Alien World: Rescue The Elf Female Slave At The Beginning

Chapter 85 The Year Of God's Punishment

It's been two days, two days and one night have passed, but the slave hunting group has not sent back any news.

Howard had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he knew very well the strength of Kai and the others. In this sinful forest, no one could be their opponent.

Howard feels like an ant on a hot pot. His only way out without the talent for fighting qi is to do business. Now he has given up the Chamber of Commerce in Winter City. If he doesn't even catch the dwarf of the senior blacksmith, His future will be dark.

Howard at this time is like a powder keg, ready to explode at any time.

For this, he had killed two servants alive, and even Charlie ran away because of it.

And just tonight, when Howard was so anxious that he couldn't sleep, someone suddenly reported that there was news about Kai.

Howard almost stumbled and ran over to open the study door.

But he never expected that what he was about to face was actually a cold dagger and Li Fan's face that made him hate it to the bone.


Shadow controlled Howard to enter the study, while Li Fan walked into the study and slowly closed the door of the study.

This move immediately terrified Howard, and he opened his mouth and said loudly: "You..."

Howard, before you finished your words, Li Fan pinched the opponent's mouth, and at the same time looked at him with cold eyes.

"Oh, dear Master Howard, I declare again, for the sake of your tongue, please don't speak loudly, otherwise I promise, it will definitely be the last time you speak loudly in this life, understand?"

Li Fan held Howard's mouth with his right hand without mercy, and Howard was so painful that he almost shed tears. At this moment, he also recognized his identity at this moment, and nodded quickly.

"very good."

Li Fan released his right hand with a smile, and immediately got to the point.

"Tell me, how did you set your sights on Dozi... the senior blacksmith of the dwarves?"

Li Fan has always wondered about this matter. If this problem is not resolved, even if there is no Howard in front of him, there will be countless new Howards in the future.

So this matter must be clarified, otherwise Dozina and the others will never have peace.

Howard carefully glanced at the dagger on his neck, not daring to hide anything.

"Ten days ago, a dwarf sold the news to a slave trader, and a few days ago, that slave trader sold the news to me."

Both Li Fan and Ying were extremely surprised. They never thought that Dozina was betrayed by a dwarf of the same clan.

Li Fan's first reaction was that the dwarf leader whose son had been deposed in the dwarf gathering place did it, and the other party also had sufficient motives.

Presumably it was because Dozina's identity as a senior blacksmith was there, and he didn't dare to take revenge himself, so he thought of the method of using human slave traders.

Knowing this, although there is no way to solve the problem, at least it can be regarded as a gain.

Li Fan was about to ask the second question when he suddenly paused.

Li Fan thought for a while, then suddenly approached Howard, reached out and removed the dagger on Howard's neck, and then put his right hand on Howard's neck.

With this weird look, Li Fan stared into Howard's eyes and asked the second question.

"Who else knows about your capture of the dwarves this time?"

He wants to ask all the people who know, and he can kill me after silence. Howard heard the taste in Li Fan's words, and with a brainstorm, he hurriedly said: "And my Uncle, Caton, the lord of Winter City."

Li Fan kept his eyes fixed on Howard, when he suddenly smiled and said.

"In my hometown there is a special method that can be used to determine whether a person is lying. For example, the liar will have a faster heart rate and constricted pupils."

Li Fan pointed to his eyes, then pointed to his hand on Howard's neck, suddenly his face turned cold, and he looked at Howard with murderous intent and said, "You were lying just now."

In fact, Li Fan didn't understand this at all, he just wanted to deceive Howard.

The result was unexpectedly good.

Howard was shocked when he heard Li Fan's words. He didn't expect that there is such a magical way to distinguish lies in this world, so he hurriedly said, "I...I...I didn't...I..."

However, Howard had been talking to me for a long time, and he didn't have the confidence to finish the three words of not lying.

Seeing this, Li Fan smiled again, well, just now he was not sure if Howard was lying, but now he is sure, Howard is lying.

After all, he is a native of a different world. He has never seen so many tricks, and a slight deceit will show his feet.

The next thing was simple. After being exposed to the lie, and under the threat of Li Fan, Howard finally explained the matter clearly.

When Li Fan knew that this guy blocked the news in order to monopolize the senior blacksmith, he was relieved.

Now that all the questions that should be asked have been asked, Li Fan does not intend to keep Howard.

At this time, Howard seemed to understand his own destiny, but strangely, he was much calmer than Li Fan imagined.

At this moment, Howard suddenly spoke.

"You can't kill me, I guarantee that if you kill me, you won't live."

How could Li Fan care about this kind of threat, the one in Cong Ying's hand surpassed the mother-child dagger.

He wants to do it himself, since he wants to cut the weeds and root out the roots, he should naturally do this kind of dirty hands, and at the same time, it can be regarded as familiarizing himself with this man-eating world, so as not to be unable to do it at critical moments .

Howard was still calm at this time, and he said again: "You must not kill me, otherwise you will die in this winter, because this year is the year of God's punishment."

When he said the words "Year of God's Punishment", Howard seemed to gain courage, and looked at Li Fan with confidence in his triangular eyes.


Ying couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

This is the first time Li Fan has seen Ying respond to a stranger's words, and the reaction is so strong.

Li Fan then asked Ying, "What is the Year of God's Retribution?"

At this time, Ying's face was full of worry, and before she could speak, Howard couldn't wait to explain: "You don't know about the Year of God's Retribution? Are you really from the Magic Continent? In the Magic Continent, every After a period of time, there will be a year of divine punishment. The appearance of the year of divine punishment is irregular. In the human empire, only the pope of the church can predict it in advance from the divine revelation. When the year of divine punishment appears, this winter will be It will fall into an unprecedented low temperature, the winter time will be prolonged, and heavy snow will definitely come. Even the sinful town surrounded by peaks cannot completely withstand the cold wind and heavy snow at that time. No one can live like a god in a place like the sinful forest. The winter of the year of punishment."

As he said that, Howard seemed to feel that it was not enough, and continued to add: "At that time, not only the sinful town, but also people of all ethnic groups in the gathering places of the four major countries will all withdraw to the frontier fortress, and the sinful forest will be thoroughly cleaned by the cold winter. People can survive, you are not a monster, you can't rely on hibernation to survive, you can only go to Winter City to survive the winter, if you kill me, Caton Uncle will not let you go, and you will not be able to step into Winter City , the final result is to die in the sinful forest."

And this is exactly where Howard felt that Li Fan dared not kill him.

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