All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1066 It is watching you!


Wang Tenghe and Yuangunkuun were shocked suddenly, turned their heads to look at the white spar, and became vigilant.

An extremely soft light rose from the white spar and turned into a figure of the Ant-Man tribe that had shrunk countless times.

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes, not dare to underestimate him.

He walked this way, all his life was sucked up, nothing was left, only this Ant-Human clan mother left a trace of soul origin, and it was not even discovered, even he used [Spirit Vision] and couldn’t detect it. arrive.

"You should be wondering how I can escape the detection of that thing." The mother Ant-human race seemed to see Wang Teng's surprise and vigilance, and a soft voice came out again.

"It's okay, just a little bit surprised." Wang Teng said.

"..." The Ant-Man clan parent body was obviously taken aback, but Wang Teng didn't expect Wang Teng to answer this way, which was completely different from what it thought.

Is there something wrong with this human brain?

Countless thoughts flashed in its mind, and finally turned into such a thought.

Rounding a silent glance at Wang Teng, he knew that this guy had started to convulsions again.

"Don't stop, please continue." Wang Teng said.

The mother of the Ant-Man race was very depressed, but finally met a living person, and time is running out. If you miss this time, I'm afraid...

"Cough..." Thinking of this, the mother of the Ant-Man coughed dryly, and said leisurely: "Three thousand years ago, my people found it in the ground. At that time, it hadn't hatched yet, but my people came to the area where it was. It brought nourishment and contributed to its final incubation process."

Speaking of this, the Ant-Man tribe mother obviously showed a painful expression, falling into a kind of painful memory.

"So you people, you are always fine looking for trouble. Haven't you heard that curiosity kills the ants?" Wang Teng shook his head.

"..." The Ant-Man clan mother.

"..." Billowing.

God's curiosity killed the ants!

Do you think I don’t know the words on the earth and stars?

Don't change the objects randomly.

Who can stand your heartache like this?

Chuankuan carefully glanced at the Ant-human mother body, for fear that Wang Teng would provoke the opponent.

"Teenager of the human race, you will be beaten to death if you walk in the universe like this." The mother of the Ant-Man race said quietly.

"No, haven't I been alive now," Wang Teng said.

"That's really lucky," said the Ant-Man clan mother.

"Don't continue?" Wang Teng asked.

"..." The Ant-Man tribe was silent for a while, and finally compromised in the face of reality, and continued: "That thing hatched out. We all underestimated its horror. All the people close to it were absorbed. We made a mistake. Dispatch the strongest at a time and give it more nourishment and growth time. When we reacted, it was too late."

"You guys... really stupid!" Wang Teng couldn't help but said.

"You..." The Ant-Man tribe's mother body was really angry. Its race is now completely wiped out. Not only does Wang Teng lack the slightest sympathy, but there is cynicism there. If it has a substance, it wants to fight Wang Teng desperately.

But it finally sighed: "You are right! We were so stupid."

"That's the end of the gossip. You and I have been talking so much, what do you want to express?" Wang Teng embraced his arms and said lightly.

"Don't you want to know what that thing is?" The Ant-Man tribe's eyes flashed and asked back.

"Do you know what it matters? We will leave soon. Everything here has nothing to do with us." Wang Teng said calmly.

"Hehe, you are too naive." The ant-man clan mother let out a laugh.

"Oh, listen carefully." Wang Teng raised his eyebrows and said.

"When you enter this planet, you will inevitably be discovered. Do you think it hasn't noticed you?" The Ant-Man race mother laughed.

Wang Teng frowned, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

This is indeed something he cannot be sure of.

Since that existence can bring the entire planet to such a degree, it is obvious that it is terrifying, and it is not surprising that Wang Teng can be found.

The reason why Wang Teng felt that the other party didn't find him, it just relied on his ability to hide.

But if this hidden ability were to be discovered, the consequences would be disastrous.

"It hasn't done anything to me until now, it may not have discovered me." Wang Teng said.

"Hehe, you don't understand it, it will wait until you leave and do it on you at the last minute." The Ant-Man tribe said.

"Are you saying it has been watching my prey?" Wang Teng suddenly thought of a sentence...

The abyss is watching you.

"Not bad." The Ant-Man tribe said confidently.

"Why should I believe you?" Wang Teng sneered.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. At the last moment, you will naturally understand that I didn't lie to you." The Ant-Man said motherly.

Wang Teng gradually frowned, feeling a little tricky.

"Wang Teng, you can't believe it all, but you can't help but believe it." Yuan Gungun said in his mind.

Wang Teng nodded secretly, and asked, "After all that, what do you want me to do?"

"You are very smart, you saw my thoughts from the beginning." The Ant-Man clan said: "I want you to save me out."

"You are like this, can you survive?" Wang Teng asked in surprise.

"..." The Ant-Man clan mother was speechless.

Does this human race kid know how to speak?

An ant to death!

"Ahem, I don't mean anything else, just ask." Wang Teng said.

"Oh!" The Ant-Man mother sighed again, feeling tired from talking to Wang Teng, but had to explain: "As the Ant-Man mother, I am very special. The soul is my root. As long as I have one With the power of the soul's origin, there is still a chance to be "rebirth"!"

"Rebirth?!!!" Wang Teng was really surprised this time.

This Ant-Man race mother actually has the ability to regenerate?

Even if there is a ray of soul origin, it is not a real rebirth, but it can be resurrected, which also shows that the ant-man tribe is extraordinary.

"If you tell me such a secret, you are not afraid of my wrong intentions." Wang Teng said.

"I have no chance. This planet is almost at its end. If you don't take a gamble, I'm afraid you will die here completely." The Ant-Man tribe said sadly.

"Well, it has almost absorbed it." Wang Teng thought of the picture he had seen before and nodded thoughtfully.

"You can see it." The Ant-Man clan mother said in shock.

It can feel it because it has such a talent, but this human race can even sense it, which is unbelievable.

"You are really different." The Ant-Man tribe mother took a deep look at Wang Teng, as if she was sure she didn't choose the wrong person.

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