Alien paradise

Chapter 451 Sparks

At the same time, Qianlin Castle, Brilliant Castle and Acropolis were also holding grand ceremonies of the gods.

In the center of these three cities, Chaoyang used his clone to create a very magnificent illusion: a golden gate appeared in the sky, and the image of the Lord of Paradise with wings and lightning walked out of the gate, overlooking the countless creatures below. Hundreds of thousands of believers who gathered in the streets and squares to participate in the ceremony were so excited that they raised their hands and praised their gods.

This was not something Chaoyang was happy to do.

But now he needed willpower, the more the better.

And this ceremony was actually an official bond - he first collected willpower from the believers, and then rewarded them with better treatment. As long as the Paradise Church did not go bankrupt, the bond was an excellent means of raising funds.

As for his main body, it descended to an altitude of 1,500 meters at this moment. After penetrating the clouds, the entire outline of the royal city was reflected in his eyes.

At this moment, three snow-white light pillars rose from the east!

Two of them were tightly together, and the other was a little further away, but no matter which one, they all went straight to the sky and earth, like a solid pillar supporting the sky!

This was a "spectacular view" that only Chaoyang could see.

The three pillars of light rose from the three cities where the Paradise Church was located!

These lights of will power gathered from the old and new continents, pouring into his body, and the dry pool of will power began to shimmer again.

The robot birds hovering over the royal city also discovered Chaoyang's fall at this moment. Thousands of robot birds began to turn and climb, rushing towards his falling trajectory.

Chaoyang noticed that the shape of these birds had changed again. The two flapping wings disappeared, replaced by three rotors... The first two axes could even rotate 90 degrees around the body, just like a smaller version of the Osprey transport plane!

There is no doubt that the Lord of Paradise can sense everything that happened on Earth, and use the new machine structure learned there to continuously improve the army he has nurtured.

There is no need to change the production process or machinery. You can learn what you see. The finished product grows directly from the ground. This ability is definitely T0 level. If Cosmos is not corrupted by the evil god, it may really achieve the new world it and Duke Long Jiu have imagined.

"The maze is open!"

Chaoyang instantly expanded the scope of his kingdom of God ten times and set up the first maze obstacle: the outer air loses buoyancy.

The newly obtained wish power leaked like a tide, forming a transparent circle within a hundred meters around him.

The robot birds could not perceive this subtle change. They still swarmed together and crashed into the maze. The next second, their rotors lost all power - even if the speed did not decrease, the propellers could not bring them a trace of lift, as if they were in a vacuum.

Then they fell like raindrops, collided with the later ones, causing a larger-scale "aircraft explosion accident".

This is also the disadvantage of the three-rotor aircraft. Although it is faster than the flapping wing, it is also more fragile. Once the high-speed rotating wing hits a hard object, it will be shattered in an instant.

After finding that it could not get close to the "invader", the robot bird decisively adopted the second interception method: long-distance explosion.

Balls of fire exploded one after another beside Chaoyang, and the roar suddenly resounded throughout the sky above the royal city!

However, Chaoyang has set up a second obstacle: the air in the middle layer cannot be compressed.

The shock wave formed by the explosion and the scattered fragments all hit a transparent wall when they were five or six meters close to Chaoyang! The fragments were smashed into smaller metal fragments, and the shock wave was completely smashed apart. This process even triggered a second round of explosions!

"Not bad, you only change the parameters of a substance and use the minimum resources to carry out large-scale defense. You are quite skilled in using the ability of Weimi." Pickup Yin praised a little.

"I can only use tricks because my willpower is not enough," Chaoyang said modestly. As we all know, once a bullet falls into water, its kinetic energy will be greatly reduced, and the explosion on the water surface will hardly affect the underwater. It is precisely because liquids are extremely difficult to compress that the subjective performance is a significant increase in resistance. So he let the air give this characteristic, so that he could build a transparent wall around himself that is no weaker than a steel wall.

Accompanied by the continuous explosions of the robot bird, Chaoyang dragged a series of flames and thick smoke and approached to a height of 500 meters.

Pick up the sound suddenly lost.

At the same time, he noticed that the willpower that had just entered his body began to flow away rapidly. According to this trend, it would reach the bottom in a few seconds.

This means that he has broken into the invisible kingdom of God.

The next step is a simple willpower confrontation.

On the one hand, there is the erosion of the power of the evil god, and on the other hand, there is the autonomous protection of the kingdom of God.

Either be completely alienated by the evil god, or attack the underground palace where the God of All Machines is in one breath!

If this round of attempts fails, then he will not have extra willpower to organize such an attack again in the next one or two months.

Suddenly, Chaoyang, who was standing in the open space of the control center, opened his eyes.

A ray of wish power that did not belong to believers fell from the sky and landed on the tip of his nose. He looked up and found that there were countless white light spots in the night sky, like snowflakes flying in winter.

Although they were too weak to form a thread and could only gather like fireflies, they were indeed genuine wishes, and each bit represented a prayer.




The light of fireflies can also light up the lighthouse, and the wish pool has a surplus again!

Chaoyang immediately transferred all these wishes to his main body!

21 seconds.

He can land in 21 more seconds!

At this moment, the global live broadcast has also reached a new stage. Billions of viewers saw that their prayers really worked. Those seriously injured "heroes" were shrouded in the sacred light that fell from the sky, and their injuries were all healed! Even the souls of the two unfortunate dead were separated from their bodies and merged into the glorious sky. Then a huge giant figure emerged in the air, stretched out his hand and pressed down the flesh and blood machine waving countless tentacles, which suddenly reduced the pressure on the "heroes".

Even without the subtitles, everyone knew that this giant shadow was a god. The battle has reached the moment of victory and defeat. The enemy's resistance seems fierce and brutal, but it is already a spent force in front of the rejuvenated savior. As long as everyone prays harder, victory will be at hand!

What is even more exciting is that in some cities and areas attacked by the machine army, the locals found that the actions of the rebellious machines were obviously slowed down, as if they were running low on power!

Doesn't this just deal with the situation of the evil leader in the live broadcast! ?

So more and more people joined the prayer and contributed their own strength to this battle-

If Chaoyang could look down at the earth from space with a telepathic vision at this moment, he would find that this white light is blooming all over the world and constantly converging towards the East Continent.


For the first time, the willpower obtained from the earth exceeded the three cities of Paradise Church!

Chaoyang was less than two hundred meters away from the Saint Xia Palace at this moment. He could feel the evil god's malice coming at him like a substance. The numbness and coldness that filled the soul did not belong to the God of Corruption and the God of Cause and Effect, nor to the Unmysterious. It was indeed an evil god that he had never met before; fortunately, with the addition of a large amount of new willpower, the kingdom of God only shrank by two circles, and the outline remained intact!

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