Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 166: Underground city

Because the demon wolf is chasing after him, Qin Fei can only run to the depths of the desert. He is rarely landed by the demon wind. It seems that there is no danger in a short time.

The demon wolf does not know whether it is stupid, knowing that blowing the demon wind is useless, but still not tired.

It didn't take long for Qin Fei to find something wrong.

Before the demon wind, all the sand was covered with sand. It didn't hurt or hurt when it hit the body. Now there are some small stones in it. Even if Qin Fei uses the body to protect her body, it is still very painful.

It turned out that this demon wolf seems to be stupid, in fact, the thief fine, Qin Fei slowly blown from the sand to the Gobi with stones.

Qin Fei wanted to adjust the direction at this time, but it was too late. The demon wolf spurted an unprecedented wind, rolled up the big stone of the brick, and smashed him into the air.

Qin Fei quickly smashed the stone, but it made him more and more difficult to control his body shape, and went a long way to the Gobi.

He also thought about simply landing on the ground, but the wolf was squatting on the ground, and there was only one dead road after landing.

Just resisting a wave of gravel attacks, the demon wolf blows up even bigger stones. Qin Fei is in a hurry, one does not pay attention, his head is smashed by flying stones, and then he loses consciousness.

Hey, the demon wind dissipated, Qin Fei fell from the sky, picked up a piece of smoke, he woke up and woke up, only felt that his bones broke several, the lungs are like a fire, can not be mobilized to repair.

Qin Fei mouth spit blood, the consciousness is close to blur, watching the demon wolf step by step, mentioning the last strength, and throwing the kitchen knife around the waist.

This chopper has a kind of evil spirit. If the demon wolf is stepping on it, maybe there will be a turning point. If it can be like the mountain, pick up the kitchen knife and cut it.

Unfortunately, this demon wolf is very cautious, blowing the wind and the wind, blowing the kitchen knife far away, Qin Fei also rolled a few laps, like a beach mud.

It seems to be a fine animal, and IQ is not to be underestimated.

Just as the demon wolf was about to step on the dead Qin Fei, there was a roar in the distance. Qin Fei looked up and saw a giant bear running in the sand.

I rub, there are bears in the desert?

On the back of the giant bear, there is a girl, dressed in a costume of the giant bear, the former girl who would speak the Tianlong language.

It seems that the other party is to save himself. According to the laws of nature, under the heads-up, the wolf is not a bear.

Sure enough, the demon wolf is on the verge of enemies, and the vigilance has taken a few steps back.

The giant bear ran violently, but suddenly stopped, sitting on the ground with a buttock, suffocating and drooling.

The bear is not good at running long distances, tired.

When the rest is enough, the giant bear came to the wolf.

The demon wolf thought that this giant bear was just like this, and he rushed up. As a result, the giant bear slammed the demon wolf, and fled with his tail.

Qin Fei’s last consciousness was that the girl was moved to the back of the giant bear. The bear hair looked fluffy and soft. I didn’t expect to be so stunned. He was unconscious.


When Qin Fei opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in a cool, wide cave. The cave was not dark, and there were some glowing stones on the stone wall.

He wanted to move, and the pain caused him to breathe a sigh of relief.

"You hurt so much, don't mess up." The former indigenous girl appeared again, looking at her nearby, younger than expected, should not be ten years old, and no difference with Tianlong people, eye water Wang Wang’s, but it’s a bit cute.

"Where is this?" Qin Fei asked.

"This is the underground city of our giant bear tribe." The girl introduced.

Underground city? Not a cave? Qin Fei squinted his head and looked into the distance. The corner of his mouth could not help but pull it. It really was a dungeon.

This has a completely different design from the dungeons in the game, similar to a huge well, where you can see the skylight at the wellhead.

The giant bears built aisles along the well wall and carved out the caves to live, just like the hive, neatly and roughly estimated to have thousands.

The cave is not bored and windy. The bottom of the cave is connected to the underground river, bringing fresh air.

"Thank you for saving the girl." Qin Fei said thank you.

"You have killed a lot of grey werewolves before, and our giant bears have a good report, don't thank you." The girl replied.

"Your Tianlong dialect is very good, where did you learn?" Qin Fei was somewhat curious.

"I learned with the priest's mother-in-law." It was praised, and the girl was very happy.

Qin Fei asked some information again. This girl has no heart and what is said.

For example, the giant bear family now has more than 300 people and has raised more than a dozen bears. The name of the girl is Wiener. The giant bear language is beautiful.

From Qin Fei's injury, she has been in a coma for five days. She asked Qin Fei to punish her priest.

Qin Fei looked at the white ointment on his body and used system analysis to say that it was a certain rock component and had the effect of stopping the blood.

"Right!" The girl ran away. After a while, she took the roots of a plant, some like white radish. "You are hungry? Eat something?"

Qin Fei is indeed very hungry. After taking a look at it, it does not belong to any of the existing crops. With system analysis, it is known that it is a unique plant in the desert. The giant bear family calls it a spiritual root, without irrigation, it will Automatically absorbs moisture from the air to grow.

That is, the growth cycle is a long time, and it may take three or five years to grow as long as the radish.

Qin Fei took a bite, although he was mentally prepared, but the strange taste made him still have a goose bump.

Although Linggen contains abundant water, it tastes too bitter, just like eating bitterness.

So Qin Fei put down the roots, and the girl asked: "Don't you eat?"

"Well, full." Qin Fei almost fainted.

Unexpectedly, the girl took the root of Qin Fei’s sorrow and ate it, very delicious.

The shortage of food in the desert makes it hard for them to eat such food.

At this time, there was a burly man who came to the cave and looked very fierce. He said a lot, and Qin Fei didn’t understand a word.

The girl seems to be asking for the other The man sighs and leaves half of the roots to leave.

"What did you say just now?" Qin Fei asked.

The girl glared at Linggen and said vaguely: "My older brother said that in order to heal you, it consumed a lot of food. If you are good, then leave quickly."

Among such tribes, there is no concept of money. The root of the spirit that can be eaten is hard currency. Before the priest’s mother-in-law asked Qin Fei to cure the wound, she spent a lot of spiritual roots, so the girl family did not eat enough.

The girl did not eat half a piece of Linggen, then took the half left by the man and went out for a little while.

When I came back, Linggen was gone. Instead, it was a kind of ointment with stone powder. The girl carefully applied it to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei’s heart was very moved: “When I am fine, I will repay you.”

The girl smiled and didn't put it in her heart.

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