"Wait a moment"

Everyone was still immersed in the joy of Li Fan waking up, but Li Fan suddenly spoke at this moment.

He seemed to remember something, and couldn't help but ask again.

"Are you saying that I was only in a coma for one day and one night?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Several people in the cave felt very strange, not knowing why Li Fan asked this.

"This question is too important. Let me confirm again. Everyone in the slave hunting group, including those at level 2 and level 3, are all dead, right?"

"Yeah, at least I didn't see one alive, Li Fan, what are you asking these for?"

Dina asked curiously.

Li Fan didn't answer right away, but asked again for confirmation.

"Are you sure there is no fish that slipped through the net?"


This time it was Anna who answered. She seemed to see the seriousness on Li Fan's face, so after seriously recalling it a few times, she said again: "I'm sure I didn't miss anything."

"Okay, okay..."

Li Fan was overjoyed, and couldn't help showing an excited smile on his face.


Li Fan yelled, and Ying emerged from his shadow.

"How's the recovery going?"

"Except that the magic power has not been fully restored, the rest of the state is completely fine."

"Okay, then go to a place with me."

Listening to Li Fan's series of conversations, everyone looked confused, seeing that Li Fan was about to leave with a shadow.

Dozina on the side finally couldn't bear it, grabbed Li Fan and asked, "Hey, where are you going now? You just suffered such a serious injury, is there anything more important than recuperating at this time?" ?”

"Of course there is."

"whats the matter?"

"After cutting the grass, it is natural to... eradicate the roots."

Li Fan has never forgotten the root cause of this series of events - Howard.

From the elves at the beginning, to the orcs later, and now to the dwarves, the root of everything comes from Howard's ambition.

After this battle, it seemed that the crisis had been resolved, but Howard, the real behind-the-scenes man, was still alive and well. As long as Howard was still alive, everything would not be over.

Anna was the first to understand what Li Fan meant, and she was shocked.

"You want to kill Howard now?"

Li Fan nodded, "No way."

Anna asked with some incomprehension: "Why?"

Li Fan immediately said: "Think about it, after we killed Bob, Howard only had two good men, Kai and Huck, in his hands. But what did we see afterwards? Howard sent a full 4 There are 3 level 3 fighters, 4 level 2 fighters, and more than 50 level 1 fighters."

Listening to what Li Fan said, Anna, who is familiar with local forces, can better understand what a terrifying force it is.

It is no exaggeration to say that this force is enough to sweep any gathering place of any ethnic group.

Had it not been for Howard's fear that it would arouse the anger of the dwarves and cause a war, I am afraid that his men would have swept across the entire dwarf gathering place.

Li Fan continued at this time: "Obviously the forces behind Howard are terrifying. If Howard knows that all his men have been killed, what do you think he will do? That's right, next time he will bring several times or even ten With a manpower several times higher than this time, by that time, we will be in a real desperate situation, without any chance of a comeback."

The fact is not much different from Li Fan's guess. If Howard knew that all his men were killed in battle, he would definitely leave the sinful forest as soon as possible and return to Winter City to tell his Caton about the senior blacksmith. Uncle, in exchange for benefits.

Even a city lord can't ignore the existence of a senior blacksmith. At that time, Li Fan and the others will have to face the full power of a city lord.

Based on his own guess, when Li Fan knew that the battle was only one day away, and the slave catchers hadn't slipped through the net, his first reaction was to find Howard and kill the grass.

As long as it is handled well, this matter may be completely settled.

Li Fan didn't waste any more time, and immediately set off with Ying.

Although Dina, Anna and Dozina also expressed their intention to go together.

However, the sinful town is the territory of human beings after all, if Anna and the others go together, if they are discovered, it may cause huge trouble

Ying, who is good at "stealth", not only does not have this trouble, but can also quietly find Howard with Li Fan, which is obviously the best candidate.


Outside the sinful town, in front of Li Fan is the familiar valley entrance.

I have to say that Sin Town is really built in a good place.

There are towering mountains on three sides forming a natural wall, and the only valley mouth is only a dozen meters wide. If a city gate is built, it can almost be regarded as a natural city.

However, the gate of this city was not guarded at this time.

This is very strange. Even though Sin Town is just a gathering place for a group of people with swayed interests, in order to be able to open their eyes alive the next day, people will be arranged to watch the night every day.

Today, however, there was no one.

"It was the same before. None of the mercenaries hunting monsters could be seen, and they didn't know what happened? I hope Howard didn't run away."

As Li Fan said, let Ying explore the way ahead, and he followed closely into the sinful town.

As expected, there were not many people in the town, only a few drunks here and there.

Seeing this, Li Fan walked straight towards Caton Manor with his shadow.

What made Li Fan heave a sigh of relief was that there were still many people in Caton Manor. Although it was already late at night, the whole manor was lit with countless lights, just like daytime.

This scene is not suitable for sneaking in, but it is still difficult to avoid shadows.

Ying directly turned on [stealth] and easily climbed over the fence outside the manor with a run-up, and then quickly merged into the shadow of the trees beside him.

Five minutes later, Ying came out again, and she investigated the situation in the manor thoroughly.

"In other words, most of the people in the manor are ordinary people, and the strongest are only a few level 1 guards."

Ying nodded with certainty, and Li Fan continued to ask, "Is Howard in the manor?"

Shadow nodded again.

Li Fan was overjoyed, and immediately let Ying lead the way. The two bypassed several guards all the way, and soon stopped in front of a study.

There was still light in the study leaking through the crack of the door, obviously Howard hadn't slept yet.

Ying wanted to open the study and break in.

Li Fan quickly stopped her.

If he rushed in rashly, Howard would probably immediately call for guards. Although the guards were not worth mentioning, they would alarm those who were still staying in the sinful town.

Li Fan still has some things to ask Howard, and doesn't want to kill Howard right away.

Li Fan thought for a while, then walked to the door of the study, took a deep breath, knocked on the door lightly, and said, "Master Howard, Master Kai and the others have news."


Howard's shocked voice came from the room, and the door of the study was forced to open the next moment.

However, before Howard could ask, a cold dagger rested on his neck.

Then Li Fan stood in front of Howard. He stretched out his right hand, put his index finger on his lips, and said softly, "Dear Master Howard, please don't make any noise, otherwise, we might smash your tongue in an instant."

While talking, Li Fan showed a kind smile.

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