If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world.

Li Fan deeply felt the correctness of this sentence.

If you want to make ice cubes by hand, you can't do without chemistry.

Of course, if there is an elf who can use ice magic power by your side, just pretend that Li Fan is farting.

Li Fan didn't have such an elf by his side, so he had to figure out his own way.

Almost instantly, the four words "making ice with saltpeter" appeared in his mind.

This method of making ice, which has been handed down since ancient times, is the simplest method of making ice.

The only difficulty is getting saltpeter.

The system mall sells saltpeter, but the price is not cheap. 1 catty of saltpeter needs 3 bond points.

The saltpeter needed to make ice is not a small amount. Without hundreds of catties of saltpeter, at most you can only get some small ice cubes for fun.

Li Fan, who has just upgraded the space ring, doesn't have so many bond points to squander.

Fortunately, saltpeter is not difficult to get. Nitrogen can be found in the corners of houses, pigpens, toilets, and corners of stables.

This is because saltpeter in nature is often formed by the decomposition of nitrogen-containing organic substances in the soil under the action of bacteria, oxidized into nitric acid, and then combined with potassium in the soil.

Places like pigpens and stables are the places where nitrate is most likely to be produced.

But this time, Li Fan got the nitrate in the streets and alleys of the sinful town.

After all, this is a magical land without public toilets. Everyone has long been used to defecating anywhere.

Li Fan exchanged 1 bond point for a book about extracting saltpeter from the system store.

Let the idler collect the nitrate with him, go through the simple steps of extraction.

After a whole day, Li Fan got hundreds of catties of saltpeter.

The next step is to use these saltpeter to make ice.

The history of making ice with saltpeter can be traced back to the end of Tang Dynasty.

There is no reason why Li Fan can't make ice with the method that even the ancients knew.

Let the dwarves help cast two copper rectangular containers, one large and one small.

Among them, large copper ware should be cast thicker, and small copper ware should be as thin as possible.

First fill the small copper vessel with drinkable water, and then seal the vessel.

Put the small copper vessel into the large copper vessel.

First add half of the water to the large copper vessel, then add half of the saltpeter, and stir thoroughly.

The saltpeter reacted with water to absorb heat, and the temperature inside the large copper vessel began to drop sharply, and soon dropped below 0 degrees.

At this time, Li Fan asked people to seal the large copper vessel and wrap several layers of animal skins around the large copper vessel to keep the temperature of the large copper vessel low.

After an hour or two, the small copper vessel was opened again, and the water inside the copper vessel had frozen into rectangular ice cubes.

Dina, the little girls who came to join in the fun, watched the clear water turn into ice cubes, and looked at Li Fan in disbelief.

"Li Fan, I didn't expect you, a human with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to be an elf in real life, otherwise how would you know ice magic?"

Xiaoqing stared at Li Fan with wide eyes, with an expression on her face that you lied to me.

Li Fan didn't bother to explain the principle to these little guys, first rewarded Xiaoqing with a brain collapse, then knocked a few pieces from the ice, handed them to the dissatisfied Xiaoqing and a few other girls, and wanted to send them away gone.

But looking at Anna who looked like a curious baby, Li Fan finally had to briefly explain the principle, but only halfway through, the little girls ran away with ice cubes in their mouths.

Only Anna was left to listen honestly.

When everyone in Li Fan's hometown knew that saltpeter can make ice, Anna's eyes widened and she showed a very cute expression.

That expression seemed to say: "Everyone knows? Why don't I know?"


The ratio of saltpeter to ice is about 1:1.

That is to say, 100 catties of saltpeter can produce 100 catties of ice cubes.

The saltpeter can be reused, as long as the cooling crystallization method or the evaporation crystallization method can be used, the saltpeter can be taken out and reused.

In this way, thousands of catties of ice cubes can be produced in one day, and enough ice cubes to support a cold storage can be produced quickly.

Seeing this, Li Fan began to let the rabbit people who are good at digging dig holes, and then asked the dwarves to use straw and animal skins to insulate the holes, and then moved into the holes to move ice.

As soon as a large amount of ice enters the cave, the temperature in the cave will drop at a speed that can be felt by the skin.

After that, just add some ice cubes from time to time, and you can keep the ice bank cold at all times.

Looking at the cold storage in front of them, both Li Fan and Anna knew that as long as they hunted enough prey, they might really be able to survive the winter of the year of punishment that made countless people despair.


According to the original hunting method of the orcs, there are probably three words - positive.

The specific process is to find the prey, draw the weapon, I will eat you if you win, and eat me if you lose.

In Li Fan's view, this hunting method is too low in terms of safety and efficiency.

Unsurprisingly, he had another good suggestion.

Anna was used to this, and she felt that the man in front of her seemed to know a little bit about everything.

In fact, Li Fan, a surfer, really knows a little bit about everything. Although he only knows a little bit, it is enough to use.


This time, all people of level 1 and above in Sin Town set off.

First, the shadow looks for the hunting target.

After spending 2 hours, Ying found a group of level 1 bulls, about 50 of them.

Most of these big guys weighing around 5,000 jins, although their strength is only level 1, if they charge together, they can instantly crush level 2 fighters into flesh. You can only give in temporarily.

Although Li Fan and the others have 150 level 1 fighters, 99 of them 'weak' orcs may not be able to fight these bulls 2v1.

Although the remaining 51 dwarves were able to hold down a bull each.

But when facing the charge of the wild bulls, the dwarves must be the ones who suffered more casualties.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, Li Fan did not intend to confront these bulls head-on.

"I found the cliff you mentioned, it's just a few hundred meters away."

At this moment, Shadow's voice suddenly came from behind.

After hearing this, Li Fan immediately ordered all the orcs and dwarves to start cutting down trees to make roadblocks.

This roadblock started from the wild cows and went to the cliff of Yingshuo.

After all the roadblocks were completed, Li Fan ordered a large number of torches to be lit, and the next moment the orcs and dwarves held up torches and marched towards the bull herd.

They waved the torches in their hands to drive away the wild cattle.

Although the bulls are magical beasts, they are still afraid of the fire. Seeing that there is a retreat ahead, they start to run forward in groups.

The orcs and dwarves followed behind.

Under the guidance of the roadblock, the wild cows ran to the cliff without knowing it.

Looking at the cliff in front of them, the wild cows stopped their hoofs one after another, and only a few unlucky ones who rushed to the front were pushed off the cliff and fell to their deaths.

At this time, the orcs and dwarves continued to wave torches to drive away the bulls in front of them, but the remaining bulls saw that they were in a desperate situation, so they turned their heads, as if they wanted to fight the orcs and dwarves with their lives.

Seeing this, Li Fan immediately exchanged some firecrackers and fireworks.

As the firecrackers sounded like thunder, the fireworks shot out like rockets, and then exploded in front of the bulls.

This natural disaster-like scene even scared the orcs and dwarves back, not to mention the wild cattle.

As the herd retreated in terror, one after another fell off the cliff, either dead or maimed.

When there were only a few bulls left in the end, these bulls refused to retreat no matter what.

But at this time, it doesn't matter whether they retreat or not.

The next moment, the orcs and dwarves had surrounded him.

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