Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 167: Real warrior

As he spoke, Qin Fei felt very sleepy and slept.

So raised for two days, Qin Fei was able to go down to the ground, let Wiener help, limping to visit the underground city, which has certain benefits for the rehabilitation of bones.

The buildings in the tiankeng have been tired of watching, and Qin Fei wants to see the bears raised by their giant bears.

Although the girls translated the habitat of their giant bears into a dungeon, Qin Fei felt that this configuration was more suitable for the tiankeng.

The girl led Qin Fei to the underground river at the bottom of the tiankeng. There was a large open space, and a group of giant bears were practicing wrestling with the bears.

These men are also considered to be fierce, and the power is quite similar to that of the bears.

Of course, the giant bears who run the wolf that day are not there, otherwise these men are not opponents.

In addition to the bears who wrestled on the court, there were more than a dozen bears in a fence built of stone. People stood up and watched the wrestling on the fence, but it was embarrassing.

Qin Fei asked Weiner: "You shut these bears, are you afraid that they will hurt people?"

Qin Feiyuan thought that the giant bears and bears were equal coexistence, but they did not expect to be domesticated.

Wiener said: "The fence was built by the bears themselves. We removed them several times and they repaired them again."

Qin Fei’s face was stunned, and he looked at the big bears who were mourned by the man on the field. Understand that these fences are not to prevent bears from hurting people, but to prevent people from hurting bears.

This awkward race looks at what it is like to make a bear.

"What about the giant bear that day?" The giant bear was not in the fence, Qin Fei asked.

"You are talking about Xiongzu? It should be on the altar." The girl said a few words and cheered for the wrestling on the court.

The fierce man on the field defeated the bear and won a spiritual root as a reward. The defeated bear was downcast and returned to the fence.

The next step was Wiener's brother, who met two days ago, called Pooh, which is said to be sexy.

Pooh showed his muscles and snorted a few times. Wiener’s adoration looked like Qin Fei’s translation: “My brother is fighting a bear!”

A big brown bear climbed out of the fence reluctantly, not yelling at the bear big, much bigger than the ordinary bear.

The girl shouted a few times, she should be cheering for her brother, and one bear and one bear quickly fought on the field.

Pooh's technique is very high, and there is no choice to hit the big bear. Agile avoids the attack of the big bear. Then he wraps around the back of the bear, hugs the bear's waist, and prepares to pour the willow.

As a result, Pooh's face turned red and did not pull up. Instead, he was photographed on the ground by a big bear and lost the game.

The big bear received a spiritual root as a reward. While licking the roots, he twisted his **** back into the fence, and Pooh looked unwilling.

The men of the giant bears laughed, and then Pooh quarreled with them.

"What are they making?" Qin Fei was curious.

"They said that my brother is not self-reliant, and his brother retorted that he only lost because he was hungry." The girl looked sorry.

Each of the giant bears will be assigned a spiritual root every day, and there will be additional rewards for the task. In order to treat Qin Fei, the brothers and sisters took half of the rations for the ointment.

Qin Fei thinks for a moment: "If I defeat the bear, can I still have a reward?"

Qin Fei’s mechanical space has frozen a lot of food. He also thought about taking a part of the brothers and sisters, but he was afraid that this would trigger the riots of the giant bears.

He still remembers watching a movie before and told a similar story.

The story takes place in a primitive tribe in the grasslands where people hunt during the day, share food at night, and dance around the campfire.

As a result, a pilot flew over the sky and dropped a cola bottle.

The primitive tribes have never seen such a beautiful object, and found that not only can they blow beautiful sounds, but they can also be used to beat food. They are used in many places and are considered gifts of God.

The originally carefree tribe began to argue for this bottle, making it impossible to make a fuss...

Therefore, Qin Fei has to think twice before making any changes.

"Of course!" The girl’s eyes lit up, and she went out to perform the task that day, passing the tears of the fairy to supply the water source, but saw Qin Fei killing a lot of gray wolf warriors.

"But are you not injured?" The girl suddenly fell down and walked, need to help people, can really fight with the bear?

Qin Fei’s current state does not work, but he has his own way: “You help me in the past and tell them that I want to challenge Xiong Da.”

Qin Fei limped to the center of the wrestling venue. I heard that he had to challenge the bear big thing. The giant bears laughed and leaned forward. Pooh said angrily. The girl translated: "The big brother said that you hurt. No, don't be able to."

Qin Fei waved his hand and gestured to release the bear.

Seeing that Qin Fei had eaten the scales and irons, the girl had to shout at the bear circle, and the big dog bears rushed out with high morale.

The younger brother of the girl did not go far and seemed to be ready to rescue.

When the big bear understands that the opponent is Qin Fei, standing upright and beating his chest, he seems to despise this thin human.

Qin Fei squatted his legs near the big bear, and condensed his palm to shoot it. The big dog bear oh oh sneered and sneered twice, unscathed.

The big bear is about to backhand and will fly Qin Fei. Unexpectedly, there seems to be some particularly good smell in the air, and it sniffs and finally determines that the fragrance comes from Qin Fei’s palm.

Qin Fei's palm surface has a golden liquid. Although the big bear has not seen it, it evokes a memory buried in the bones. I think this is a delicious one, so I didn't hold back.

Then the big bear cubs stunned, squinting and crying, honey, this is honey!

I did not expect this bear to have a life of the year, actually eat this legendary delicious!

The big dog bear rolled up happily and could not pull up.

The onlookers of the giant bears were stunned and immediately asked what happened. The girl did the translation. Qin Fei must not say that he was bribing with honey. Anyway, the bear would not speak. He only replied: "I just used the martial arts to lose the biography. The long-awaited school of ecstasy is like a powerless person. It seems to have no power. It has actually disintegrated the enemy’s fighting spirit."

I don't know how the girl is translated. The giant bears look at the mountains and look good, so good and good!

Qin Fei thus obtained a spiritual root, directly lost to the girl, and then pointed to the bear circle: "Next!"

In this way, every bear will lose the fighting power when playing, Qin Fei alone took all the rewards, the girl holding a bunch of Linggen, happiness is flying fast: "I am dreaming?"

Qin Fei was tired because he was injured in the, and he wanted to go back to rest. As a result, a giant bear warrior stopped him, and he said a bunch.

The girl translated: "He said that you are so powerful, you want to challenge you, if you lose, you must leave all the roots."

Qin Fei can now blow down the wind, which can beat him, but the rules of the giant bear family can not refuse the challenge, Qin Fei Ling machine moves, holding a group of honey in his hand will smash the past.

Unexpectedly, the policeman felt embarrassed, a backflip, and the honey paste pants smashed.

The other side began to be a little scared, this is the power of the amazing ecstasy, but then found that in addition to the cool pants, but so.

The warrior looked sneer and wondered that he was going to cut Qin Fei. Unexpectedly, there was a roar from the bear circle. More than a dozen dogs and owls ran out, and the Warriors fell to the ground and slammed.

Qin Fei went back to sleep and woke up, but he could still hear someone crying and happily screaming.

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