, and one of them was unfortunately pierced through the chest and died instantly!

There was no mosaic, no switching of lenses, and all of humanity saw this bloody scene. From an ethical point of view, it was definitely a screening accident, because there were many underage children among the billions of viewers, but when it was seen as a live broadcast of resisting powerful enemies and saving the world, everyone ignored this flaw.

At that moment, most of the world's residents couldn't help but cover their mouths and take a breath.

Cars stopped on the street, passers-by stopped, and the public big screen was surrounded by worried onlookers. At the same time, the director's subtitles appeared at the bottom of the live camera: Please give them support to the best of your ability... Although we can't reach that world, we can convey the voice of prayer to the Lord of Paradise who inspired them, praying that they can destroy the enemy, and praying that we will win in the end! "

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