A wild bull weighs 5,000 jin, and according to the meat yield rate of 50, it can produce 2,500 jin of meat.

50 bulls are 125,000 catties.

When hearing this figure, Li Fan once thought that they had collected enough beef to feed a group of people for 4 or 5 months.

The reality, however, is that it's totally not enough.


Of course, it is because the orcs have a particularly large appetite.

Don't look at the word "weak" in the name of the "weak" orcs, but they will eat nothing less.

According to Li Fan's words, although they are small in strength, they eat a lot!

In addition, the dwarves have a lot of food intake. Although this group of guys who temper their bodies all day long are twice as small as the orcs, their food intake is almost the same as the orcs.

It is estimated that every orc and dwarf needs to eat 30 catties of meat every day.

On the contrary, it is best for the human race to feed, up to 10 catties of meat per day, plus some wild vegetables and fruits are enough.

After doing this calculation, Li Fan found out that their group of less than 300 people consumed nearly 7,000 catties of meat a day.

If calculated on the basis of 5 months, it would be enough to prepare more than 1 million catties of meat.

Li Fan's brain was buzzing when he calculated this number.

For a moment, he suspected that in order to survive this winter, they might need to drive out all the monsters in the entire evil forest.

Anna's answer to this is not to worry.

The four major clans have occupied the Sin Forest for countless years, during which time they hunted and killed an unknown number of monsters, and the number of monsters in the Sin Forest has not decreased so far. Li Fan's worries are completely superfluous.

Li Fan felt relieved when he heard this, and refocused on how to hunt enough prey.

If you want to hunt a large amount of prey quickly, you must go to the inner area of ​​the sin forest, where there are enough monsters for them to hunt.

However, there are level 3 monsters in the inner area. Anna does have the strength to fight against level 3 monsters after [Beast Transformation]. Inevitably there will be casualties.

As for Li Fan himself, it will take more than ten to twenty days to officially enter the level 3 realm, and it is estimated that the heavy snow in winter will have already fallen by that time.

Li Fan thought about it for a while, then suddenly looked at Anna and asked, "Anna, you mentioned before that you are about to be promoted to the level 3 fighter, how long will it take?"

Anna guessed Li Fan's plan, she shook her head, "I'm not far from a level 3 fighter, but I don't know when I will break through, maybe tomorrow, maybe a few months later."

"That is to say, as long as you have external support, you are likely to break through right away?" Li Fan said as he took out a magic core.

He bought this thing from the orcs in exchange for salt, and it was useless to keep it. It might come in handy now.

Anna looked at the magic core and frowned, "The magic core cannot be directly absorbed without purification."

Li Fan obviously thought about it long ago, and said: "The dark attribute magic power of the shadow can devour the impurities of the magic core, leaving only pure energy."

Anna still frowned, "Although the dark attribute magic can swallow impurities, it consumes a lot on the shadow. I'm afraid the shadow can't purify too many magic cores, right?"

Anna's worry was naturally taken into consideration by Li Fan, so he exchanged a bottle of low-grade energy potion from the system space.

[Low-grade energy potion: It can instantly restore part of the energy in the body, and speed up the energy recovery within the next hour, and the interval between use is 1 day (10 bond points)]

This is the first time Li Fan has exchanged a low-grade energy potion. He told the effect of the low-grade energy potion. Not only Anna, but everyone present widened their eyes. This kind of potion is unheard of, and it is estimated that even a witch may not be able to refine it. come out, but Li Fan can easily take it out.

But thinking of the same inconceivable healing potion, Anna and the others quickly accepted it.

Now that she has this low-grade energy potion, Anna no longer hesitates. She has been at level 2 for almost ten years, and she has long wanted to break through to level 3. Now that she has the opportunity, she is also looking forward to it from the bottom of her heart.


At this time, everyone dissected the bull under the cliff, and took back the cowhide and beef. Under Li Fan's repeated requests, the orcs were a bit puzzled, and took back part of the internal organs of the bull.

Li Fan didn't waste the remaining miscellaneous things, and collected some of them in the space ring, which might be used as bait later.

Then everyone returned the same way.

In the evening, the group returned to the evil town, and Ying immediately began to purify the magic core.

Black liquid-like dark attribute magic power gushed out of her body and surrounded a level 2 magic core.

About ten minutes later, the dark magic power disappeared, leaving behind a transparent ball with a stream of white energy circulating in the center of the ball.

Two hours later, a total of 12 purified level 2 magic cores were left in front of Ying.

At this time, sweat was streaming down Ying's forehead, and her complexion... I don't know if it has become pale, but Li Fan can still see that her magic power has almost been consumed.

Li Fan hastily handed over the low-grade energy potion.

Shadow drank it in one gulp.

Everyone present saw that Ying became more energetic in an instant, and in the next moment, magic power of dark attributes gushed out of her body.

Until another hour passed, Ying's magic power should have been exhausted long ago, but the terrifying recovery effect brought by the low-grade energy potion made Ying purify 6 second-level magic cores before finally exhausting his magic power stopped.

At this time, Ying had purified a total of 18 level 2 magic cores.

Li Fan picked up one of them at this moment and tried to absorb the energy in it.

All the energy in the magic core was absorbed by him in an instant, but Li Fan found that the liquid battle qi condensed in his body did not increase much.

This result was also expected by Li Fan.

After all, from level 2 to level 3, others need more than ten years, and even Anna has survived for nearly ten years, which is still a bit short.

And Li Fan only needs one month, which is obviously related to the multi-ethnic talents brought by the system,

Under the double influence of multi-racial talent and high-quality battle qi, the speed at which he absorbed condensed liquid battle qi was already terrifying, even reaching the limit speed of his body.

This is equivalent to Li Fan using the magic core to practice almost all the time.

At this time, absorbing one more energy from the magic core would naturally not bring him much improvement.

It was precisely because of this guess that Li Fan planned to let Anna break through to level 3 first.

Anna is different from him.

Anna has survived for nearly 10 years without a breakthrough. The speed of absorbing and condensing blood must not have reached the limit. With the external force of the magic core, with the support of a large amount of energy, she will definitely be able to break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop and step into the realm of a level 3 fighter. ranks.

However, how many magic cores Anna needs to advance to Li Fan is not sure.

Ying can only purify 18 level 2 magic cores at most every day. On this basis, Li Fan only hopes that Anna can break through as soon as possible, otherwise once it snows, it will be too late.

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